Active Users:613 Time:10/03/2025 03:13:18 AM
Water you, nuts? Avendesora Send a noteboard - 24/10/2011 03:18:23 PM
I am actually interested in the water rights argument you had. I was watching something (probably on pbs) that talked about water rights in arid places in the states. I vaguely remember that the powers that be would restrict the right of people to collect rain water. Because it eventually ends up as groundwater, and belongs to "the people" or something.

While I understand the concept and have few friends who work for the DEC and various watershed organizations, this pissed me off considerably. I collect my rainwater with a gutter system and store it in a 300 gallon tank. I then use a solar panel to charge a car battery with a dc pump so I can water my garden. I have a very shallow well, and have a strong desire to grow my own veggies. One good storm fills the tank, so as long as we get rain once every two weeks or so, I'm good. I use it to wash my car as well. Water conservation means much to me.

I don't know what you were drinking, but maybe you should switch to hard cider? :P

I believe all news and research that supports my opinion, and dismiss the rest as conspiracy and lies.
This message last edited by Avendesora on 24/10/2011 at 03:18:34 PM
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Water you talking about? - 23/10/2011 05:20:54 AM 1054 Views
Re: Tone of post. - 23/10/2011 06:15:41 PM 917 Views
Fair enough, then. - 23/10/2011 08:00:18 PM 728 Views
Re: My sensitivity. - 24/10/2011 01:57:35 AM 926 Views
Re: My sensitivity. - 25/10/2011 05:21:06 AM 735 Views
The 19A0s. - 24/10/2011 12:07:31 PM 1941 Views
Water you, nuts? - 24/10/2011 03:18:23 PM 813 Views

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