Active Users:2355 Time:22/01/2025 06:28:18 PM
Yes, he and Romney have that in common, but Pauls positions are (mostly) sincere. Joel Send a noteboard - 10/01/2012 03:46:04 PM
In states with closed primaries, Ron Paul might not do so well. His real support is coming from independents and people who have become disillusioned by both major parties. That is a huge and growing percentage of the population, and would likely be enough to carry Paul to a victory in November. He could also likely count on many democrats siding with him, while Romney cannot.

A general election between Romney and Obama basically boils down to big business vs big government. In either case, the average American will lose.

We get Big Business instead of Big Brother with Pauls Libertarianism, too, it is just less obvious. Without Big Brother keeping Big Business in check it runs roughshod over consumers and small businesses because no one can stop it. The problem with Obama is he does not practice socialism; as Paul rightly noted (despite unanimous vocal disagreement from his competitors for the nomination) Obamas approach is actually closer to fascism, whereby government becomes an arm of big business. Obamas government, like Bushs before it, has not once taken control of ANY business, only facilitated, at tax payer expense, Big Business continuing the same policies that bankrupted America and caused the Global Financial Crisis.

The whole thing is a study in absurdity, yes; after two years of saying I would have voted for Romney if I had wanted him, I will now be forced to choose between voting for Republican Romney or Democratic Romney, as one of them attacks the other for implementing HIS "healthcare" "policy." Yet Pauls laissez-faire is only nominally better; whether Big Business runs America THROUGH or INSTEAD OF the government, the effect is the same.

Our best bet is ACTUAL socialism pitting Big Business against Big Brother, forcing them to compete to best serve the public. Do not hold your breath.
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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Santorum is #2 in Iowa - 04/01/2012 01:24:13 PM 1767 Views
would you stop using that word? It is gross. *NM* - 04/01/2012 01:48:45 PM 584 Views
What's your word for it? *NM* - 04/01/2012 03:43:44 PM 528 Views
Rövsmör. *NM* - 04/01/2012 09:50:21 PM 529 Views
Den var ny för mig. - 06/01/2012 12:12:07 AM 703 Views
yeah that it so funny - 04/01/2012 03:05:59 PM 949 Views
he kind of brought it on himself by being so decidedly anti-gay that it pissed lots of people off - 04/01/2012 04:36:39 PM 996 Views
maybe the gays brought all the gay bashing on themselves - 05/01/2012 03:18:15 PM 1198 Views
Civility is a social contract - 05/01/2012 04:39:46 PM 966 Views
so now that the gays have broken that contract they are fair game? - 05/01/2012 06:37:52 PM 708 Views
Question have you read the Santorum interview? *NM* - 05/01/2012 06:50:24 PM 494 Views
no I try to avoid him - 06/01/2012 06:17:45 PM 812 Views
That's too harsh. - 06/01/2012 07:29:05 PM 926 Views
While language changes with time - 07/01/2012 04:13:28 AM 947 Views
I have to agree. Reluctantly. - 04/01/2012 06:19:13 PM 998 Views
Actually, your response was expected - 04/01/2012 10:08:33 PM 1051 Views
don't forget.... - 05/01/2012 02:27:49 AM 939 Views
do you still pretend that it isn't political? - 05/01/2012 03:14:25 PM 880 Views
I'm sorry - 05/01/2012 03:52:57 PM 999 Views
funny how it always woks out that way - 05/01/2012 06:44:55 PM 793 Views
Believe what you will, but my wok skills are poor - 05/01/2012 07:32:17 PM 958 Views
You should ask one of the gays to help you. I hear the gays are good at cooking. *NM* - 06/01/2012 01:54:21 AM 621 Views
Queer stove eye for the straight guy? - 06/01/2012 09:05:48 PM 863 Views
try using more heat and better oil *NM* - 06/01/2012 06:18:19 PM 507 Views
Corn oil? - 06/01/2012 09:05:09 PM 811 Views
Peanut *NM* - 06/01/2012 11:27:49 PM 539 Views
Santorum is a man who believes you must compare homosexual love to bestiality and pedophilia - 05/01/2012 04:42:26 AM 966 Views
and Savage is a Man who believes that vulgar personal attacks - 05/01/2012 03:12:42 PM 1111 Views
Why should a person tolerate intolerance? (Serious question.) *NM* - 05/01/2012 08:46:05 PM 652 Views
The question boils down to why should someone tolerate what they think is wrong. - 05/01/2012 10:53:40 PM 936 Views
and when santorum tells you that your lifestyle is worse than pedophilia and bestiality? - 06/01/2012 03:34:52 AM 880 Views
To be fair... - 06/01/2012 05:32:31 AM 1022 Views
You are correct - 06/01/2012 01:21:18 PM 1076 Views
Then it seems like it's a problem of definitions more than anything else. - 06/01/2012 09:48:49 PM 982 Views
Following the logic to its bitter end. Why do I do this to myself??? - 06/01/2012 10:14:01 PM 1051 Views
Santourm is - 07/01/2012 04:24:45 AM 998 Views
I'm fairly sure your theory is wrong. - 06/01/2012 10:42:14 PM 1051 Views
so Obama offended me by attending a racist America hating church - 06/01/2012 05:32:14 PM 902 Views
Those are really not equivalent. - 06/01/2012 04:18:37 PM 840 Views
Re: Those are really not equivalent. - 06/01/2012 10:27:11 PM 971 Views
This. - 07/01/2012 01:35:43 PM 863 Views
I agree, lets shoot anyone who doesn't think like you *NM* - 06/01/2012 05:17:41 PM 509 Views
I'm really conflicted about the whole Santorum thing. - 06/01/2012 07:42:02 PM 926 Views
I find myself agreeing with you recently - 06/01/2012 08:38:37 PM 956 Views
dude, gross! *NM* - 04/01/2012 04:39:34 PM 518 Views
Dear Iowa, - 04/01/2012 08:04:09 PM 968 Views
So at this point, most of the candidates had a moment at the top. Kind of awesome. - 05/01/2012 11:22:50 PM 950 Views
that is why Perry is staying in the race - 06/01/2012 06:20:54 PM 915 Views
It would be the joke of the year if Huntsman got a turn. - 06/01/2012 10:59:36 PM 874 Views
Is he a bigger long shot than Santorum, though? Gingrich? Bachman? CAIN!? - 07/01/2012 01:34:47 AM 973 Views
Yes, for the reason you state. - 07/01/2012 03:04:39 PM 938 Views
I really do not agree. - 09/01/2012 08:51:46 PM 959 Views
he is moving up in New Hampshire - 10/01/2012 05:16:14 PM 1054 Views
More like everyone has had a moment running second to Romney. - 07/01/2012 01:59:25 PM 860 Views
It's not a foregone conclusion yet. - 07/01/2012 04:03:51 PM 973 Views
It kinda is; Paul cannot even win a majority of Republicans, let alone the country. - 07/01/2012 09:09:07 PM 944 Views
Ironically, Paul has a better chance of winning the general election than the republican primary. - 07/01/2012 10:14:07 PM 1034 Views
Yes, he and Romney have that in common, but Pauls positions are (mostly) sincere. - 10/01/2012 03:46:04 PM 1046 Views
give up the hope it is nothing more than a pipe dream - 09/01/2012 02:57:03 PM 979 Views
All of the republican candidates are pipe dreams. - 09/01/2012 08:56:57 PM 780 Views
I find Ron Paul absolutely infuriating. - 09/01/2012 10:44:09 PM 1042 Views
Weed is kinda important - 10/01/2012 03:31:00 PM 824 Views
So is women's health. About 50% of US. *NM* - 13/01/2012 01:46:15 AM 559 Views
Um... - 10/01/2012 03:54:53 PM 878 Views
is an ass - 10/01/2012 05:10:09 PM 1012 Views
I would like to see that enforced. - 10/01/2012 05:39:22 PM 1352 Views
So segregation when done by private businesses is ok? - 11/01/2012 02:20:32 PM 1060 Views
Define "OK." - 11/01/2012 08:29:09 PM 938 Views
Paul is an equal opportunity infuriator, to borrow Vivien's word. - 09/01/2012 10:56:57 PM 938 Views
I agree with you completely. - 10/01/2012 12:06:19 PM 963 Views
while I, of course, disagree with your conclusion. - 10/01/2012 02:21:46 PM 1399 Views
Re: while I, of course, disagree with your conclusion. - 10/01/2012 07:38:39 PM 960 Views
Ron Paul's biggest problem is isn't a republican - 10/01/2012 04:18:16 PM 963 Views

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