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Intentional Voting Suppression is what they are trying to do in Florida right now(due to a 2011 law) Roland00 Send a noteboard - 10/04/2012 04:22:25 AM
Turning Back the Clock in Florida

In less than an hour yesterday, Florida Governor Rick Scott denied the right to vote to hundreds of thousands, maybe as many as a million, Florida citizens, turning back the clock decades and making Florida the most punitive state in the country when it comes to disenfranchising people with criminal convictions in their past.

The Florida constitution denies the right to vote for life to anyone with a felony conviction, unless he is granted clemency by the governor. Essentially it gives the governor, an elected official, the power to decide who will (or won't) be allowed to vote in the next election.

The new clemency rules not only roll back reforms passed by former Governor Charlie Crist, they are far more restrictive than those in place under former Governor Jeb Bush. Under the new rules:

People with even nonviolent convictions must wait five years after they complete all terms of their sentence before even being allowed to apply for restoration of civil rights.
The clock resets if an individual is arrested for even a misdemeanor during that five-year period, even if no charges are ever filed.
Some people must wait seven years before being able to apply, and must appear for a hearing before the clemency board.
A provision allowing people to apply for a waiver of the rules, in place under Bush and Crist, was eliminated.
Everyone applying for clemency must provide various documents with their application - Bush and Crist had made an exception for those applying for restoration of civil rights.

All of this has to happen just to have the opportunity to ask for one's rights back. Even after the waiting period, the application, and the hearing, anyone could be summarily denied with no reason or explanation. And if that happens, he would have to wait another two years before he can start the process all over again.

Governor Scott is playing three-card Monte with one of our most fundamental rights and steering his state straight back to Jim Crow. Florida's disenfranchisement law is a relic of a discriminatory past, enacted after the Civil War in response to the Fifteenth Amendment, which forced the state to enfranchise African-American men. The voting ban was a direct attempt to weaken the political power of African Americans, and it continues to have its intended effect today. Even prior to yesterday's change, African Americans were excluded from the polls at more than twice the rate of other Florida citizens. Not counting those currently serving a criminal sentence, 13% of the voting-age African-American population in Florida has lost the right to vote. Nearly a quarter of those who are disenfranchised in Florida are African-American.

These numbers are sure to go up under the new rules. The new "arrest-free" waiting period requirement will undoubtedly increase the disproportionate impact on minorities. Government statistics show that nearly 35% of all arrests, and 43% of drug arrests, in Florida in 2009 were African-American, even though African Americans make up just 16% of the state's population.

By shutting the door of democracy in the face of those trying to rejoin the community, Governor Scott ignored broad consensus among law enforcement and criminal justice professionals that allowing people to vote when they are back in the community encourages participation in civic life and helps rebuild ties to the community that motivate law-abiding behavior. The country's premier law enforcement organizations, including the American Correctional Association, the American Probation and Parole Association, the Association of Paroling Authorities International and the National Black Police Association have all passed resolutions supporting automatic restoration of voting rights.

Florida's law is now the most restrictive in the country. Since 1997, 23 states have either restored voting rights or eased the restoration process; nine of these states repealed or amended lifetime disenfranchisement laws. These changes have occurred under both Republican and Democratic governors. There has been a national recognition that harsh criminal disenfranchisement laws are a relic of a discriminatory past, are antithetical to the fundamental principles of our democracy, and do nothing to protect public safety or promote successful reentry.

Several times during the brief public meeting yesterday, Governor Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi referred to voting as "privilege" that should be "earned." But the right to vote is not something to be kept in the Governor's pocket, handed out only as a special treat to his favorite Floridians. To be sure, there once was a time in our country when only the privileged - wealthy, white men - were allowed to vote. But Americans have fought in the streets and in the courts to realize the true promise of our democracy - that all Americans should have a voice in our government. The Governor cannot bury that history under a bunch of bureaucratic hurdles.

I am sorry but this is complete and utter bullshit. Once you serve your time you served your time and your rights should be restored to you. The idea of a waiting period I find disgusting.

But what is even more disgusting is that if you are arrested then the whole process starts over. An arrest does not mean the government has convicted you of any wrong doing. If you pissed off a cop you will get arrested, even if no charges are filed.

What complete and utter bull shit
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No voter fraud Mr. Holder? I beg to differ..... - 09/04/2012 07:13:46 PM 659 Views
The irony of a Republican-leaning person pointing this out... *NM* - 09/04/2012 08:37:33 PM 152 Views
Why is it ironic? - 09/04/2012 09:54:10 PM 410 Views
The irony is merely that of the pot and the kettle - 10/04/2012 01:05:39 AM 304 Views
If you are referring to FL in 2000.....those machines were bought by Dems..... - 10/04/2012 01:17:26 AM 294 Views
Was thinking more about Ohio to be honest - 10/04/2012 01:22:55 AM 304 Views
Intentional Voting Suppression is what they are trying to do in Florida right now(due to a 2011 law) - 10/04/2012 04:22:25 AM 451 Views
Honestly, I'm fine with convicted felons permanently losing their right to vote..... - 10/04/2012 04:34:31 AM 285 Views
I am also fine with stupid people not being allowed to vote - 10/04/2012 04:36:20 AM 249 Views
Agreed - stupid people should not be allowed to vote, maybe an IQ test? - 10/04/2012 05:17:43 AM 252 Views
Also the poor should not be allowed to vote - 10/04/2012 10:13:27 PM 252 Views
Hey, to jump in here. - 18/04/2012 04:12:15 AM 249 Views
I don't know about permanently... - 10/04/2012 02:10:10 PM 271 Views
Who is talking about letting felons vote in prison? - 10/04/2012 02:24:29 PM 350 Views
The League of Women Voters, for one - 10/04/2012 08:50:39 PM 272 Views
Ohio? When? *NM* - 10/04/2012 04:30:29 AM 102 Views
2008. - 10/04/2012 04:37:15 AM 249 Views
Once again, Dems were running those polls and counties. - 10/04/2012 05:19:14 AM 224 Views
they were not in 2004 and still had vote supression and irregularities - 10/04/2012 04:44:36 PM 259 Views
I think you've got your facts wrong - 10/04/2012 09:00:55 PM 268 Views
Stating something doesn't make it true - 10/04/2012 04:10:33 AM 318 Views
I'm impressed that you wrote so much in reply - 10/04/2012 04:36:02 AM 273 Views
How long voting takes is a function of machines, not voters. - 10/04/2012 02:08:39 PM 344 Views
It's a function of various factors, that can certainly be one - 10/04/2012 08:12:08 PM 293 Views
Ohio in 2004 was hinky enough to prompt the only Congressional challenge since 1876s Corrupt Bargain - 10/04/2012 11:36:52 PM 415 Views
I know it's a bit pot/kettle but dude... stay on topic - 11/04/2012 01:34:26 AM 319 Views
I LOST PORKINS! - 11/04/2012 07:26:41 AM 335 Views
As long as people need not purchase their voting requirements, voter IDs are fine by me. - 10/04/2012 12:53:35 PM 355 Views
It's frightening when I agree with you. - 10/04/2012 02:52:23 PM 272 Views
Law of averages, maybe. - 10/04/2012 04:44:55 PM 388 Views

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