Five People Conservatives Should Blame if Mitt Romney Wins
Roland00 Send a noteboard - 10/01/2012 03:27:18 PM
Five People Conservatives Should Blame if Mitt Romney Wins
Posted by Ryan Lizza
The 2012 Republican race has largely been shaped by the Republicans who declined to run. Mitt Romney has run a very smart and competent campaign, but he has also been unusually fortunate in that his competition over the last year has been almost comically inept. Here are the people conservatives can blame if Romney ends up winning.
1. George W. Bush
More than anyone else Bush is responsible for decimating the ranks of qualified Republicans who could take on Obama. A successful Presidency can produce a new crop of future Presidential candidates for the party that controls the White House. The vice president and cabinet officials, as well as governors and senators elected over the course of the administration, are historically major sources for a party’s next round of candidates. The Bush years had the opposite effect. It was unthinkable that his vice president would run for higher office and much of his cabinet left Washington tainted by the President’s unpopularity. Moreover, Bush helped sink his party in the 2006 and 2008 elections, thus depleting the ranks of potential Republican candidates for 2012.
The Republican Party rebounded in 2010, but it will take longer than two years for many Presidential-caliber candidates to emerge after the wreckage of the late Bush years.
2. Michele Bachmann
In hindsight, Bachmann had only one important role in the campaign: in August, she forced Tim Pawlenty, who was potentially Romney’s toughest competitor, out of the race. First, Bachmann attacked Pawlenty in an important debate, and then she defeated him at the Iowa Straw Poll, on which he had staked his candidacy. It was especially bitter for Pawlenty that Bachmann caused his demise. Back in Minnesota, she had made his life difficult when he was governor and she was a rabble-rousing legislator forcing anti-gay marriage measures onto his agenda.
3. Cheri Daniels
The wife of Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels reportedly halted her husband’s Presidential ambitions on the eve of his entry into the race over concerns about their privacy. (Given what it’s like to run for President, who can blame her?) Candidates often appear stronger when they are sitting on the sidelines, but Daniels did seem to have the potential to consolidate a large bloc of Republicans behind his candidacy. Ideally, a successful Republican candidate will have a mix of three characteristics: electability, conservative credentials, and a respectable resume. Daniels had all three.
Of course, there were many others who also declined to run, including Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Haley Barbour, Sarah Palin, George Pataki, Paul Ryan, John Thune, and Rudy Giuliani. In the absence of Daniels and these other high-profile Republicans, Texas Governor Rick Perry decided he could fill the vacuum left by their timidity. He had a great resume and a fairly solid conservative record, but was found lacking after a series of embarrassing debate performances. (He still has one last chance to make an impact in the race in the South Carolina primary.)
4. Barack Obama
Jon Huntsman is making his last stand in New Hampshire, and there is some upward movement for him in the polls. But if he doesn’t defeat Romney there (or at least come in a close second), we can trace Huntsman’s loss to his decision to accept Barack Obama’s offer to be ambassador to China in 2009. That single decision transformed Huntsman from a successful, popular governor from the most conservative state in the country into an employee of Obama, the most despised figure among G.O.P. primary voters.
5. Justice Anthony Kennedy
With so many potential candidates declining to run, and with the decline of the three Republican governors who did end up in the race (Pawlenty, Perry, and Huntsman), Romney was left facing a talk show host (Cain), a defeated senator (Santorum), a former House Speaker who resigned in semi-disgrace (Gingrich), and two of the most extreme members of the House of Representatives (Bachmann and Paul). These kinds of fringe candidates and ex-politicians trying to revive their careers run every four years (think Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich on the Democratic side in 200
, but they are not the kind of people a party nominates for a Presidential race.
And yet, given the populist sentiment seizing the Republican party, perhaps 2012 could be the year for one of these far-right outsiders to win. If that doesn’t happen, conservatives can partially thank the Supreme Court and specifically Anthony Kennedy, the swing vote on the court that decided the 2010 Citizens United case. “We now conclude,” Kennedy wrote for the majority, “that independent expenditures, including those made by corporations, do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption.”
With that opinion, Kennedy and the court gave rise to the so-called Super PACs, political groups that raise unlimited money from individuals, unions, and corporations and which greatly advantaged Mitt Romney in Iowa, where a Super PAC that supports him pilloried Gingrich with millions of dollars in negative advertisements. The court’s decision, championed by conservatives, seems to have shifted the balance of power in the Republican primaries away from grassroots candidates who rely on a wide base of small-dollar donors to the establishment candidate, who benefits from seven-figure ad campaigns with the help of a few hyper-wealthy allies.
In other words, if Romney wins, conservatives have only themselves to blame.
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Posted by Ryan Lizza
The 2012 Republican race has largely been shaped by the Republicans who declined to run. Mitt Romney has run a very smart and competent campaign, but he has also been unusually fortunate in that his competition over the last year has been almost comically inept. Here are the people conservatives can blame if Romney ends up winning.
1. George W. Bush
More than anyone else Bush is responsible for decimating the ranks of qualified Republicans who could take on Obama. A successful Presidency can produce a new crop of future Presidential candidates for the party that controls the White House. The vice president and cabinet officials, as well as governors and senators elected over the course of the administration, are historically major sources for a party’s next round of candidates. The Bush years had the opposite effect. It was unthinkable that his vice president would run for higher office and much of his cabinet left Washington tainted by the President’s unpopularity. Moreover, Bush helped sink his party in the 2006 and 2008 elections, thus depleting the ranks of potential Republican candidates for 2012.
The Republican Party rebounded in 2010, but it will take longer than two years for many Presidential-caliber candidates to emerge after the wreckage of the late Bush years.
2. Michele Bachmann
In hindsight, Bachmann had only one important role in the campaign: in August, she forced Tim Pawlenty, who was potentially Romney’s toughest competitor, out of the race. First, Bachmann attacked Pawlenty in an important debate, and then she defeated him at the Iowa Straw Poll, on which he had staked his candidacy. It was especially bitter for Pawlenty that Bachmann caused his demise. Back in Minnesota, she had made his life difficult when he was governor and she was a rabble-rousing legislator forcing anti-gay marriage measures onto his agenda.
3. Cheri Daniels
The wife of Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels reportedly halted her husband’s Presidential ambitions on the eve of his entry into the race over concerns about their privacy. (Given what it’s like to run for President, who can blame her?) Candidates often appear stronger when they are sitting on the sidelines, but Daniels did seem to have the potential to consolidate a large bloc of Republicans behind his candidacy. Ideally, a successful Republican candidate will have a mix of three characteristics: electability, conservative credentials, and a respectable resume. Daniels had all three.
Of course, there were many others who also declined to run, including Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Haley Barbour, Sarah Palin, George Pataki, Paul Ryan, John Thune, and Rudy Giuliani. In the absence of Daniels and these other high-profile Republicans, Texas Governor Rick Perry decided he could fill the vacuum left by their timidity. He had a great resume and a fairly solid conservative record, but was found lacking after a series of embarrassing debate performances. (He still has one last chance to make an impact in the race in the South Carolina primary.)
4. Barack Obama
Jon Huntsman is making his last stand in New Hampshire, and there is some upward movement for him in the polls. But if he doesn’t defeat Romney there (or at least come in a close second), we can trace Huntsman’s loss to his decision to accept Barack Obama’s offer to be ambassador to China in 2009. That single decision transformed Huntsman from a successful, popular governor from the most conservative state in the country into an employee of Obama, the most despised figure among G.O.P. primary voters.
5. Justice Anthony Kennedy
With so many potential candidates declining to run, and with the decline of the three Republican governors who did end up in the race (Pawlenty, Perry, and Huntsman), Romney was left facing a talk show host (Cain), a defeated senator (Santorum), a former House Speaker who resigned in semi-disgrace (Gingrich), and two of the most extreme members of the House of Representatives (Bachmann and Paul). These kinds of fringe candidates and ex-politicians trying to revive their careers run every four years (think Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich on the Democratic side in 200

And yet, given the populist sentiment seizing the Republican party, perhaps 2012 could be the year for one of these far-right outsiders to win. If that doesn’t happen, conservatives can partially thank the Supreme Court and specifically Anthony Kennedy, the swing vote on the court that decided the 2010 Citizens United case. “We now conclude,” Kennedy wrote for the majority, “that independent expenditures, including those made by corporations, do not give rise to corruption or the appearance of corruption.”
With that opinion, Kennedy and the court gave rise to the so-called Super PACs, political groups that raise unlimited money from individuals, unions, and corporations and which greatly advantaged Mitt Romney in Iowa, where a Super PAC that supports him pilloried Gingrich with millions of dollars in negative advertisements. The court’s decision, championed by conservatives, seems to have shifted the balance of power in the Republican primaries away from grassroots candidates who rely on a wide base of small-dollar donors to the establishment candidate, who benefits from seven-figure ad campaigns with the help of a few hyper-wealthy allies.
In other words, if Romney wins, conservatives have only themselves to blame.
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Five People Conservatives Should Blame if Mitt Romney Wins
10/01/2012 03:27:18 PM
2 completely useless points.
10/01/2012 04:12:35 PM
Very good points. Essentially, this article was a pile of shit. *NM*
10/01/2012 04:19:35 PM
#2 makes me laugh. Pawlenty was a joke from day one, just like Santorum.
10/01/2012 04:18:54 PM
Well is it us conservatives we should blame or the 3 liberals & 2 uppity broads named herein?
11/01/2012 04:06:32 AM
I see the New Yorker is displaying their typical rock solid grasp of republican politics *NM*
11/01/2012 01:55:51 PM
The whole thing is pretty weak but #4 is total bunk.
12/01/2012 02:10:10 AM
4 is not bunk
12/01/2012 04:28:55 AM
12/01/2012 04:41:19 PM
Do you honestly not believe that running against your boss would hamstring you in the primary and
12/01/2012 06:07:11 PM
Most Americans hate their boss. I can think of few actions that Americans would greet more warmly. *NM*
12/01/2012 09:03:17 PM
He had to accept the position in the first place, he chose his boss *NM*
12/01/2012 09:46:50 PM
He chose to serve his country, just like a soldier. *NM*
12/01/2012 11:22:03 PM
Not quite the same and you know that
13/01/2012 02:09:59 AM
No, it is. You're arguing a position with no evidence to back it up.
13/01/2012 02:08:12 PM
Most Republicans I know...
13/01/2012 02:56:12 PM
The fact that he was in a hair band makes him cooler. He should advertise that more. *NM*
13/01/2012 08:05:23 PM
No, it is. The whole article is probably one of the most poorly-thought-out I've seen.
12/01/2012 09:02:17 PM
Your #4 description is WAY off.
13/01/2012 12:03:51 AM
Which make his ravings about gold and the fed even more extreme
13/01/2012 02:12:18 AM

Re: No, it is. The whole article is probably one of the most poorly-thought-out I've seen.
13/01/2012 05:48:17 AM
funny how liberals think that is what is stopping the GOP from picking their favorite candidate
12/01/2012 03:37:43 PM
You know, I was going to respond but I think it best to leave it and you alone. *NM*
12/01/2012 04:45:48 PM
Good idea, you typically don't do well when you try. Stick to debating with people who agree
12/01/2012 06:18:20 PM
I found nothing offensive. I have learned that nothing will satisfy you. There is absolutely nothing
13/01/2012 05:37:39 AM