Active Users:355 Time:27/09/2024 11:59:47 PM
WB. Joel Send a noteboard - 13/09/2011 02:16:54 PM
So...background. I started coming to WotMania waaaaay back when...around early 2000-ish. Lurked at first, responded to a few posts, made a few posts of my own. Did more of that, made a few friends, started going to chat...wash-rinse-repeat--you get the idea. Anyway......stopped being active about 5 years or so ago (LIFE--who knew?) though I've continued to log in a few times a week to see what was going on and, well, have some...


...even if I didn't contribute.

Maybe it's nostalgia. Maybe it's seeing the site not be what it was and wanting to do something about it. Maybe it's the Scotch I'm sipping...who knows? Reasons aside, I've decided to dive back in and (re)connect with all y'all..old and new--from what I've seen, you're worth it.

Don't prove me wrong.


Not that I dispute the suggestion that site activity is WAY down, but was that before or after the user counter went all wonky? Also, bear in mind that RAFOs counter doesn't consider people "active" for nearly as long as wotmanias; in my experience the old "the site considers you active for half an hour after your last action" was a rather conservative estimate, and (IIRC) RAFO considers someone "inactive" after about ten minutes of inactivity. Still, like I say, that's mainly just me being persnickety; it may be hard to precisely gauge, but it's hard to dispute RAFO activity is pretty anemic compared to wotmania ca. 2007.

Personally, I still think the best prescription is new blood (metaphorical, not graveyard black masses at midnight--although if you think that'll work.... ;)) It seems like something of a Catch 22 though; "if we build it they will come", but even among those who consider that result desirable I often feel like the community has gotten so jaded, insular and TINY that there's not much motivation to contribute any of the content necessary to draw and retain new members. That really is too bad, because life happens to everyone sooner or later, so any community will slowly atrophy without new members periodically arriving. We need fresh me--er, fine and interesting new members, but I'm not sure how likely we are to get them any time soon.

All of that said, RAFO isn't a carbon copy of wotmania; the character is slightly different, and spending most of my time on the CMB that is NOT the site mainstay it was at wotmania probably skews my perspective a bit. I'm embarrassed to say I don't get by there much, but I understand the Books MB is pretty active, and that's a very promising thing since it's been a RAFO priority from the start rather than the afterthought it sometimes felt like the OFMB was at wotmania. Anyway, and once again, welcome back, and here's hoping life has treated you well during your sabbatical. Old timer contributions are still the best way to engage potential new members who wander through; the more diverse and thought provoking/entertaining stuff RAFO has the more people it's likely to fascinate.

Thanks for being nostalgic for a wotmania era I've actually been around long enough to remember; sometimes I still feel a bit newbish myself. :<img class=' /> It was kinda weird to see a thread with bcondray asking about "missing" members; I don't think anyone's heard from him since about six months before wotmania died and I'm frankly a bit worried, but since all of his contact info changed at the same time he went missing I can't think of much to do except hope and pray. :( I'd forgotten about the brief summary of what threads were appropriate for what boards (with links) in every post box, but I just NBed Ben to suggest incorporating something similar both to do some of the traffic cop work not being done by our Help link and to increase random visitors awareness of MBs OTHER than the one upon which they happened to stumble.

And, yes, sipping Scotch is apt to make you nostalgic if you're over 25, but you probably already knew that, and whether it's a bad or good thing depends entirely on how we respond to it. Here's hoping we all respond well in this case. :)
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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U-Man in the house. - 13/09/2011 08:04:36 AM 669 Views
Welcome back - 13/09/2011 09:47:26 AM 403 Views
Re: Welcome back - 16/09/2011 02:59:50 AM 400 Views
Howdy... - 13/09/2011 01:26:04 PM 414 Views
WB. - 13/09/2011 02:16:54 PM 534 Views
Re: WB. - 16/09/2011 03:01:57 AM 428 Views
Welcome. - 16/09/2011 08:06:14 PM 389 Views
Hey U. *NM* - 13/09/2011 03:12:33 PM 188 Views
Re: Hey U. - 16/09/2011 03:02:15 AM 435 Views
Heya - 13/09/2011 03:22:03 PM 410 Views
Welcome back! - 13/09/2011 03:50:07 PM 447 Views
Re: Welcome back! - 16/09/2011 03:08:08 AM 449 Views
Goodness - 13/09/2011 06:00:07 PM 375 Views
Re: Goodness - 16/09/2011 03:08:36 AM 455 Views
Well well well! - 16/09/2011 04:24:35 AM 392 Views

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