Ten questions, 3 possible points for each… format is movie, character, actor for movies or book, character, author for books, or TV Show, character, actor for television... using a first person summary some might view as skewed.
Example: (Movie) I tracked a number of treasonous criminals to a floating city, where I was forced to battle my own son who’d been taught to dislike me by the very man who’d grotesquely maimed me years before.
Answer: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader, James Earl Jones or David Prowse, either is acceptable.
1) (Movie) After having my mind screwed with I was shunted back in time to protect a mouthy teenager from a homicidal robot with a mercurial approach to life, and eventually committed assisted suicide.
I know the movie but nothing else.
2) (Book) After being thrown far into the future and ending up at an expensive dining establishment, I eventually found myself crash landing with a bunch of irritating people millions of year in the past on an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet, and finish the book trying to puzzle out the answer to a deep philosophical question I think I should know with a bag of scrabble pieces.
Know all 3 here
3) (TV) As the Second Officer on board a famous vessel, I had many duties, but this never stopped me from taking care of my cat, Spot, though I never got along well with my patricidal brother and often felt my life was devoid of passion or feeling.
Know all 3 here
4) (Movie) Shortly after escaping from brutish, ape-like captors I made my way through an empty and forbidding zone of desert on horseback with my girlfriend, who wasn't a good conversationalist. We end up getting separated, though I later met back up with her in the company of a colleague. Unfortunately I find myself the unwilling guest of a group of telepaths who worshiped an unexploded nuclear bomb. Since my new captors were now being invaded by my old captors, they prepare to detonate the bomb. I end up getting shot while trying to prevent the bomb going off, and after my colleague and girlfriend get gunned down, I decide to hell with it and set the thing off myself.
5) (TV) I used to be a military pilot until my superior genes got me involved in a clandestine project that was in league with aliens and secretly funded by numerous governments. After getting stranded in a distant galaxy, and underwater to boot, I eventually ended up shooting my commanding officer, who bore a striking familiarity to homicidal robot in the first question. Later my right hand man became addicted to drugs, I starved and shot a prisoner to gain information from him, and I made a military alliance with a number of sadistic mass murderers to engage in what many would consider an attempt to commit genocide.
6) (Book) After being raised on a farm by my Aunt, and fleeing in the night with her, the farm’s blacksmith, and an old wolfish storyteller we eventually ended up in an ancient and barbaric kingdom where I helped save the king from a plot hatched by a man I later found out had murdered my parents. But that happened a short while back, and now I find myself traveling through first a land of idiotic if noble knights then a land of people who seem obsessed with making money. There I met a spoiled brat who I’m obviously destined to marry, encountered a group of nymphomaniac tree-huggers, and then burned a man alive, much to the glee of my aunt. Later I ended up meeting another nymphomaniac, but my aunt turned her into a snake.
7) (Book) Shortly after doing away with a tyrannical lord and ruler of many lands including the city that was now my home… and who ordered my father’s death right before my eyes… and also killed a man who saved me from being beaten to death by the leader of gang of thieves, I found myself trying to protect the life of my boyfriend who was the new king of the city. I’d previously killed his ex-fiancee before he was king, ended up killing several of his brothers, and later his father. After all that effort, I left him to bleed to death so I could unleash a Ruinous dark god on the world. I’m a pretty tough girl, and my dietary habits would lead many to think I have a cast iron stomach.
8 ) (Movie) Although I am probably best remembered for offering drugs to the lead character in the original movie which I promised would open his eyes to reality, and trying to get everyone to join a messianic and militant cult, in this film I’m probably best remembered for fighting a pair of albino twins in a parking garage and later a crowded highway while trying to find a locksmith. Considering how many bullets got fired during this fight, it’s amazing how rarely people reloaded.
Know the movie and kinda guessed on the actor
9) (Book) While trying to recover a piece of jewelry that was a birthday gift from a dear friend who died shortly after, I was threatened at sword point and coerced into helping guide that person to the home of a man who once had me tortured. Later I was threatened with death merely for fishing in a pool that I didn’t even know anyone owned or cared about.
Know all 3 here. This was my favorite
10) (Movie) After waking up from deep freeze and having my piloting license revoked over questions about my judgment, I joined a marine expedition to a colony. After most of them were killed in a territorial dispute with rival colonists led by a Queen, I negotiated the release of one of the colonists by threatening the Queen’s children and killing some of them, after which we detonated a nuclear bomb in her home. Later seeking vengeance, she attacked me and we dueled to the death.
Bonus Question: Who was the actor referenced in question #1 and #5, and what were the names of the characters he played in that movie and TV show respectively? (This is not referencing either of the two characters/actors that were the answers to 1 and 5, but the actor who mentioned in 5 as as bearing a striking familiarity)
Hahaha yeah right.
If you are from Betelgeuse, please have one of your Earth friends read what I've written before you respond. Or try concentrating harder.
"The trophy problem has become extreme."
"The trophy problem has become extreme."
Test Your Geekdom, Vol II: The Sequel
29/12/2011 03:17:33 AM
The Answers
29/12/2011 03:30:54 AM
16. Got all points on five questions, and essentially nothing on the rest. *NM*
29/12/2011 06:56:54 PM
I'm not a very good geek 11 - 11.5 / 33
29/12/2011 03:42:50 PM