1. How much debt did you accumulate while in college (or are tracking to accumulate for you current students)?
As of now, just above $33000 (converted from SEK). I will probably end up with around $45000.
2. What are your loan terms? How long and how much per month?
One year after the last payment from CSN (the Swedish government authority for financial aid for students) I'll have to start repay the loans, and I can choose myself if I want to do it monthly, yearly or some way in between. The first year I'll pay about $1300 (calculated with the current debt), and then it will slowly increase for 25 years and the final year I will pay about $2000. But I'll probably try to get rid of it faster so I don't have to pay as much interest.
3. What was your major/area of study?
Forestry and ecology, some psychology and other stuff on the side.
4. If you had a chance to do everything again (school, major, debt amount), would you? What would you have changed, if anything?
Nah, I wouldn't. There is only one Forestry program in Sweden, so I can't change school and the student loan is the best loan you can get here, interest-wise.
This message last edited by Lews_TherinThelamon on 29/04/2012 at 12:43:06 AM
Student Loans - Who's got them and for how much!
28/04/2012 04:18:50 AM
I haven't got them yet, but if I go into law school I may end up acquiring some.
28/04/2012 09:44:02 AM
I'll finish with about $262,000 and a DVM
28/04/2012 03:07:05 PM
The reward is definitely not worth the payout. *NM*
28/04/2012 05:56:36 PM
Not always true ...
29/04/2012 03:04:51 PM
Just a little
29/04/2012 12:42:31 AM
I have two student loans, of which I have repaid not a penny.
29/04/2012 02:21:09 PM