Active Users:514 Time:27/09/2024 11:10:16 PM
actually...... moondog Send a noteboard - 18/05/2012 03:35:02 PM
this is the closest thing i could find. well played, doing the half joking thing so that we wouldn't think you're a serious birther nutjob.
"The RIAA has shown a certain disregard for the creative people of the industry in their eagerness to protect the revenues of the record companies." -- Frank Zappa

"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
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As per literary bio from 1991 - Obama "born in Kenya" - 17/05/2012 08:46:09 PM 729 Views
The person who wrote that in 1991, has stated that she made a mistake - 18/05/2012 01:23:03 AM 415 Views
Why do you keep harping this issue anyway? *NM* - 18/05/2012 01:23:22 AM 268 Views
I get the impression he was mocking it? *NM* - 18/05/2012 02:27:44 AM 175 Views
I wouldn't exactly say mocking, but rather entertained by the topic. Bottom line: - 18/05/2012 02:42:05 AM 387 Views
That's your bottom line? You may want to bring evidence for it then. - 18/05/2012 10:02:29 AM 382 Views
Let's think about this logically..... - 18/05/2012 03:04:32 PM 364 Views
Your "logic" is no adequate substitute for evidence, I'm afraid. - 18/05/2012 03:29:46 PM 392 Views
It is to me..... - 18/05/2012 04:49:18 PM 295 Views
I think it's ridiculous that it matters to you. - 18/05/2012 06:02:05 PM 358 Views
I know that, but once again.....Obama was supposed to be different. - 18/05/2012 07:14:24 PM 251 Views
and if one actually believed he'd magically be "different", you were a naive fool - 19/05/2012 11:26:14 PM 346 Views
Obamas greatest crime is convincing a generation of young Americans to question that... - 20/05/2012 06:56:37 PM 336 Views
Excellent post.....Go Joel Go! *NM* - 20/05/2012 10:02:53 PM 125 Views
*shrugs* It is what it is, as the kids say. - 20/05/2012 11:03:58 PM 402 Views
Roland, he's never even used the word 'Kenya' on the board before - 18/05/2012 02:55:40 AM 319 Views
Looking back, I don't think I ever posted about the birther issue. - 18/05/2012 03:04:39 AM 266 Views
actually...... - 18/05/2012 03:35:02 PM 278 Views
Thank you - 19/05/2012 12:52:45 AM 327 Views
Blah, blah, blah. - 18/05/2012 06:46:18 PM 361 Views
Obama had a Democratic House majority, and a Senate super-majority. - 20/05/2012 06:22:44 PM 382 Views
Joel hits the nail on the head, again..... - 20/05/2012 10:15:10 PM 270 Views

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