Active Users:362 Time:13/03/2025 02:30:12 AM
Yeah, that's the plan. Avendesora Send a noteboard - 26/09/2011 06:37:49 PM
best advice I can give is to nip it in the bud now. Have your son stand up to him also. He has to be scared of you or he'll lord it over you.

If you're near him, "peck" him on his head and chase him off for no reason. If you see him mating, chase him off the girl. You can even try to imitate the "wing dance" to the girl right afterward. Then crow like you own the place (well, you do own the place!) Always walk into the coop with your head and shoulders held high like you're big and bad. Yes, it looks dumb to us, but chickens understand body language best. You can also handle him more. Pick him up and carry him around. It will embarrass him. Pick up his girls, too.

I chased him off two hens first thing yesterday morning, which I think pissed him off royally. (Can you blame him?) He won't let me get close enough to touch him at all, and hasn't since he was 5 weeks old. He has always been very sweet, until this weekend. I carry a walking stick now when I do chores.

I fully plan on utilizing him for meat (as we always have since we found out he was a cockerel) if he insists on being dominant, but I don't know how long to give him. A week? two? a month? a day?

Heh. The thing is, my son was carrying a plastic sword when he went to the coop. Hubby and I were shocked that he didn't automatically whack the rooster with it in defense, or try to defend himself at all. He was too scared. He has also been told repeatedly not to go to the coop alone, for that reason. Damn kid is so stubborn, I guess experience is the best teacher. And he needs to learn to teach that overgrown chicken nugget who's boss.

Also- my husband does the wing dance at him, I have to get that on video and use it as blackmail too. :D

I believe all news and research that supports my opinion, and dismiss the rest as conspiracy and lies.
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My Rooster has learned Kung Fu. - 26/09/2011 04:21:53 PM 639 Views
wrong sn... oops. - 26/09/2011 05:57:10 PM 612 Views
Sorry, I've already got too many roosters of my own! - 26/09/2011 06:01:02 PM 569 Views
Yeah, that's the plan. - 26/09/2011 06:37:49 PM 595 Views
take the kids advice and eat him - 26/09/2011 06:03:49 PM 504 Views
All the hens are well-behaved. - 26/09/2011 07:04:36 PM 501 Views
Why must you women constantly try to emasculate us? - 26/09/2011 06:16:43 PM 659 Views
The likelihood of him harming one of use before his spurs grow in are minimal. - 26/09/2011 07:06:15 PM 464 Views
my mean rooster has developed spurs... - 28/09/2011 08:46:34 PM 511 Views
Cock Fu? Dangerous. - 03/10/2011 10:28:11 PM 470 Views

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