Active Users:843 Time:19/12/2024 08:34:25 AM
It has a lot more taste than white bread, at least. Nate Send a noteboard - 21/03/2012 09:46:53 PM
Obviously I at least, and presumably Tom and others as well, am talking about pumpernickel-style bread, like Celia, which has a very strong and (of course there's no accounting for tastes) disagreeable taste.

White bread on the other hand is tasteless and bland, which for some things (toast, croques monsieur, etc.) can be good but mostly is just, you know, tasteless. Multi-grain breads or single-grain whole wheat breads are where it's at.

I have no idea how it compares to pumpernickel-style bread, but the rye bread I eat definitely has flavour. I eat whole grain bread with my lunches (mmm), and my rye bread has even more flavour than that. But it definitely seems to be different from what you and Celia are describing. I'm thinking it might be a dumbed-down Canadian version of rye bread that's easier on the taste buds.

I want to mail you all stale pieces of it to show you that I'm not crazy, but the very act of mailing you bread would disprove my hypothesis.
Warder to starry_nite

Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
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How do people not like rye bread? - 21/03/2012 03:50:15 AM 1187 Views
I know! - 21/03/2012 03:53:19 AM 767 Views
Exactly! - 21/03/2012 03:56:34 AM 822 Views
If you eat tuna salad, you have lost any credibility to comment tastefully on culinary matters. *NM* - 21/03/2012 05:00:29 AM 382 Views
Don't be silly. *NM* - 22/03/2012 05:04:45 PM 388 Views
I'm not. *NM* - 22/03/2012 07:48:52 PM 381 Views
Maybe it was a one-time thing. *NM* - 22/03/2012 09:51:23 PM 372 Views
It tastes like I imagine sweaty socks would, that's how. - 21/03/2012 04:59:14 AM 739 Views
- 21/03/2012 11:10:01 PM 764 Views
It depends on the rye bread. - 21/03/2012 01:40:07 PM 734 Views
Isn't that super dark and dense? - 22/03/2012 09:52:23 PM 710 Views
Ehh. I don't like most... "darker" breads, maybe? - 21/03/2012 02:01:17 PM 736 Views
Weirdo. - 22/03/2012 09:53:37 PM 839 Views
I don't always like it because it can be dry and I hate dry food - 21/03/2012 02:47:35 PM 752 Views
I think you've had bad rye bread. - 22/03/2012 09:54:22 PM 768 Views
do you have any suggestions? *NM* - 23/03/2012 12:01:14 AM 415 Views
Try it from a nice bakery? - 23/03/2012 12:46:29 PM 644 Views
Because they're crazy. - 21/03/2012 03:04:26 PM 752 Views
Exactly. - 22/03/2012 09:54:40 PM 676 Views
It's not that rye bread is bad... - 21/03/2012 07:13:18 PM 747 Views
Um... - 22/03/2012 09:55:01 PM 663 Views
Because it tastes revoltingly? - 21/03/2012 07:32:55 PM 787 Views
Did you have it there? - 22/03/2012 09:56:32 PM 1013 Views
Huh. Looks like there are actually lots of types of rye bread. - 21/03/2012 08:01:11 PM 820 Views
That just looks like very ordinary bread... - 21/03/2012 09:35:20 PM 744 Views
It has a lot more taste than white bread, at least. - 21/03/2012 09:46:53 PM 708 Views
It's probably easier for you to try and get hold of some pumpernickel. - 21/03/2012 10:22:34 PM 780 Views
i actually really like the TASTE of pumpernickel. - 21/03/2012 11:07:27 PM 717 Views
This is what I think of. Denser. - 22/03/2012 05:09:31 AM 771 Views
That looks like what I would call rye bread too. *NM* - 22/03/2012 07:54:52 PM 400 Views
Meh. *NM* - 21/03/2012 08:36:12 PM 369 Views
Because they don't pair it with the proper flavors. It needs to go with something that has a kick. - 22/03/2012 12:03:40 AM 719 Views
The only time I have liked rye is when it was part of a reuben. - 22/03/2012 12:56:33 PM 802 Views
They have now been educated. - 22/03/2012 10:00:15 PM 715 Views
Good question - 22/03/2012 12:10:30 AM 674 Views
Got one? *NM* - 22/03/2012 10:03:48 PM 403 Views
The one thing I can say with definitiveness... - 23/03/2012 12:35:34 AM 742 Views
Put a burger and some cheese on it with fried onions and its good - 22/03/2012 01:20:48 PM 769 Views
A patty melt? - 22/03/2012 10:05:01 PM 746 Views
Taste buds. The answer has something to do with having taste buds.... - 22/03/2012 08:02:24 PM 734 Views
I've seen you eat rye! - 22/03/2012 10:04:37 PM 686 Views
Did you promise him sex? I'd eat a spoonful of mayo if my wife promised sex as a reward. - 22/03/2012 10:14:46 PM 811 Views
How on earth can you hate mayo? - 22/03/2012 10:31:08 PM 684 Views
I'm with TMJ on this one. - 22/03/2012 11:45:00 PM 764 Views
Re: I'm with TMJ on this one. - 23/03/2012 12:05:42 AM 788 Views
I'm with him on the general idea but not eating mayo for sex. - 23/03/2012 12:40:57 AM 682 Views
I didn't say you should put it on your sandwiches. Put it on your fries. - 23/03/2012 07:30:59 PM 626 Views
Not a good idea... - 23/03/2012 09:36:16 PM 710 Views
You must have missed my "good" (i.e. Belgian) qualifier. - 23/03/2012 10:24:43 PM 735 Views
Re: You must have missed my "good" (i.e. Belgian) qualifier. - 24/03/2012 03:08:03 AM 643 Views
Mayonnaise is revolting. *NM* - 23/03/2012 12:38:34 AM 391 Views
I also detest mayo. *NM* - 23/03/2012 09:04:37 PM 371 Views
Don't you remember - 23/03/2012 09:23:47 PM 764 Views
i've had homemade mayo and I still dislike it - 24/03/2012 03:51:26 AM 604 Views
I suspect.... - 24/03/2012 01:52:48 PM 728 Views
this is possible, as I'm also very finicky about eggs. *NM* - 24/03/2012 02:51:59 PM 363 Views
Why would I want competition for the bread? - 23/03/2012 12:39:28 PM 762 Views
No idea what you are on about. - 22/03/2012 10:37:39 PM 830 Views
This is what Dutch rye bread looks like - 23/03/2012 05:23:28 AM 745 Views
That looks awesome. I wanna try it *NM* - 23/03/2012 07:28:10 AM 399 Views
Huh. - 23/03/2012 12:37:35 PM 768 Views
It's good that you are positively predisposed towards this bread - 25/03/2012 03:14:50 PM 867 Views
I *think* I've already had it. Or something close. - 26/03/2012 02:02:30 PM 815 Views
Your rye bread is all wrong - 23/03/2012 06:46:01 AM 776 Views
Orrrr, "my" rye bread is really awesome. - 23/03/2012 12:43:54 PM 723 Views

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