I mean, it's possible you hate zoos anyway, but "food" walks past those lions all day long - I highly doubt that the lion knows what a zebra is, unless they took him from Africa as and adult - isn't that illegal? He is still a cat, cats like to play, they tease themselves all day long, it is very unlikely he was starved, etc. I mean, unless I'm right about a basic hatred of zoos, how is this different from when my cat goes crazy like that, trying to get the grass, toy, leaf, his cat friend, etc on the other side of the glass? I've seen him do that very same thing.
I hate zoos? How did you get that from what I said? I love zoos and I love animals which is why I am pissed at what they did. And attacking zebras and any prey for that matter is an instinct, strengthened by reinforcement, so where the lion was born is irrelevant. The lion is clearly not "playing" like a domesticated house cat 1/20 the lion's size, if the barrier wasn't there the lion would kill and eat that baby in an instant. So, again, instead of removing the child and putting an end to the lion's behavior the child's parents are standing there laughing like the stupid dolts they are while essentially teasing the lion to no end.
But wine was the great assassin of both tradition and propriety...
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
I may be Wrong, but this is HILARIOUS!
04/05/2012 03:30:12 AM
The parents are fucking idiots and should have been kicked out immediately.
05/05/2012 04:20:53 AM
i think you are taking this too far
05/05/2012 01:27:21 PM
05/05/2012 04:40:11 PM
Unless the lion is being starved then you are completely over reacting here
05/05/2012 05:54:24 PM