Active Users:1559 Time:18/01/2025 10:11:40 AM
I have thought about doing this multiple times but haven't. - Edit 1

Before modification by Avendesora at 16/09/2011 01:55:07 AM

Last night when I was thinking about mookie, eor, ancient sage and fanatic and... So many others.
I was thinking about some that had claimed their wotmania fame and left long before you signed up! I can't believe it's been so long...

Then I thought, "don't be overly sentimental. Those people are not here because they don't want to be. They are either too busy, too bored with us, can't stand the place, or whatever. Either way - if they really cared they would be here."

I wonder how Damookster is, and how his dad is.

The thing is, people... When you leave here we think about you. Sometimes frequently, sometimes occasionally. Some weird thing happens like when we're watching tv and a commercial will remind one of us of something you said in chat or on the mb. We wonder if you accomplished that thing you said you were going to do. We wonder if you're still happy or if you're struggling with life. How are you handling that breakup? How's school? You ever work that thing out with your friend or child or family member? Some of us forget you, and some of us really care.*sigh*

There are a few people I can't find, and a couple are the sort that worry me. If there is someone who never visits anymore, but you know they are ok, please post it below? Maybe there already is something like this somewhere?

I mean, seriously, where is Mook? And Brad? And how are we supposed to survive w/o the horrible jokes? I've got some melancholic nostalgia going on.

(If some of these people are around, and I'm not clever enough to get the pseudonymns, could someone at least please update me in a NB? )

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