Active Users:3173 Time:23/01/2025 02:48:33 AM
Some, though it is far from exhaustive. Joel Send a noteboard - 08/03/2012 02:29:06 PM
It is not THAT bad, for a single state, in a survey aimed at the whole country. A Pew poll with a 7% margin of error is surely more objective than the Mormons self reported number from 6 years ago, which is where I found the number nearly identical to that you cited. I would certainly be happy to have a look at your source for that figure, but since you did not state it I can only guess what it was.

you can look at their church records you can do a search of other sources as well. Do you have any idea what a 7% margin of error actually means? And you think that's more objective?!

Quite honestly you must be yanking my chain.

Yes, I have a good idea of what 7% margin of error means; it means the sample size permits confidence of accuracy to no less than 7%. The LDS cited 6.5% total is well within that range.

However, the Pew figure is unquestionably more OBJECTIVE than the Mormons self-reported numbers, whether or not it is more accurate.

One obvious possible explanation of why their figure is lower is that they probably only counted enrolled membership, perhaps only that regularly attending services, while the Pew survey counts everyone who self-identifies as Mormon irrespective of their official membership or activity.

Say we use that figure though. There are about 2.7 million Nevadans, so 6.5% of them would be about 175,000. According to Huff Post, final numbers were around 32,500 total caucus voters (so turnout was, in fact, way down from '08.) We further know, based on how Mormons and non-Mormons split, that 30% of those, or just under 10,000, were Mormons, and the other 22,500 were not. Call it 23,000, since I rounded the Mormons up, too.

The means 6% of Nevadas Mormons voted in the GOP caucus, compared to <1% of the rest of the state.

Obama better HOPE general election turnout is nothing like that in the Southwest, let alone nationally, or he has no chance.

and why would it be? Extrapolating from a low turnout caucus to a presidential race. Hmmm.

Extrapolating from a low turnout caucus to a low turnout presidential race. Neither party is enthusiastic about its candidate, though IMHO Republicans are more enthusiastic about defeating Obama than Democrats are about defeating Romney. Most Democrats seem to feel Romney more embarrassing than threatening.

Small sampe>no sample. Give me some other 2012 NV election numbers and I will be happy to review them.

The problem is your reasoning is flawed. Sample vs no sample is a ridiculous thing to say when your technique is actually invalid.

Mind you rather than rehashing the same old ground I'm leaving this particular conversation. No matter what I say you wont see sense. No matter what any expert says, you wont see sense.

What "expert" would that be? The one who quoted 2008 caucus turnout as 2012 turnout? What "experts" claim the Mormon vote does not have a large impact on NV elections? Every knowledgeable source I have seen comment on that says just the opposite.

Unless other voters greatly outnumber Republicans (an odd contention when arguing NV is a swing state) the caucus effect will only diminish, not disappear, in the general election. It may only be about half what it was in the GOP-only caucus, but, based on the energetic 2008 caucus' 25% Mormon turnout, that would be about 12.5% (based on this years low turnout caucus it would be 15%.) If Obama had not won NV by such a big margin (12%) in 2008 this would not even be worth debating, but even so, 1) Obama was much more popular then and 2) the GOP nominee was not Mormon.

Unless you can cite an "expert" with evidence Democratic turnout will be as energetic as 2008 (or anything but lethargic) I will continue believing high Mormon enthusiasm for Romney will be an insurmountable problem for Obama in AZ, NV and probably even CO (though the biggest problem in the last is that no one outside metro Denver can stand Obama.) You may continue believing you know more about my countrys politics than I, but our respective records do not support that belief. A week ago I said Romney would come out of Super Tuesday with "close to 300 more delegates," which is about 68.5% of the total; the WSJ says he actually won 63% of delegates they project (51 are still unprojected, 19 in states Romney won, but most will eventually be his.) I stand, as always, on my record.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Now That Romney Is Officially the Republican Presidential Nominee: Pick the President! - 29/02/2012 08:29:02 PM 1281 Views
I have never understood the point of the Electoral College. - 29/02/2012 11:39:11 PM 720 Views
You don't think like a politician then - 01/03/2012 12:38:36 AM 763 Views
I also have not seen most of that mentioned in the popular vs. electoral debate. - 01/03/2012 02:34:31 PM 648 Views
what about one vote one value? - 02/03/2012 11:51:32 PM 740 Views
That has not really changed. - 03/03/2012 03:30:34 AM 921 Views
a bit simplistic and unrealistic - 02/03/2012 11:44:02 PM 692 Views
When illustrating a point realism is not required and simplicity is a plus - 03/03/2012 03:04:26 AM 704 Views
I have a couple quibbles. - 03/03/2012 05:23:46 AM 744 Views
Oh, certainly, I'm over-generalizing but I was already getting long-winded - 03/03/2012 06:52:04 AM 690 Views
I hate when people do that. - 05/03/2012 09:49:36 AM 685 Views
What a bunch of waffle! - 03/03/2012 10:47:19 AM 844 Views
First you complain of simplicity then of my lack of brevity? - 03/03/2012 11:18:11 AM 630 Views
A simplistic argument doesn't mean it's brief *NM* - 03/03/2012 09:55:51 PM 346 Views
Also I don't like this refrain that implies only the POTUS vote matters - 03/03/2012 03:29:58 AM 856 Views
IMHO, parliaments choosing prime ministers is LESS democratic than the electoral college. - 03/03/2012 05:57:41 AM 650 Views
Re: IMHO, parliaments choosing prime ministers is LESS democratic than the electoral college. - 03/03/2012 07:02:30 AM 690 Views
*is learning* - 04/03/2012 09:49:42 PM 674 Views
Re: *is learning* - 04/03/2012 09:56:16 PM 694 Views
To the extent I can (yet again) claim to speak for Europeans... - 04/03/2012 10:33:01 PM 663 Views
I've fairly limited exposure and that from some years back - 04/03/2012 11:35:12 PM 735 Views
Re: *is learning* - 05/03/2012 12:08:08 AM 741 Views
You could imitate the French. - 07/03/2012 10:40:16 PM 671 Views
That seems... unlikely.... - 08/03/2012 03:03:54 PM 677 Views
I don't know much about Norwegian politics, but you seem to be wrong. - 03/03/2012 06:18:08 PM 710 Views
Do you happen to have that link, please? - 03/03/2012 06:46:31 PM 584 Views
Sure. - 03/03/2012 06:58:07 PM 759 Views
Guess we did not read far enough. - 03/03/2012 10:38:07 PM 700 Views
Yeah, you have to know a few things about European politics... - 03/03/2012 11:49:44 PM 905 Views
Re: Yeah, you have to know a few things about European politics... - 05/03/2012 06:56:24 AM 704 Views
Fascinating. - 05/03/2012 10:52:32 PM 696 Views
Re: Yeah, you have to know a few things about European politics... - 08/03/2012 07:11:12 PM 653 Views
Many valid reasons, including those Isaac cited. - 02/03/2012 02:26:37 AM 805 Views
Most states are ignored anyway - 02/03/2012 11:56:12 PM 880 Views
Why would we do something logical? Dude, you're utterly ridiculous. *NM* - 05/03/2012 04:53:38 PM 378 Views
I'm kind of sad- does this mean Santorum won't be providing wonderful sound bites anymore? - 01/03/2012 02:22:31 PM 644 Views
Nothing has shut him up yet, why should this? *NM* - 01/03/2012 05:27:30 PM 362 Views
Maybe he'll pull a Palin and go touring around the country *NM* - 01/03/2012 07:06:02 PM 329 Views
No, it probably means we will get more and worse than ever. - 01/03/2012 11:25:25 PM 822 Views
Romney or Obama, either way, America loses. *NM* - 02/03/2012 01:10:26 AM 458 Views
Hard to dispute that either; six of one, half a dozen of the other. - 02/03/2012 01:38:07 AM 624 Views
Couldn't agree more *NM* - 02/03/2012 06:52:51 PM 368 Views
It reminds me of when Denver backed into the NFL playoffs. - 02/03/2012 09:36:13 PM 617 Views
I'd agree hope and change was extremely unrealistic - 02/03/2012 11:58:57 PM 621 Views
Romney is damaged - 02/03/2012 11:27:33 PM 638 Views
Obama is rather damaged also; it will probably come down to FL and OH, yet again. - 03/03/2012 02:23:53 AM 749 Views
I'm hoping for Rubio as VP... then FL probably won't matter - 03/03/2012 04:28:08 AM 619 Views
You should put that on your license plates. - 03/03/2012 06:41:34 AM 744 Views
Re: You should put that on your license plates. - 03/03/2012 06:51:00 AM 701 Views
Ax murderers are people, too! - 04/03/2012 08:23:41 PM 646 Views
And what are you basing all of this on? - 03/03/2012 09:54:06 PM 740 Views
The closeness of several states when Obama was far more popular, and UTs heavily Mormon neighbors. - 03/03/2012 11:44:06 PM 693 Views
Wrong - 04/03/2012 08:08:56 AM 812 Views
Higher turnout magnifies the Mormon effect. - 04/03/2012 08:08:09 PM 855 Views
Your reasoning is flawed and if you can't see it there is no hope for you - 05/03/2012 11:39:04 PM 758 Views
Yeah, I think we had that conversation already, several times, in fact. - 07/03/2012 05:36:45 AM 592 Views
Do you have any knowledge of statistics at all? - 07/03/2012 09:04:15 PM 752 Views
I hate this message board - 07/03/2012 09:06:30 PM 544 Views
Some, though it is far from exhaustive. - 08/03/2012 02:29:06 PM 733 Views

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