As I've reached the ripe old age of fifty, I've become far less sensitive. I think I actually laughed when I read your reply.
Ah, too bad. I was ready to roll out the big gun and call you a poopyhead.
The thing that annoys me with fresh water arguments are that people equate "water is a renewable" resource with the concept that we don't have serious water issues. Even though fresh water could, indeed, last forever - that's not our trajectory. Indeed, usable water has been declining for decades, and it's only like to accelerate its overall decline. Anyway, I wish I hadn't posted it... though it's a great wikipedia page, in my opinion.
Living in an area with an amazing abundance of water means I don't give it a thought - not on a local level, at least. However, I read an interesting article just the other week on China's goal to build a whole slew of new dams, including one that'll be much larger than the Three Gorges Dam, on rivers which will eventually pass through countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia before making their way to the ocean. The thrust of the article was on how those countries would likely suffer from dwindling water supplies when the dams are finished.
Oh, and National Geographic did a story not too long ago on the way organized crime in Pakistan controls the sale of water in the slums there. A depressing but worthwhile read.
This message last edited by Vodalus on 25/10/2011 at 05:46:13 AM
Water you talking about?
23/10/2011 05:20:54 AM
Although the pun is excellent I'm a little unclear on why you view it important
23/10/2011 06:26:02 AM
*crosses the line* *knocks the chip off your shoulder* Whatcha ya gonna do about that, bitch?
23/10/2011 07:07:34 AM
I suppose that should be "wat,er you serious?" but I guess that would be confusing. *NM*
23/10/2011 02:52:52 PM
Re: Tone of post.
23/10/2011 06:15:41 PM
Fair enough, then.
23/10/2011 08:00:18 PM
Re: My sensitivity.
24/10/2011 01:57:35 AM
Re: My sensitivity.
25/10/2011 05:21:06 AM