Active Users:437 Time:29/06/2024 05:02:58 PM
Well, that is simply ridiculous then, and merits no consideration. Joel Send a noteboard - 10/04/2012 11:53:04 PM
In California they're suing to allow it, for cases of non-violent felons serving time in county jails, after the court ruled the prisons were over populated and they had to start moving non violent non sexual felons to county jails... these aren't people who 'did their time' either.

I would love to hear the legal rationale for that suit, since it has always been taken for granted that committing a felony usually forfeits the right to vote in US elections. Unless they are arguing against that principle, it is hard to see how the suit can have any merit.

Also there are numerous groups claiming that because more blacks are imprison, denying felons there right to vote is racist, some of these mean after they're out, some are actually talking about in prison. So yeah, there are people doing this.

Which is a decent argument—that the LEGAL (not electoral) system is racially biased. Responding to that by altering election law rather misses the point, at the expense of restoring voting rights to many rightfully incarcerated felons who have no business voting. Given the popularity referenda substituting democracy for republicanism, that is ill-advised, since even in a strictly republican system it could result in felons retroactively exonerating themselves by electing representatives who repeal laws against their crimes. "When outlaws have votes, nothing will be outlawed," or something. :P

I think most of us believe there should be some route for felons to be able to vote down the road (and most states have this) IIRC Texas lets them vote immediately after release, Florida is getting hit right now over claims of racism for wanting to have it be five years. I think the norm is someone can vote again for non-violent as soon as they are out of prison and off parole but it varies a lot. In Ohio, you can apply to get your vote back right away out of prison for State offenses, but not Federal, IIRC.

Last I heard, FL was getting hit over claims of racism for wanting it to be permanent, again, even for people who committed their crimes in other states that have since restored their voting rights. In other words, if you robbed a liquor store in VA 25 years ago, VA may have forgiven you, but FL NEVER will. Florida also got in trouble in 2004 for mass registration purges immediately before the election, not only because of the draconian nature of their laws, but because the purges incidentally and erroneously affected many non-felons. The case that stuck in my mind was a US Congresswoman denied the right to vote because she had been purged from the registrar on the grounds she was a felon.

It may be more appropriate in the other sub-thread, but I am reminded of a comment in one of the articles on 2004 election irregularities:

Berkeley sociologist Michael Hout, who directed the study, said the problem in Florida probably lies with the technology. (Florida's touch-screen machines lack paper records.) "I've always viewed this as a software problem, not a corruption problem," he said. "We'd never tolerate this level of errors with an ATM. The problem is that we continue to do democracy on the cheap."

That, in so many ways, may be the core problem with government in modern America (among other places, e.g. Greece:) We expect government to serve us, but also expect it at no cost, because we are entitled to its services as taxpayers. That logic is only practical to the extent we actually ARE taxpayers. Or to quote a line popular at Mission Control since before I was born, "when 200 miles in the air at 30,000 mph, remember: You're doing it on lowest bid.... (8"
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LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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No voter fraud Mr. Holder? I beg to differ..... - 09/04/2012 07:13:46 PM 660 Views
The irony of a Republican-leaning person pointing this out... *NM* - 09/04/2012 08:37:33 PM 153 Views
Why is it ironic? - 09/04/2012 09:54:10 PM 411 Views
The irony is merely that of the pot and the kettle - 10/04/2012 01:05:39 AM 304 Views
If you are referring to FL in 2000.....those machines were bought by Dems..... - 10/04/2012 01:17:26 AM 294 Views
Was thinking more about Ohio to be honest - 10/04/2012 01:22:55 AM 305 Views
Intentional Voting Suppression is what they are trying to do in Florida right now(due to a 2011 law) - 10/04/2012 04:22:25 AM 451 Views
Honestly, I'm fine with convicted felons permanently losing their right to vote..... - 10/04/2012 04:34:31 AM 286 Views
I am also fine with stupid people not being allowed to vote - 10/04/2012 04:36:20 AM 250 Views
Agreed - stupid people should not be allowed to vote, maybe an IQ test? - 10/04/2012 05:17:43 AM 252 Views
Also the poor should not be allowed to vote - 10/04/2012 10:13:27 PM 253 Views
Hey, to jump in here. - 18/04/2012 04:12:15 AM 249 Views
I don't know about permanently... - 10/04/2012 02:10:10 PM 271 Views
Who is talking about letting felons vote in prison? - 10/04/2012 02:24:29 PM 350 Views
The League of Women Voters, for one - 10/04/2012 08:50:39 PM 273 Views
Well, that is simply ridiculous then, and merits no consideration. - 10/04/2012 11:53:04 PM 358 Views
Ohio? When? *NM* - 10/04/2012 04:30:29 AM 102 Views
2008. - 10/04/2012 04:37:15 AM 249 Views
Once again, Dems were running those polls and counties. - 10/04/2012 05:19:14 AM 224 Views
they were not in 2004 and still had vote supression and irregularities - 10/04/2012 04:44:36 PM 260 Views
I think you've got your facts wrong - 10/04/2012 09:00:55 PM 268 Views
Stating something doesn't make it true - 10/04/2012 04:10:33 AM 318 Views
I'm impressed that you wrote so much in reply - 10/04/2012 04:36:02 AM 273 Views
How long voting takes is a function of machines, not voters. - 10/04/2012 02:08:39 PM 344 Views
It's a function of various factors, that can certainly be one - 10/04/2012 08:12:08 PM 294 Views
Ohio in 2004 was hinky enough to prompt the only Congressional challenge since 1876s Corrupt Bargain - 10/04/2012 11:36:52 PM 416 Views
I know it's a bit pot/kettle but dude... stay on topic - 11/04/2012 01:34:26 AM 320 Views
I LOST PORKINS! - 11/04/2012 07:26:41 AM 335 Views
As long as people need not purchase their voting requirements, voter IDs are fine by me. - 10/04/2012 12:53:35 PM 355 Views
It's frightening when I agree with you. - 10/04/2012 02:52:23 PM 272 Views
Law of averages, maybe. - 10/04/2012 04:44:55 PM 389 Views

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