Active Users:290 Time:01/07/2024 08:46:57 PM
Hey, to jump in here. - Edit 1

Before modification by callandor1000 at 18/04/2012 04:12:45 AM

Anybody that has taken more than $1000 dollars in welfare in the last year should forfeit their right to vote for members of congress.

You can have your social safety net, but you shouldn't have the power to vote for people who determine the nation's finances, people who can grant pork to those welfare queens.

Now people that took $1000 dollars or more should be allowed to vote for president since the president has no direct influence on the budget of the US, just the ability to veto. The president is important for he has a massive control over foreign policy, bureaucracy, and nominates people to the supreme court. Those issues affect welfare queens as much as true americans.

I would be on board with this. Except I do have a major issue. There are those who receive more than that, who need it, and are working to not need it anymore. I know that number is small but it is existent. My issue with welfare isn't that people get it. Or even that some of them get it for a long time. It's that people get it who have no intention of not needing it eventually. That group of people does seem to be the majority of them. I work in an environment where I see that all the time. But there are some few who try to get out of it and those people should be allowed to vote completely should they choose to vote.

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