They're all different, that's for sure. Mostly good though. Except we have an anxiety disorder kitty and an emotional eater. And a bully. The rest are pretty normal.
That's a lot of kitties! I didn't know how many you had. <3
How does the emotional eater work out? We have a psychopath who gets all meowy when it gets close to feeding time. Even if he has food in the bowl already. There doesn't seem to be much we can do about it.
He is very skittish and our loner kitty. We actually think he might be retarded, if such a thing exists in cats. He breaks our hearts. He will try so hard to get our attention, then be too scared to let us pet him. He will just stick his head in the dry food and eat it until it's gone if we let him. It seems to be the only thing that comforts him when he's agitated.
Good luck not keeping the two outdoor kitties.
Well, we know that one of them belongs to a neighbor (we live in a fairly rural area). And the other one probably won't ever be allowed inside because we can't do that unless we take him to the vet first to make sure he's safe to bring around our other kitties, and we probably won't ever take him to the vet so that's that. We had a really bad experience doing that with another stray before we moved to our current house (we wanted to bring him with us). Took him to the vet and he never came home because they found out he had FIV.
If you are from Betelgeuse, please have one of your Earth friends read what I've written before you respond. Or try concentrating harder.
"The trophy problem has become extreme."
"The trophy problem has become extreme."
Arrgh, I want a dog!
16/02/2012 11:34:00 AM
Re: Arrgh, I want a dog!
16/02/2012 12:02:25 PM
I thought you were a cat lady.
16/02/2012 02:20:29 PM
Re: Arrgh, I want a dog!
16/02/2012 02:23:36 PM
*probably doesn't need to answer this but will anyway*
16/02/2012 02:56:19 PM
before you get a dog, read everything over at about training and behavior
16/02/2012 04:28:53 PM
See, whenever I feel like that, I visit someone who actually has a pet. Instant cure.
16/02/2012 04:57:07 PM