Was this the interview you had told me about? Remind me what happened.
But you haven't been able to find anything yet... they should understand that, right? How did they feel when Anastasia went to San Diego?
It was a pretty great actuarial position. This was the one where I thought they had an office in NY but it was not the case and I knew nothing about the real location, mentally I didn't know how I felt about moving away from NY, so upon being asked about the location my reaction was "I'll think about it". Almost immediately after the phone interview was over, I was kicking myself. I've since researched the location and I would genuinely like to live there. I've called and e-mailed explaining that I was hesitant because I didn't know enough about the location but now that I do I would love to live there, etc etc.
It didn't make a difference- I wasn't invited to an in person interview and the rest of my phone interview was pretty great except for that one fatal mistake. I should have faked lots of enthusiasm from the get go- before figuring out how much enthusiasm I actually feel.
What was your biggest achievement in 2011? *NM*
03/01/2012 04:41:29 PM
My biggest Achievements of 2011
03/01/2012 04:52:23 PM
It doesn't feel like I've achieved much of anything in 2011.
04/01/2012 04:40:40 PM