Active Users:787 Time:11/03/2025 06:58:00 PM
There will be a blog post with pictures in the next 24-48 hours Larry Send a noteboard - 03/04/2012 10:48:15 PM
If I remember correctly Shiloh was the place where Nathan Bedford Forrest, who quickly became the scourge of the Western theatre of battle, first really distinguished himself with a near-suicidal charge on Union troops at Fallen Timbers.

Perhaps now that you passed you can write a scathing critique of the test-makers' shortcomings.

You remembered well. The park doesn't cover the rearguard action, but he was insane, taking a bullet to the back, whipping out his saber and pistols and killing a few Union soldiers and capturing another to use as a human shield so he could return to his forces. Wild stuff.

As for the test prep guide, outside of the few dodgy questions regarding phonetic pronunciations, it covered the other aspects of the test well. If only I had bothered to read 2/3 of it more than one time the night/morning of the test I missed 26 out of 120 questions. Each of the subtest areas was in the middle 50%, with the linguistics being the only one that was higher than the 75% range. Not a great score for me generally, but considering I never had a linguistics or ESL coursework, it's good enough for me to pass with about 15 questions to spare.
Illusions fall like the husk of a fruit, one after another, and the fruit is experience. - Narrator, Sylvie

Je suis méchant.
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/NSSP: I passed two more certification exams - 03/04/2012 01:44:05 PM 846 Views
Well done, congratulations - 03/04/2012 03:50:14 PM 543 Views
Thanks - 03/04/2012 10:48:45 PM 465 Views
But nothing beats having fun with new subjects. - 04/04/2012 02:40:13 PM 411 Views
You were right the first time - 05/04/2012 07:39:24 PM 457 Views
Be sure to post about how the Shiloh battlefield is kept up, and congrats! - 03/04/2012 09:14:30 PM 541 Views
There will be a blog post with pictures in the next 24-48 hours - 03/04/2012 10:48:15 PM 424 Views
Congrats! - 04/04/2012 03:32:18 PM 558 Views
It's an educational test - 05/04/2012 07:38:52 PM 462 Views
Congratulations Larry. *NM* - 05/04/2012 05:48:38 PM 205 Views
Thanks. - 05/04/2012 07:38:21 PM 645 Views

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