Active Users:466 Time:25/11/2024 11:09:23 PM
No, but I have a good friend who is Catholic and attends a Midnight Mass seemingly every week. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 17/12/2011 07:24:33 PM

"Midnight Mass" is really only used with respect to Christmas. The one at Easter is called "Easter Vigil" and no other holidays see lots of people going to church at midnight.

Or did when still teaching at a Catholic school; his schedule has changed (slightly) since being let go over what was represented as budgeting but sounded like (office) politics. But, for mine own part, no, I was not raised Catholic; more non-denominational rarely service attending but deeply devout Christian. Most stuff related to the Catholic liturgy is Greek, or at least Latin, to me, and the latter nigh as bad as the former for me. My Lutheran wife had to explain the customs for Advent.

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