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Congratulations: You are now where a LOT of Americans have been on a LOT of US policy over the years Joel Send a noteboard - 14/01/2012 07:43:24 AM
No so much that I care what happens to dead Taliban but it does piss me off when dumb asses not only do stupid shit that reflects poorly on the Corps but film it and let it end up on Youtube. We are supposed to be better than that.

How many times have you seen me say, "When you become the enemy, they have won"? This is kind of small potatoes to me. Not that I think it was right, but at least I need not worry it was some tacit (or even overt) DoD directive complaint soldiers will be scapegoated for following now that it has drawn bad publicity.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Am I the only one who doesn't care if the Marines piss on the corpses of Taliban? - 13/01/2012 03:28:08 PM 1739 Views
Eh, it makes our guys look like uncivilized barbarian hicks. - 13/01/2012 03:37:24 PM 923 Views
They're not? *NM* - 17/01/2012 09:52:28 AM 480 Views
Probably not the only one. - 13/01/2012 03:51:18 PM 1081 Views
I agree. *NM* - 13/01/2012 08:11:57 PM 449 Views
Well said. *NM* - 13/01/2012 10:52:26 PM 417 Views
Excellent post. - 14/01/2012 04:23:32 PM 770 Views
well said indeed. *NM* - 14/01/2012 06:30:21 PM 481 Views
Actually, IIRC, we were told the Afghanistan war was important because of the Talibans threat to us. - 14/01/2012 11:18:28 PM 784 Views
Yes, that was part of it. Of course. AND we were going to help bring democracy. - 15/01/2012 12:42:57 AM 752 Views
If we have time, sure. - 15/01/2012 10:18:31 PM 892 Views
ooookay. *NM* - 16/01/2012 12:12:06 AM 428 Views
? - 16/01/2012 01:17:37 AM 817 Views
Re: ? - 16/01/2012 12:22:39 PM 806 Views
I quite agree with Joel on this point (frightening as that admission may be). - 16/01/2012 02:01:05 PM 798 Views
Doesn't matter. - 16/01/2012 02:33:53 PM 798 Views
Your definition of "terrible thing" seems quite elastic. - 16/01/2012 07:21:12 PM 718 Views
I knew I had a good reason to hate you! - 16/01/2012 09:14:47 PM 792 Views
It took this post for you to realize that? - 16/01/2012 09:17:00 PM 769 Views
I am pissed at them - 13/01/2012 06:00:56 PM 1087 Views
Yup. *NM* - 13/01/2012 06:07:10 PM 452 Views
Congratulations: You are now where a LOT of Americans have been on a LOT of US policy over the years - 14/01/2012 07:43:24 AM 887 Views
Nope, you aren't. - 13/01/2012 07:08:06 PM 740 Views
I have a strong feeling that this was not the worst that's been done to those bodies - 13/01/2012 10:43:34 PM 863 Views
any army simply reflects the society it is created from - 13/01/2012 11:06:57 PM 931 Views
Agreed - 14/01/2012 12:37:45 AM 799 Views
You're far from the only one, but I don't agree with it. - 14/01/2012 12:17:31 AM 887 Views
Awful. Worst post ever. *NM* - 14/01/2012 05:12:41 PM 586 Views
Agreed. *NM* - 14/01/2012 06:28:25 PM 430 Views
moral? - 14/01/2012 09:53:01 PM 863 Views
I agree it was stupid to record it, and a breach of policy. - 14/01/2012 11:05:49 PM 753 Views
im just baffled - 14/01/2012 11:36:32 PM 790 Views
Well, in the future you can expect it. - 15/01/2012 02:54:59 AM 758 Views
This shows that you are a bit of a sociopath *NM* - 15/01/2012 08:08:39 AM 389 Views
But we knew that already. *NM* - 15/01/2012 11:18:02 AM 419 Views
You're still upset I called American girls prudes. - 15/01/2012 04:43:31 PM 696 Views
I had forgotten you called American girls prudes - 16/01/2012 10:22:50 AM 781 Views
as someone said on the radio recently... - 16/01/2012 08:41:25 PM 783 Views
They aren't conditioned to murder, much less "in cold blood" - 16/01/2012 09:15:54 PM 858 Views
surprisingly there really is no conditioning to kill - 16/01/2012 09:33:51 PM 788 Views
You used the phrase enemy combatant... - 17/01/2012 10:34:41 PM 774 Views
they are a problematic enemy - 17/01/2012 11:41:11 PM 1074 Views
stop listening to idiots on the radio *NM* - 16/01/2012 09:16:42 PM 395 Views

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