Active Users:3449 Time:22/01/2025 05:39:56 PM
Well, I'll try again for both of us. nossy Send a noteboard - 04/02/2012 02:56:42 PM
I certainly don't want to be in a fight with you, especially not when the general thread was so civil (relatively).

You never offended me until you referenced Canolli and compounded it with DA. I specifically referenced Joel hitting two people, but you call me out for not jumping on Canolli then essentially just now say you didn't need to respond to DA, and thus presumably neither did I, because Joel had responded to him, but Joel had also already responded to Canolli, and I assume my fairly obvious reference to him supporting Joel explicitly would qualify as stating my negative view of his post. So yes, there, you screwed up and have offended me.

This is down to my personality, and if you have problems with that, I can't do anything to help you. I don't reply to everything, especially not when I feel I can't make a positive point. Joel replied to both, and it was not my intention to get into a discussion on the ethics of abortion, as you have mentioned.

I said that if you had a problem with a post, that is what you should reply to. I used Cannoli as the example, and was not claiming that he was the only issue in the thread. I apologize if it sounded that way or I didn't represent it correctly. I felt that you were scolding me and my thread, because that was what you responded to - I then responded directly to that response. I am sorry to have offended you if I was wrong about that, BUT I still think that some of the burden is on you - it simply doesn't make sense to sound as though you're taking the objectively higher moral ground while also refusing to reference who you're talking about (be it posters here or someone you know that works at KFC). Do you think I'm completely off base there? I don't, but from the discussion below, it seems I DID misconstrue some of what you were saying, and I appreciate the clarification.

This is further compunded because you repeat the claim that MOST of the points were on target, in spite of my having already said No, I've got no beef with your thread, and most posts were just fine, civil, and interesting enough for me to follow. Why are you still pounding that drum when I've already clarified that no such intent was there?

I was still "pounding that drum" because I also read when you said this: "this doesn't stop me from wanting to deliver a few appropriate slaps where I believe they were due. You may disagree, and I'd prefer not to call them out by name, but I consider them appropriate. I also think people need the occasional reminder that, much like sneering at paparazzi while reading the tabloids, just because something pops up in the news doesn't mean it really entitles them -morally - to render judgments, legally of course they may, as may I upon them. You may or may not agree that this is such a case, and I do not claim it is an extreme example, but I do believe some in this thread also exceeded their moral authority to condone or condemn."

I was attempting to point out that if you have issues, it makes much more sense to address them than to make a general statement to me. Do you not see how I could have been confused about your intentions and whether I was one who deserved any moral slapping? Aside - I don't agree that people have less right to say something, moral authority deserved or otherwise. That may have to remain a point on which we agree to disagree.

As to the rest, the thing bugging me that worries me about losing my temper is that you utterly misinterpret my OP, which really had virtually nothing to do with the people in the thread, something Joel and Ray both seem to have gotten just fine. I think, reviewing some things, that the 'pink bucket' must have come in there. So you know, the pink bucket commentary is in a lot of other articles on this and something that is a personal irritation because a younger relative with whom I enjoy drinking coffee and discussing matters works at KFC and it came up long before this thread or incident. So if that's part of the 'scolding' you refer to, it was at best peripherally related. Actually the only comment even aimed at the majority of posters in the thread was the 'salt' one.

Thank you for clarifying that. It was NOT clear to me that you weren't talking about posters and/or me specifically, and it may be that I'm not as sharp as joel or ray. :P

I also could, were it appropriate, write out a massive laundry list of things I've seen, on the national stage or in my own charitable and political volunteer work, that justify my comments, but I thought the thrust fairly self-evident. Let me re-summarize though, beyond the news update, the jab you yourself have already said was deserved at certain persons, and a disclaimer about my own alignment and view, everything I said amounts to "I hate that good causes get hijacked, and am bitter about it because there really is no alternative, except for people to judge causes on their merits and not their spokespeople, which will never happen as long as we all continue to be accomplices to it."

Thank you for the summary. I don't disagree with that at all, except that I do think everyone is allowed an opinion and to talk about it.

Whatever else you see in there, isn't there. And I regret that it was apparently seen to be there, but I feel more strongly after your previous post that you went in and saw what you expected.

I think I explained how that happened above (when I referenced your quote).

I am fundamentally remarking on my opinion that this thread, by its very nature, good not avoid causing the very thing I am bitter about. And I standby that, because I simply can not see any reason Komen's actions should logically effect the funding of their cause. Yet I don't think many who were in this thread, no matter how civil, view it that way. I think that we collectively taint the process, every time we pay more attention to a commercial with a celeb endorsing something, or a heated political debate about it occurring. Yet this happening is, again, essentially inevitable, because we all do perk up our ears when a figure or group we like endorses as given cause, and because any cause which can get such endorsements and publicity would be fools and even negligent not to do so.

We can have a real discussion here, I think. I don't think this is just about a celebrity cause. Not this time. There are so many REAL women who rely on PP, and SGK is in a unique position to recognize that. What I found most eye-opening about the entire issue wasn't anything to do with the politics or the popularity of the conversation - it was that 1) there were people (even fairly high up) who threatened to quit SGK if it made such a change, and 2) there were branches of SGK that outright stated that they would maintain the link with PP anyway, given that there were rural, poor, Native American and etc women who were almost completely unreachable for breast cancer screenings w/o PP. That made an impression on me, though I can't speak for others. In the interest of honesty, I do think there was a massive amount of politics to it, both in the original decision and the latter changes.

Reply or not, as you see fit, I am happy to let it go because I do not see myself as the clean unblemished figure here, but I resent that you seem to think you were, and even went so far as imply I was opposed to people's right to voice their opinion when I explicitly made it clear I was opposed to an assumption of a moral, not legal, right to speak out on some issues. It's not hard for me to see how you could read me wrong, but I don't like that you didn't extend me the benefit of the doubt and kept on even after I clarified myself.

If it helps, I don't ever see myself as a clean or unblemished figure, because I am very well aware that I don't understand everything, and can't always be in someone else's shoes. Obviously, I can't always avoid acting as though I do, however. Especially when I have mistaken someone's intent.
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Susan G. Komen cuts funds to Planned Parenthood. (with updated edit) - 02/02/2012 04:32:27 PM 2230 Views
The most annoying part is in the sixth paragraph- abortions are only a small part of their thing - 02/02/2012 05:08:07 PM 1128 Views
I agree. - 02/02/2012 05:20:17 PM 1028 Views
I can understand it though. - 02/02/2012 05:45:55 PM 1085 Views
I can too, it just isn't for me. - 02/02/2012 05:58:33 PM 1011 Views
Actually, there are longer-acting forms of birth control than the pill. - 03/02/2012 12:37:42 AM 1014 Views
I do think that preventing abortions is their primary goal. - 03/02/2012 01:08:05 AM 979 Views
If they don't see that link, it's because they haven't looked. - 03/02/2012 02:42:42 AM 1069 Views
That is a little unfair. - 03/02/2012 12:48:46 PM 1273 Views
Won't someone please think of the children?! - 04/02/2012 05:03:27 AM 1061 Views
I think you're leaving out some important points. - 04/02/2012 03:40:48 PM 1000 Views
Ah, the good ol' silent majority. - 04/02/2012 07:32:29 PM 979 Views
So which moron is feeding you this crap? - 04/02/2012 10:27:15 PM 1003 Views
A zygote isn't a person, because it doesn't have a brain. - 05/02/2012 12:33:29 AM 992 Views
It worries me when we think alike.... - 05/02/2012 01:22:35 PM 1029 Views
Brain waves at 8 weeks are a myth. - 05/02/2012 08:46:06 PM 1138 Views
"brain function... appears to be reliably present in the fetus at about eight weeks' gestation." - 05/02/2012 10:42:35 PM 1054 Views
Oh please. - 05/02/2012 11:13:50 PM 1021 Views
Re: Oh please yourself. - 06/02/2012 09:15:26 PM 887 Views
Quite a telling reply. - 07/02/2012 04:38:20 AM 959 Views
Re: I quite agree. - 08/02/2012 06:03:23 PM 1158 Views
You're taking an issue of objective facts and treating it like a day of playground gossip. - 09/02/2012 03:47:06 AM 997 Views
No, your source, in which there is very little that is objective, did that for me. - 11/02/2012 02:59:45 AM 1020 Views
I see you have continued to provide no factual arguments. - 14/02/2012 04:53:28 AM 1273 Views
I presented factual rebuttals. - 19/02/2012 01:56:45 AM 1051 Views
You continue to miss the point. - 23/02/2012 10:22:24 PM 1140 Views
Well, yes. - 04/02/2012 11:14:47 PM 1060 Views
A silent majority may as well not exist, if it has no tangible effects. - 05/02/2012 12:54:34 AM 1008 Views
You ignoring it is not the same thing as it having no tangible effect. - 05/02/2012 02:11:36 AM 1100 Views
Ignoring what? You haven't shown me anything solid. - 05/02/2012 05:25:23 AM 1004 Views
It's ok, we're done. *NM* - 05/02/2012 09:29:05 AM 606 Views
Since few people oppose ADULT contraception access, that might be wise in this case. - 04/02/2012 08:25:49 PM 1097 Views
Re: Since few people oppose ADULT contraception access, that might be wise in this case. - 05/02/2012 02:11:28 AM 991 Views
If you are arguing most sex ed opponents are naïve/ignorant, I agree. - 05/02/2012 08:42:17 AM 837 Views
Re: If you are arguing most sex ed opponents are naïve/ignorant, I agree. - 05/02/2012 10:04:59 PM 1015 Views
Re: If you are arguing most sex ed opponents are naïve/ignorant, I agree. - 06/02/2012 08:57:38 PM 972 Views
I'm done discussing my use of the term "oppression." The Tim Ryan stuff is interesting, though. - 07/02/2012 05:37:05 AM 1085 Views
Yet, regrettably, not done misusing it. - 08/02/2012 06:01:32 PM 1174 Views
Re: Yet, regrettably, not done misusing it. - 09/02/2012 05:30:58 AM 1043 Views
Re: Yet, regrettably, not done misusing it. - 11/02/2012 02:58:00 AM 1062 Views
Re: Yet, regrettably, not done misusing it. - 14/02/2012 04:29:08 AM 1137 Views
Re: Yet, regrettably, not done misusing it. - 19/02/2012 01:54:30 AM 1044 Views
Re: Yet, regrettably, not done misusing it. - 23/02/2012 10:59:32 PM 1348 Views
Re: Yet, regrettably, not done misusing it. - 07/03/2012 01:47:44 AM 1011 Views
Re: Yet, regrettably, not done misusing it. - 15/03/2012 10:27:23 PM 1263 Views
There are problems with the implants - 03/02/2012 01:42:55 AM 1033 Views
You have a talent for understatement. - 03/02/2012 01:08:40 PM 1016 Views
I agree that they have made Beast Cancer a cult but splitting with PP is just smart - 02/02/2012 05:39:49 PM 1168 Views
I agree. - 02/02/2012 06:00:17 PM 942 Views
yes she is going to have to piss off one group or the other - 02/02/2012 06:12:31 PM 1011 Views
Right - 02/02/2012 06:24:14 PM 1067 Views
Do you see a way Komen could have avoided pissing off one side? - 02/02/2012 06:55:36 PM 1013 Views
No, I don't. I don't believe I said that? - 02/02/2012 07:53:50 PM 920 Views
You didn't; I inferred it from the way you phrased that ("if she HAS to..."). Sorry. - 02/02/2012 08:06:11 PM 995 Views
I know I'm not always clear. - 02/02/2012 08:32:47 PM 998 Views
Just curious... - 02/02/2012 10:07:49 PM 985 Views
Not at all. - 02/02/2012 10:24:19 PM 1052 Views
Not at all? - 02/02/2012 10:32:31 PM 940 Views
No. - 02/02/2012 10:47:04 PM 897 Views
My argument is based on my belief that the pro-choice women are more dedicated to women's causes - 02/02/2012 11:17:24 PM 991 Views
Re: My argument is based on my belief that the pro-choice women are more dedicated to women's causes - 03/02/2012 12:08:01 AM 989 Views
wow that may be the worst advice I had in weeks - 03/02/2012 12:13:18 AM 967 Views
Ooor, the best. - 03/02/2012 12:25:56 AM 943 Views
ok now you are just being mean *NM* - 03/02/2012 12:46:12 AM 597 Views
The thread was going too well - I thought we needed the meanness. *NM* - 03/02/2012 11:30:39 AM 547 Views
rabble rouser *NM* - 04/02/2012 04:24:01 AM 568 Views
I misread this at first - 03/02/2012 12:51:44 AM 1002 Views
not to mention codeine seems to make me double post - 02/02/2012 11:17:26 PM 2037 Views
I'm not so sure I agree. Or not completely. - 02/02/2012 06:14:11 PM 932 Views
I don't diagree with the way you see it - 02/02/2012 06:39:41 PM 999 Views
More inevitable than anything, considering who started Komen. - 02/02/2012 10:19:34 PM 944 Views
Never having heard of any of those except PP, my opinion may not be the most relevant... - 02/02/2012 08:32:48 PM 1067 Views
You don't know stuff. - 02/02/2012 08:43:38 PM 1032 Views
I know the stuff that matters. - 02/02/2012 09:55:08 PM 932 Views
That's true. - 02/02/2012 10:34:32 PM 1029 Views
they may also be a afraid that PP will go the way of ACORN - 02/02/2012 11:04:16 PM 1073 Views
"Accused" of = unfounded slander. - 03/02/2012 12:13:30 AM 1092 Views
This is so foreign a debate for me - 02/02/2012 10:16:15 PM 1048 Views
Must be nice. *NM* - 03/02/2012 12:26:49 AM 654 Views
Re: stuff - 03/02/2012 09:18:53 AM 938 Views
I'm sorry, but what're we talking about when we're talking about "cancer" - 03/02/2012 12:49:34 PM 978 Views
Obviously not adenocarcinoma, no. - 04/02/2012 07:36:06 AM 994 Views
I"m not that fussed. I'm just generally leary of research that has results like that - 04/02/2012 08:35:04 PM 933 Views
Fair enough. - 04/02/2012 10:17:31 PM 1000 Views
They restored funding incidentally - 03/02/2012 05:43:47 PM 930 Views
Unless I've missed it - 03/02/2012 05:56:15 PM 1011 Views
You must have missed it then - 03/02/2012 07:07:13 PM 932 Views
If you're referring to Cannoli - 03/02/2012 07:19:25 PM 1084 Views
Multiple was not an accidental choice of words - 03/02/2012 11:46:30 PM 958 Views
Then I agree that maybe this is not the thread for you. - 04/02/2012 12:41:42 AM 998 Views
Re: Then I agree that maybe this is not the thread for you. - 04/02/2012 01:53:25 AM 1188 Views
Well, I'll try again for both of us. - 04/02/2012 02:56:42 PM 1019 Views
Re: Well, I'll try again for both of us. - 04/02/2012 07:40:25 PM 985 Views
well at least there will not be any doubt about this being a political decision - 03/02/2012 06:24:14 PM 1124 Views
I think that ship sailed long ago. - 03/02/2012 08:45:13 PM 932 Views
Truth - 04/02/2012 02:07:20 AM 1043 Views
I do wonder a bit which lawmakers Fox thinks "pressured" Komen. - 03/02/2012 08:29:50 PM 929 Views
are you trying to disprove the study you posted? - 03/02/2012 09:20:12 PM 1064 Views
To me, it depends on the nature of the contact, which I have not dug enough to discover. - 03/02/2012 10:43:45 PM 958 Views
you admit you have no incite into what happened - 04/02/2012 04:27:17 AM 983 Views
Actually, it looks like Komens new VP (and former GOP GA gubernatorial candidate) had the incite. - 04/02/2012 04:24:14 PM 1029 Views
educated guess don't work when you are tinfoil hat wearing kool-aid drinker - 04/02/2012 09:33:49 PM 935 Views
Dude. - 04/02/2012 11:20:49 PM 869 Views
Yo mama? - 05/02/2012 05:32:11 AM 1029 Views
whhhhhhyyyyyy - 04/02/2012 11:23:58 PM 1007 Views
Why would I not think that? - 05/02/2012 05:46:15 AM 890 Views

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