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no Joel you just can't see passed your politics Ray Send a noteboard - 16/01/2012 02:15:51 AM
This case is in no way similar to water boarding. I was disappointed in the soldiers who abused prisoners for their personal amusement then and I am even more disappointed now when it is Marines. The only real differenc is no one use a political football to "prove" their unsupported opinions.
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Am I the only one who doesn't care if the Marines piss on the corpses of Taliban? - 13/01/2012 03:28:08 PM 1739 Views
Eh, it makes our guys look like uncivilized barbarian hicks. - 13/01/2012 03:37:24 PM 923 Views
They're not? *NM* - 17/01/2012 09:52:28 AM 480 Views
Probably not the only one. - 13/01/2012 03:51:18 PM 1082 Views
I agree. *NM* - 13/01/2012 08:11:57 PM 449 Views
Well said. *NM* - 13/01/2012 10:52:26 PM 417 Views
Excellent post. - 14/01/2012 04:23:32 PM 770 Views
well said indeed. *NM* - 14/01/2012 06:30:21 PM 481 Views
Actually, IIRC, we were told the Afghanistan war was important because of the Talibans threat to us. - 14/01/2012 11:18:28 PM 785 Views
Yes, that was part of it. Of course. AND we were going to help bring democracy. - 15/01/2012 12:42:57 AM 752 Views
If we have time, sure. - 15/01/2012 10:18:31 PM 892 Views
ooookay. *NM* - 16/01/2012 12:12:06 AM 428 Views
? - 16/01/2012 01:17:37 AM 817 Views
Re: ? - 16/01/2012 12:22:39 PM 806 Views
I quite agree with Joel on this point (frightening as that admission may be). - 16/01/2012 02:01:05 PM 798 Views
Doesn't matter. - 16/01/2012 02:33:53 PM 798 Views
Your definition of "terrible thing" seems quite elastic. - 16/01/2012 07:21:12 PM 718 Views
I knew I had a good reason to hate you! - 16/01/2012 09:14:47 PM 792 Views
It took this post for you to realize that? - 16/01/2012 09:17:00 PM 769 Views
I am pissed at them - 13/01/2012 06:00:56 PM 1087 Views
Yup. *NM* - 13/01/2012 06:07:10 PM 452 Views
Congratulations: You are now where a LOT of Americans have been on a LOT of US policy over the years - 14/01/2012 07:43:24 AM 887 Views
Congratulations you have again missed the point - 14/01/2012 05:06:24 PM 802 Views
Not at all, you have just evidently decided it is relevant now that the President is a Democrat. - 14/01/2012 11:04:17 PM 1010 Views
Joel, you're full of shit in this particular case - 16/01/2012 12:05:54 AM 1041 Views
Let's edit slightly: Joel, you're full of shit in this particular case - 16/01/2012 12:57:22 AM 831 Views
I do need some editing, on occasion - 16/01/2012 02:42:50 AM 759 Views
He is applying a double standard, a practice I dislike intensely. - 16/01/2012 01:15:05 AM 810 Views
no Joel you just can't see passed your politics - 16/01/2012 02:15:51 AM 866 Views
Nope, you aren't. - 13/01/2012 07:08:06 PM 741 Views
I have a strong feeling that this was not the worst that's been done to those bodies - 13/01/2012 10:43:34 PM 863 Views
any army simply reflects the society it is created from - 13/01/2012 11:06:57 PM 931 Views
Agreed - 14/01/2012 12:37:45 AM 800 Views
You're far from the only one, but I don't agree with it. - 14/01/2012 12:17:31 AM 887 Views
Awful. Worst post ever. *NM* - 14/01/2012 05:12:41 PM 586 Views
Agreed. *NM* - 14/01/2012 06:28:25 PM 430 Views
moral? - 14/01/2012 09:53:01 PM 863 Views
I agree it was stupid to record it, and a breach of policy. - 14/01/2012 11:05:49 PM 753 Views
im just baffled - 14/01/2012 11:36:32 PM 790 Views
Well, in the future you can expect it. - 15/01/2012 02:54:59 AM 759 Views
This shows that you are a bit of a sociopath *NM* - 15/01/2012 08:08:39 AM 389 Views
But we knew that already. *NM* - 15/01/2012 11:18:02 AM 420 Views
You're still upset I called American girls prudes. - 15/01/2012 04:43:31 PM 696 Views
I had forgotten you called American girls prudes - 16/01/2012 10:22:50 AM 781 Views
as someone said on the radio recently... - 16/01/2012 08:41:25 PM 783 Views
They aren't conditioned to murder, much less "in cold blood" - 16/01/2012 09:15:54 PM 858 Views
surprisingly there really is no conditioning to kill - 16/01/2012 09:33:51 PM 788 Views
You used the phrase enemy combatant... - 17/01/2012 10:34:41 PM 774 Views
they are a problematic enemy - 17/01/2012 11:41:11 PM 1075 Views
stop listening to idiots on the radio *NM* - 16/01/2012 09:16:42 PM 396 Views

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