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Santourm is - Edit 1

Before modification by Roland00 at 07/01/2012 04:30:37 AM

(note this is going to do some psychoanalysis on my part, if you look at what Santorum has said throughout the years, this is kinda obvious.)

Santorum is similar to some "muslims" who see "their world" in a state of decline. Santorum sees the world as something better and purer in the past (right about the 1950s). During the 1950s the great evil (which to Santorum is liberalism), corrupted this great paradise.

Liberalism in Santorum mind caused the end of manufacturing, the end of manufacturing causes the decline of the US and the West.

Liberalism destroys good families for liberalism redistributes wealth. Taking away wealth from a family destroys the family.

Liberalism because it destroys wealth (in Santorum) mind causes family problems, causes divorce (I am not joking Santorum has said this in the past, part of the reason we are having more divorce is that Liberalism destroys wealth and without wealth women leave men).

Without strong families we are prone to all these pervisions in society. Such as homosexuality and bestiality.

These perversions and most especially liberalism, cause a snowballing effect and causes society to become more and more corrupt and ungodly.


Now in my mind this is similar to how some "muslims" believe the that their "muslim faith" has been corrupted over the centuries, and that by returning to a more pure version of what the prophet Mohammed preached their society would become much stronger. According to these "muslims" it wasn't just imperalism that screwed up the middle east, but more importantly the corruption inside of some versions of islam that distorted the truth. If they instead practiced what Mohammed really wanted to be practiced, then they would have been strong in the first place and thus they could never have been imperalised in the first place.

Santorum has a similar philosophy with America but to him the corruption in the first place was "liberalism."

To Santorum it isn't a question on whether something is good or bad is based on the harm principle (remember the harm principle is a modern thought from John Stuart Mill of the 19th century) but whether something is "godly or not godly." He doesn't see much difference between loving homosexuality and rape/abuse for both are men/men and thus are ungodly the abuse is second problem but still the ungodly is the first problem

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