Active Users:448 Time:21/02/2025 05:34:20 PM
Fascinating: Vaniqa and hair in general Vivien Send a noteboard - 30/12/2011 06:04:58 PM
Speaking of tv and facial hair, I *just* saw a commercial on tv for Vaniqa, which is a prescription cream to reduce facial hair for women. The constantly repeated tagline was "Unwanted facial hair? With vaniqa, no one needs to know"

It's a cream that has to be applied twice a day and a tiny tube of it is more expensive than my fancy electric razor. It's just ridiculous. Side effects include skin irritations such as redness, stinging, burning, tingling, acne or rash. The website is interesting too. There are lots of photos of women covering their faces with their hands in an embarrassed fashion. Except for the page that tells you how to get Vaniqa, on that page the photo is of a woman with a big smile and with her hands away from her face.

What I do appreciate is that in the section on unwanted facial hair, they have a statistic of how many women in America remove facial hair. They can't say how many women have facial hair because everyone has facial hair to some degree, the only thing that it could be even possible to quantify is how many women do something about their facial hair.

Anyway, I think I'm doing my part by talking about it. It should be another thing that's out in the open. The actual hair or its removal actually does not bother me at all, it's just the taboo around it that I don't like. Just like no one blinks twice that women color their hair when they start getting grey hairs, and really the assumption is that most adult women do have grey hair, it's just that the majority choose to do something about it. It's not a taboo.

However, funnily enough, I suspect my hair pigmentation is unusually strong, and I'll be like my father, who's only now *starting* to get a few grey hairs here and there, and he's in his 50's. A couple years ago I witnessed my grandmother plucking out a grey hair from her hairline. I was shocked and amazed to see that because if most other women in their 70's did that they'd probably have no hair left. However, the truly hilarious thing is that when I asked her about she was kind of defensive about plucking out a grey hair. Come to think of it, her facial hair also wasn't grey. Anyway, my grandmother is very beautiful and I'm happy that I definitely resemble her.
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Presents! - 27/12/2011 04:16:42 PM 1599 Views
I received a GPS unit for my car. - 27/12/2011 04:33:40 PM 1208 Views
Did you get your egg separator? - 27/12/2011 04:38:04 PM 1069 Views
I did! - 27/12/2011 05:08:36 PM 1158 Views
Oh. Well it's probably for the best then. - 27/12/2011 05:17:44 PM 965 Views
Ha! Just make sure you wash your eggs before cracking them. - 27/12/2011 05:33:52 PM 1026 Views
Use caution when washing eggs... - 27/12/2011 08:50:37 PM 1111 Views
What? Why would you wash an egg? I've never heard of this. *NM* - 27/12/2011 11:33:57 PM 637 Views
This is news to me too. - 28/12/2011 12:30:00 AM 1093 Views
Ha, don't listen to me, I know nothing about this. - 28/12/2011 01:36:34 AM 1022 Views
Aha. That makes sense. - 28/12/2011 05:26:47 AM 1104 Views
That's a relief. You can't eat raw egg in this country anyway, so I don't need to change any habits. - 28/12/2011 10:37:47 AM 954 Views
Is there a law? - 28/12/2011 03:29:39 PM 1028 Views
What I mean is that everybody considers it unsafe to eat raw eggs. - 28/12/2011 06:37:17 PM 965 Views
I didn't know that. - 28/12/2011 07:54:37 PM 1059 Views
It is suggested in the US that you cook the yolk to solid too. - 30/12/2011 11:58:10 AM 928 Views
That sounds ridiculously over-cautious to me. - 30/12/2011 05:48:56 PM 997 Views
I love a runny yolk myself. - 30/12/2011 06:28:49 PM 816 Views
Re: I love a runny yolk myself. - 31/12/2011 11:30:07 AM 1162 Views
I love technology. Gadgets! - 27/12/2011 05:27:19 PM 993 Views
Me! - 27/12/2011 05:08:51 PM 1036 Views
Oui! - 28/12/2011 02:09:06 AM 967 Views
Re: Oui! - 28/12/2011 07:26:01 PM 954 Views
I'm scared of those. - 28/12/2011 07:14:55 AM 1064 Views
That logic is interesting - 28/12/2011 06:06:48 PM 1633 Views
Why am I embarrassed? No reason. - 28/12/2011 07:14:07 PM 995 Views
Re: - 28/12/2011 07:52:04 PM 1091 Views
Re: Re: - 28/12/2011 09:08:55 PM 891 Views
Fascinating: Vaniqa and hair in general - 30/12/2011 06:04:58 PM 1127 Views
Oh, you can have it. - 28/12/2011 04:37:59 PM 1016 Views
I knew you'd feel like that. - 28/12/2011 07:18:50 PM 1174 Views
It's often the best plan. I've got a nice list I let Tim pass out to people. - 27/12/2011 05:23:08 PM 1011 Views
Boiled egg and toast soldier set??? - 27/12/2011 05:32:15 PM 926 Views
I kid you not. - 27/12/2011 05:37:49 PM 1513 Views
Ok then. Carry on. *NM* - 27/12/2011 05:49:34 PM 566 Views
That is hilarious. - 27/12/2011 09:18:42 PM 1259 Views
You don't have to live like that anymore. *NM* - 27/12/2011 09:20:40 PM 1024 Views
XD *NM* - 27/12/2011 09:21:44 PM 587 Views
*NM* - 27/12/2011 10:59:54 PM 598 Views
I got an ipad. - 27/12/2011 05:51:39 PM 1097 Views
Awww awesome. - 27/12/2011 05:57:53 PM 1075 Views
No but - 27/12/2011 06:56:50 PM 1118 Views
I didn't ask for it. - 27/12/2011 07:06:47 PM 1019 Views
I know, I was talking about Avendesora - 27/12/2011 07:25:20 PM 1074 Views
. Use it to video yourself fondling the melons. - 27/12/2011 08:56:25 PM 970 Views
It's more like you agreed - 27/12/2011 07:27:17 PM 1010 Views
Re: No but - 27/12/2011 07:19:51 PM 1000 Views
Well that makes sense. - 27/12/2011 07:51:41 PM 972 Views
What if it's a roomba? - 27/12/2011 09:19:54 PM 950 Views
Nope. - 28/12/2011 02:13:55 PM 903 Views
You must share ways to make it more useful. - 27/12/2011 07:09:18 PM 1019 Views
Use Calibre (or other, similar, software) to convert PDF to MOBI. - 27/12/2011 08:08:26 PM 997 Views
but, why? - 27/12/2011 10:27:25 PM 960 Views
Hm. - 27/12/2011 09:07:48 PM 1086 Views
Font size for PDFs? I don't think that option exists. - 27/12/2011 10:29:08 PM 1114 Views
No... Just the kindle app with kindle Books so far. Sorry! - 28/12/2011 01:14:37 AM 949 Views
A lump of coal. - 27/12/2011 06:26:43 PM 876 Views
Re: A lump of coal. - 27/12/2011 07:43:16 PM 1067 Views
Which Перелетные птицы? - 27/12/2011 08:40:48 PM 1079 Views
The second one. - 27/12/2011 09:14:56 PM 852 Views
Are there any non-Russian speakers reading this subthread? - 27/12/2011 10:20:45 PM 973 Views
Santa's Bounty - 27/12/2011 06:30:19 PM 1000 Views
That's quite a haul. - 27/12/2011 09:26:35 PM 939 Views
a mix - 27/12/2011 06:34:29 PM 1062 Views
I didn't get anything except two ornaments and pajama pants. - 27/12/2011 06:40:55 PM 1015 Views
Re: I didn't get anything except two ornaments and pajama pants. - 27/12/2011 09:29:28 PM 1000 Views
Everything I wished for - 27/12/2011 07:39:17 PM 953 Views
You had a foursome with Scarlett Johanson, Angelina Jolie and Jessica Biel? *NM* - 27/12/2011 09:40:13 PM 574 Views
Pah! No, of course not. - 27/12/2011 09:41:56 PM 900 Views
I got a suit. - 27/12/2011 08:40:40 PM 989 Views
Oooh that's a really good one. - 27/12/2011 09:33:01 PM 992 Views
My parents took me and I got fitted. *NM* - 27/12/2011 10:22:15 PM 542 Views
I got a rock. - 27/12/2011 09:43:21 PM 1008 Views
Anastasia doesn't tell you what she wants? - 28/12/2011 12:29:31 AM 1119 Views
It can be difficult, but only if you don't know what you're doing. - 28/12/2011 01:18:31 AM 1029 Views
Truer words have never been spoken! - 28/12/2011 03:27:29 AM 1017 Views
Re: Truer words have never been spoken! - 28/12/2011 07:23:15 PM 1107 Views
I didn't see that one!! - 28/12/2011 07:11:10 AM 949 Views
Re: I didn't see that one!! - 28/12/2011 05:36:24 PM 997 Views
I'm easy to shop for. - 30/12/2011 07:54:59 AM 958 Views
My Christmas gift: my 6-week old son slept for 6 hours straight through the night. *NM* - 28/12/2011 01:26:12 AM 548 Views
*NM* - 28/12/2011 02:10:42 AM 505 Views
a Pressure Cooker ... - 28/12/2011 02:41:00 AM 1018 Views
What does it do? - 28/12/2011 02:43:58 AM 999 Views
It makes meats n veggies super tender ... faster than average ... - 28/12/2011 03:25:38 AM 1091 Views
You like your veggies tender? - 28/12/2011 07:12:43 AM 987 Views
Depends on the vegetable ... - 30/12/2011 08:12:41 PM 1030 Views
That's awesome.. - 28/12/2011 03:35:41 AM 985 Views
The newer ones are much safer, so long as they are cleaned and maintained ... - 28/12/2011 03:42:15 AM 911 Views
I'd have one, if not for the bad memories.. - 28/12/2011 02:49:04 PM 965 Views
Yay! - 28/12/2011 03:36:18 AM 924 Views
I did pretty well - 28/12/2011 03:40:46 AM 945 Views
Re: I did pretty well - 30/12/2011 06:32:04 PM 962 Views
Glorious gift cards! - 28/12/2011 04:56:49 AM 1081 Views
The vodka fairy was very good this year. - 28/12/2011 02:10:21 PM 1081 Views
chocolate vodka? - 28/12/2011 07:21:52 PM 1013 Views
I haven't tried it yet. - 28/12/2011 07:30:17 PM 1005 Views
Sonic Screwdriver! - 28/12/2011 10:18:36 PM 1048 Views
Picture of the Boston Terrier Totebag? *NM* - 30/12/2011 06:30:13 PM 554 Views
Re: Presents! - 29/12/2011 10:58:44 AM 1260 Views
I like my dishwasher - 29/12/2011 12:27:31 PM 906 Views
heh. - 29/12/2011 01:31:01 PM 873 Views

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