As I've reached the ripe old age of fifty, I've become far less sensitive. I think I actually laughed when I read your reply.
The thing that annoys me with fresh water arguments are that people equate "water is a renewable" resource with the concept that we don't have serious water issues. Even though fresh water could, indeed, last forever - that's not our trajectory. Indeed, usable water has been declining for decades, and it's only like to accelerate its overall decline. Anyway, I wish I hadn't posted it... though it's a great wikipedia page, in my opinion.
The thing that annoys me with fresh water arguments are that people equate "water is a renewable" resource with the concept that we don't have serious water issues. Even though fresh water could, indeed, last forever - that's not our trajectory. Indeed, usable water has been declining for decades, and it's only like to accelerate its overall decline. Anyway, I wish I hadn't posted it... though it's a great wikipedia page, in my opinion.
I cannot even copy his manner because the manner of his prose was the manner of his thinking and that was a dazzling succession of gaps; and you cannot ape a gap because you are bound to fill it in somehow or other -- and blot it out in the process. -- Nabokov
Water you talking about?
23/10/2011 05:20:54 AM
Although the pun is excellent I'm a little unclear on why you view it important
23/10/2011 06:26:02 AM
*crosses the line* *knocks the chip off your shoulder* Whatcha ya gonna do about that, bitch?
23/10/2011 07:07:34 AM
I suppose that should be "wat,er you serious?" but I guess that would be confusing. *NM*
23/10/2011 02:52:52 PM
Re: Tone of post.
23/10/2011 06:15:41 PM
Fair enough, then.
23/10/2011 08:00:18 PM
Re: My sensitivity.
24/10/2011 01:57:35 AM