Active Users:547 Time:21/09/2024 03:49:14 AM
I agree, it's driving me nuts *NM* ironclad Send a noteboard - 04/10/2011 02:36:45 PM

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
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Mormons - 03/10/2011 05:46:10 AM 2342 Views
Questions. - 03/10/2011 11:13:25 AM 1096 Views
Ooh! Ooh! - 03/10/2011 11:18:38 AM 946 Views
I don't watch it. - 04/10/2011 01:34:53 AM 950 Views
Re: Questions. - 03/10/2011 01:28:28 PM 1059 Views
Re: Questions. - 03/10/2011 01:31:13 PM 880 Views
Why did I look up what Quorn is? I didn't need to know that. *NM* - 03/10/2011 02:04:20 PM 617 Views
Wyld Stallyns!! - 03/10/2011 03:26:54 PM 882 Views
STATION! *NM* - 03/10/2011 11:00:35 PM 544 Views
Re: One of the best replies, ever, on the internet. *NM* - 06/10/2011 02:43:07 AM 589 Views
....did we just get door-to-door'd...ONLINE?!?! *NM* - 03/10/2011 11:34:19 AM 565 Views
Nope. - 04/10/2011 01:32:43 AM 933 Views
there's no real point to it - 04/10/2011 02:37:24 AM 1937 Views
We could use an evil cackling smilie, we do have some other evil ones - 04/10/2011 02:49:12 AM 901 Views
wasn't going to argue... *NM* - 04/10/2011 02:57:00 AM 534 Views
Do you ever giggle at the name "Moroni?" - 03/10/2011 11:39:55 AM 1002 Views
There are Mormon literalists? Seriously? *NM* - 03/10/2011 03:02:18 PM 551 Views
I know they don't have multiple wives anymore, so no misconception there - 03/10/2011 01:23:50 PM 924 Views
There are Fundamentalist "Mormons" who do... - 03/10/2011 11:32:56 PM 864 Views
Don't get me wrong by the way, I've met wonderful Mormons - 04/10/2011 12:22:03 PM 900 Views
Question: Why are you such a faggot? *NM* - 03/10/2011 02:23:45 PM 458 Views
Answer: because it's the only way he could return your burning love for him. - 03/10/2011 03:24:23 PM 684 Views
Oh dont be such a fuddy duddy. - 03/10/2011 10:42:06 PM 576 Views
Better a faggot than a fuckwad. Cheers fuckwad! *NM* - 04/10/2011 01:27:20 AM 573 Views
Well, I suppose you'ld be the one to know. *NM* - 04/10/2011 01:54:35 AM 514 Views
Really? You really just pulled a "takes one to know one"? *NM* - 04/10/2011 04:19:22 PM 612 Views
Re: You embarrass yourself. *NM* - 04/10/2011 01:56:02 AM 465 Views
I'll tell you whats embarresing... - 04/10/2011 02:08:02 AM 788 Views
That is hilarious. - 04/10/2011 03:10:50 AM 678 Views
Goodness.. - 04/10/2011 03:20:30 AM 624 Views
Re: - 04/10/2011 03:28:25 AM 655 Views
You know, my mother had a saying. - 04/10/2011 03:39:32 AM 687 Views
I think it's safe to say ... - 04/10/2011 04:09:17 AM 588 Views
I'm not sure which would be sadder... - 04/10/2011 11:32:55 AM 724 Views
*NM* - 04/10/2011 12:19:01 PM 551 Views
Re: You flatter me. *NM* - 04/10/2011 01:31:01 PM 570 Views
OK, you need to delete the "Re:" You're using it incorrectly - 04/10/2011 01:55:53 PM 600 Views
"Re" doesn't have to mean "reply", it can also mean "regarding". - 04/10/2011 02:01:31 PM 631 Views
Re: Re: - 04/10/2011 02:06:58 PM 626 Views
Re: Re: - 04/10/2011 02:12:57 PM 595 Views
Re: Also. - 04/10/2011 02:08:15 PM 638 Views
you are still using it incorrectly. *NM* - 04/10/2011 02:09:48 PM 586 Views
He's doing it on purpose though. - 04/10/2011 03:31:39 PM 691 Views
Re: Yeah, it's just a shtick... - 04/10/2011 03:47:17 PM 592 Views
Those were the good old days. - 04/10/2011 04:02:33 PM 624 Views
*NM* - 04/10/2011 10:02:30 PM 527 Views
I agree, it's driving me nuts *NM* - 04/10/2011 02:36:45 PM 515 Views
That's not quite right, actually. - 04/10/2011 03:25:54 PM 538 Views
Disagree. *NM* - 04/10/2011 10:04:09 PM 551 Views
Considering that "CaptainHammer" is LDS, I'd rather doubt he's gay. - 04/10/2011 02:32:56 AM 590 Views
Heh. Oh, Ryan. - 04/10/2011 04:36:43 PM 709 Views
*sigh* to all of you above.... - 04/10/2011 03:06:21 AM 623 Views
I thought that was "Do not talk about /b/"? *NM* - 04/10/2011 03:12:52 AM 612 Views
i don't know, but if THAT is the first rule... - 04/10/2011 03:41:20 AM 568 Views
Please explain why you think we should consider you Christians. - 03/10/2011 04:33:06 PM 1084 Views
you know, that does make me wonder though - 03/10/2011 04:58:21 PM 976 Views
We're not as immovable as we are sometimes portrayed. - 03/10/2011 05:27:17 PM 954 Views
"Even Christ didn't do that"? I can't agree. - 03/10/2011 09:00:34 PM 916 Views
I conceded your last point. - 03/10/2011 10:14:28 PM 837 Views
Point of Anal Retentive Dissent: - 04/10/2011 03:54:00 PM 860 Views
That concept is alien to the Christian theological understanding, however. - 03/10/2011 10:18:55 PM 935 Views
I understand what both you and Danny are saying - 04/10/2011 12:19:57 AM 898 Views
Oh, that's very simple - 04/10/2011 04:02:24 AM 901 Views
I honestly don't know what it would take. - 04/10/2011 07:41:55 AM 925 Views
thank you, both of you - 04/10/2011 01:46:05 PM 909 Views
I love the Nicene Creed. It is such an excellent encapsulation. - 03/10/2011 06:07:53 PM 984 Views
Agreed. - 04/10/2011 04:44:49 PM 867 Views
The absolute best part about your post (plus the best thing about Mo's/LDS's) - 03/10/2011 09:02:17 PM 921 Views
Glad you enjoyed it - 03/10/2011 10:10:39 PM 1027 Views
Though they can cause interesting changes in patterns. - 03/10/2011 10:16:55 PM 927 Views
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of all mankind, and the only way back to God. - 04/10/2011 01:29:30 AM 1009 Views
If you think the Book of Mormon was well-written, there is really little left to discuss. - 04/10/2011 03:57:08 AM 1168 Views
I never said well-written, I said complex. - 04/10/2011 07:04:24 AM 1042 Views
Ignore facts all you want to. - 05/10/2011 01:07:35 AM 940 Views
Re: If you think the Book of Mormon was well-written, there is really little left to discuss. - 04/10/2011 07:24:27 AM 1143 Views
Woah nelly. - 04/10/2011 10:04:33 AM 965 Views
I have to "Wow" as well... racist much? - 04/10/2011 01:52:48 PM 879 Views
Re: I have to "Wow" as well... racist much? - 04/10/2011 04:42:47 PM 969 Views
oh well that makes it all better... - 04/10/2011 04:54:14 PM 990 Views
Exactly - 04/10/2011 06:00:54 PM 877 Views
Was the twin banging and the gay wedding the same event? - 04/10/2011 06:36:03 PM 958 Views
I guess this is a variation on Hams punishment; Ghav, at least should know better than to be shocked - 04/10/2011 04:13:59 PM 856 Views
it's not that we're surprised because it's "novel" - 04/10/2011 04:19:16 PM 902 Views
It is not NECESSARILY racist. - 04/10/2011 04:39:33 PM 923 Views
Sure, except ... - 04/10/2011 04:50:53 PM 949 Views
Yeah, circular logic is fun, isn't it? - 05/10/2011 01:09:25 AM 882 Views
That sounds really nice. - 04/10/2011 06:38:29 PM 897 Views
Why wait though? - 05/10/2011 12:12:21 AM 1081 Views
So that Vivien can avoid reading and thinking about the stuff that you just wrote. *NM* - 05/10/2011 12:28:23 AM 503 Views
Ack, not reading and thinking111 - 05/10/2011 12:36:11 AM 911 Views
Yeah, that's what I thought. - 06/10/2011 05:43:57 PM 821 Views
I'm satisfied by that explanation. - 06/10/2011 08:51:15 PM 1064 Views
Re: I'm satisfied by that explanation. - 07/10/2011 07:45:29 PM 916 Views
Oh no you idn't... *waves finger and weaves head* - 04/10/2011 03:53:07 AM 748 Views
....i don't know what you look like - 04/10/2011 03:54:56 AM 889 Views
Took the words right out of my mouth, repeatedly. - 04/10/2011 12:49:13 PM 1073 Views
Off-Topic - 05/10/2011 01:14:16 AM 872 Views
Hmm - 05/10/2011 02:03:13 AM 1028 Views
True - 05/10/2011 02:13:00 AM 831 Views
I think of Protestantism in terms similar to a Xerox copy. - 05/10/2011 04:57:42 AM 935 Views
Maybe Xeroxes of abridged texts and dumbed down theology - 06/10/2011 02:26:58 AM 1059 Views
I like that analogy - an echo chamber! *NM* - 08/10/2011 10:44:04 PM 540 Views
Re: Off-Topic - 05/10/2011 02:56:50 AM 1052 Views
Uhh... - 05/10/2011 03:08:49 AM 872 Views
The people at the Nicene Council and the other councils were not prophets. - 05/10/2011 04:59:50 AM 985 Views
And you know that because... why, again? - 05/10/2011 07:13:53 AM 911 Views
Tough Crowd. - 03/10/2011 04:44:31 PM 1019 Views
No questions. Have a nice day. - 03/10/2011 11:40:58 PM 888 Views
Why don't they have anything approaching a formal theology? *NM* - 04/10/2011 03:58:16 AM 626 Views
Re: Why don't they have anything approaching a formal theology? - 04/10/2011 05:23:12 PM 981 Views