Yes, it's that day of the year again when we all take a moment and remember how glad we are to know Tigr. And if, like me, that doesn't take you a full moment...well, you can use the rest of the time to meditate quietly on other important things. Like mentally composing your grocery list or something.
To celebrate this special day, I thought it would be fun to play a little game I like to call, "How well do YOU know Tigr?" All you have to do is choose the best answer to each of these questions. Ready? Good.
1. How old is Tigr today?
a) 10
b) 28
c) 37
d) 64
2. Tigr worked his way through college selling what?
a) bodily fluids
b) guns & ammo
c) girl scout cookies
d) girl scouts
3. Also in college, Tigr owned a snake. (I mean an actual snake, not one of the trouser variety.) (Well, presumably he had one of those too, but I prefer not to think about that.) (Also, with the latter sort, I'm pretty sure the ownership went in the opposite direction.) What was the name of the literal snake?
a) Lucy
b) Doris
c) Beatrice
d) Wayne
4. You wouldn't know it from his piss-poor showing lately, but back in the wotmania day, Tigr developed quite a well-deserved reputation for threadjacking. Who was his favorite threadjacking partner?
a) Denice Sedai
b) snoopster/snoopcester
c) Alric seVinta
d) Sareitha Sedai
e) all of the above. This white font trick isn't as tricky with the color block quoting system. Sigh.
5. There is NO question 5.
Well there you have it, friends. The limit of my creativity and/or how hard I'm willing to work on this birthday post. In any case, let's all wish Tigr a great day. Happy Birthday, my friend
To celebrate this special day, I thought it would be fun to play a little game I like to call, "How well do YOU know Tigr?" All you have to do is choose the best answer to each of these questions. Ready? Good.
1. How old is Tigr today?
a) 10
b) 28
c) 37
d) 64
2. Tigr worked his way through college selling what?
a) bodily fluids
b) guns & ammo
c) girl scout cookies
d) girl scouts
3. Also in college, Tigr owned a snake. (I mean an actual snake, not one of the trouser variety.) (Well, presumably he had one of those too, but I prefer not to think about that.) (Also, with the latter sort, I'm pretty sure the ownership went in the opposite direction.) What was the name of the literal snake?
a) Lucy
b) Doris
c) Beatrice
d) Wayne
4. You wouldn't know it from his piss-poor showing lately, but back in the wotmania day, Tigr developed quite a well-deserved reputation for threadjacking. Who was his favorite threadjacking partner?
a) Denice Sedai
b) snoopster/snoopcester
c) Alric seVinta
d) Sareitha Sedai
e) all of the above. This white font trick isn't as tricky with the color block quoting system. Sigh.
5. There is NO question 5.
Well there you have it, friends. The limit of my creativity and/or how hard I'm willing to work on this birthday post. In any case, let's all wish Tigr a great day. Happy Birthday, my friend
If you are from Betelgeuse, please have one of your Earth friends read what I've written before you respond. Or try concentrating harder.
"The trophy problem has become extreme."
"The trophy problem has become extreme."
Happy Birthday Tigr!
08/09/2011 02:02:55 PM
Re: Happy Birthday, Tigr!
08/09/2011 04:06:54 PM
Oh! oh! I know the answers!
08/09/2011 08:15:18 PM