Active Users:819 Time:19/12/2024 05:50:13 AM
Exactly. Even divided amongst the three players there shouldn't be stuff that valuable that early. Kaldric Send a noteboard - 01/02/2012 06:41:35 PM
And unless they've been carrying the stuff around for some time before casting identify, they apparently got it all in one encounter. That makes the encounter an ECL of 15 or 16. Even assuming they got all of it through individual encounters, that belt shouldn't be an option until around 14th level. Newt is either giving out way too much loot, or he's letting his players run way too powerful characters.

I'd suggest they were all playing Pun-Pun, but even he's 5th level.

(This is where I would put a nerd smiley if we had one.)

P.S. The "NSSP" is implied.

Of course, [Quixote] carried it a bit too far. He thought that every windmill was a giant. That's insane. But, thinking that they might be...
--Justin Playfair, They Might Be Giants
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/RPG: If only the debates were like this - 01/02/2012 02:08:09 AM 684 Views
Paul is clearly a Chaotic Neutral wild mage. - 01/02/2012 01:50:05 PM 405 Views
Heh *NM* - 01/02/2012 01:58:51 PM 193 Views
Dude... - 01/02/2012 02:56:14 PM 579 Views
200+8,310+2,000+16,000=26,500 in 3.5, a normal 3rd level character should have 2,700 or 1/10th that *NM* - 01/02/2012 04:36:00 PM 248 Views
Exactly. Even divided amongst the three players there shouldn't be stuff that valuable that early. - 01/02/2012 06:41:35 PM 497 Views
You can get Pun-Pun at level 3 - 01/02/2012 07:12:02 PM 392 Views
You can get pun pun at level 1 with fluff material - 01/02/2012 07:37:07 PM 384 Views
I'm not familiar with a level 3 Pun-Pun. - 01/02/2012 07:45:32 PM 510 Views
As Roland said, you can get Pun Pun at level 1 with Pazuzu *NM* - 01/02/2012 09:52:14 PM 190 Views
That response was where bull met shit. - 01/02/2012 08:27:20 PM 400 Views

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