Before my time here, er rather, wotmania. But i do love traditions. *NM*
StarrBecca Send a noteboard - 06/05/2012 04:07:59 AM
Seriously, Tradition just walked right up to me and slapped me in the face. He's kind of a bastard, and he's eating all my nacho chips, but he won't leave.
Today's animal post on my blog is an old wotmania standard — the one, the only, the quokka.
Today's animal post on my blog is an old wotmania standard — the one, the only, the quokka.
Tradition demands that I post this.
04/05/2012 06:09:49 AM
Before my time here, er rather, wotmania. But i do love traditions. *NM*
06/05/2012 04:07:59 AM