1. (4 pts) This book, which spawned sequels, radio dramas, and movies, begins with a man waking up to find his house is about to be torn down for a new traffic route, only to find out that the entire Earth is also scheduled for demolition that day for the same reason, which puts quite a dent in an already bad day.
What is the name of the character whose house (and world) is to be destroyed?
What is the name of the book?
... and the author?
2. (3 pts) This 1999 film featuring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton ends with the character played by Norton racing, unsuccessfully, to stop Pitt’s character from blowing up several buildings and doing serious damage to the World’s banking infrastructure.
What was the name of the film?
6. (2 pts) This post-apocalyptic 1982 book set in the year 3000 was written by an author who brings a whole new meaning to the term ‘cult classic’. It was made into a movie of the same name in the year 2000 starring John Travolta.
What was the name of the book & film?
... and the author?
10. (3 pts) This 1985 sci-fi novel primarily takes place on a space station in orbit around Earth, and later features the young protagonist of the story ordering the destruction of an alien species’ homeworld. The character and his sister go on to live many centuries into the future and appear in several other books and stories.
What was the name of the book?
The main character?
The author?
Bonuses: Morgan Freeman starred alongside this actor, named elsewhere in the quiz, who uttered the line “What’s in the box?” in a 1995 film that partially shares a title with this quiz, the answer to question had a deep impact on the character. Freeman went in to star in a disaster movie in 1998.
What was the name of the actor who co-starred with Freemen in the 1995 film?
What was the name of that film?
Those are the ones I got. At least, if you count the nickname as sufficient for question 10b.
Also, I really want to know which famous Italian city you were thinking of... I considered the god in question for a moment, but failed to make the link with the race/planet in question, and there were other more famous Roman gods that didn't seem to have any famous Italian cities or planets in this solar system named after them, either.
Test Your Geekdom, Vol VII: Apocalypse How
05/04/2012 10:57:54 PM
Nine and two bonus points.
06/04/2012 07:05:12 PM
Re: Nine and two bonus points.
06/04/2012 07:10:18 PM
24, 'cos I am counting 9d anyway.
07/04/2012 06:54:28 PM