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Premium account renewals and other new functionality Nebhead Send a noteboard - 30/08/2011 09:35:44 PM
Hey folkses,

I've been working on a bunch of new functionality over the last few days, some of which has been instantly noticed and other stuff which hasn't.

First off, I realised that it's now been over a year since I introduced premium accounts, and the number of renewals has been extremely low (to the point of being non-existent). I put this down to a lack of the site informing people when their account was due to expire/had expired, so I've put a warning message in place that will inform when the premium account a) is due to expire within 30 days, and b) has expired.

In both cases, the warning will hang around until it's dismissed by the user, by clicking a link; it's not going to be annoying and continually get in the way. However, it will appear for all users initially, as everyone was given a premium account for a month (and the way the functionality is set up, it's going to want to notify you that it's now expired). Sorry if that annoys you, but, well, tough :P

Secondly, as has already been spotted, I added a "Latest tweet" box. I'm aware that some people would prefer it if it were moved further down the screen, and I'm considering it. I'm also considering making it a premium option to be able to reorder the sidebar to your own liking, which might be a nice way of encouraging premium account renewals.

Thirdly, I've added functionality to the Profile page which allows users to see how many posts that person has made on the various messageboards, as well as their most recent comments. I'll be extending this in the near future to add messageboard specific stats (e.g. number of posts in the last day/week/month/year, total posts, top posters, most viewed threads, most commented on threads, etc).

As it's now been two years since the site opened, I'm also going to make another "Where we're at" thread soon, as I did last year, showing traffic graphs from google analytics and discussing how the site's doing.

That's all for now; let me know if you've any questions or comments.

It's all my fault...
Vegas Aug 17-18 - A Night to Remember

Spoony made this aaaages ago for me. Never got to use it though... until now!
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Premium account renewals and other new functionality - 30/08/2011 09:35:44 PM 2833 Views
Cool beans. - 30/08/2011 09:54:57 PM 1162 Views
burn the Games board instead - 30/08/2011 10:05:38 PM 924 Views
Can't we just merge them? Role-Playing Games are games. *NM* - 30/08/2011 10:28:54 PM 361 Views
we actually roleplay on the RPG board - 30/08/2011 10:35:03 PM 821 Views
We don't want those dirty RPers on our Games board. *NM* - 30/08/2011 11:36:20 PM 355 Views
it would save on burning - 31/08/2011 12:04:56 AM 679 Views
The problem - 31/08/2011 08:21:31 PM 863 Views
That was meeee - 01/09/2011 12:03:48 PM 873 Views
Re: That was meeee - 01/09/2011 07:28:37 PM 753 Views
Random functionality note. - 30/08/2011 10:14:50 PM 959 Views
Thanks for letting me know. - 30/08/2011 10:20:04 PM 751 Views
STATS! STATS! STATS! - 30/08/2011 10:23:58 PM 799 Views
You need to add more boards - 30/08/2011 10:24:47 PM 849 Views
Yeah, because it wasn't annoying enough the first time you ran all around them and posted as fast as - 31/08/2011 12:41:16 AM 773 Views
You are such a hater *NM* - 31/08/2011 07:07:16 PM 379 Views
Uh, yeah, I should get on that. - 31/08/2011 12:19:45 AM 781 Views
On Premium Account Renewals. - 31/08/2011 01:05:23 AM 901 Views
Re: On Premium Account Renewals. - 31/08/2011 08:26:46 AM 762 Views
Re: On Premium Account Renewals. - 31/08/2011 03:48:10 PM 790 Views
Re: On Premium Account Renewals. - 31/08/2011 07:07:55 PM 751 Views
He's becoming senile, it's been showing for a while now. - 31/08/2011 07:15:40 PM 1001 Views
We are not supposed to talk about it. - 31/08/2011 07:29:11 PM 717 Views
Still, that doesn't make him necessarily wrong. - 04/09/2011 05:33:57 PM 784 Views
... - 04/09/2011 07:29:17 PM 818 Views
Very good. - 31/08/2011 01:19:45 AM 900 Views
Excellent. - 31/08/2011 07:22:44 AM 818 Views
So I got one reply on the WOT board. Shocking! - 31/08/2011 08:07:55 AM 825 Views
I have 16 - 31/08/2011 03:49:12 PM 776 Views
I like how my favorites came back when my premie did. - 01/09/2011 01:22:03 AM 1286 Views
A little bit of a suggestion - 01/09/2011 11:34:33 PM 759 Views
Don't know if this is related to it but, I can't log into the site anymore - 02/09/2011 03:12:34 AM 901 Views
That doesn't sound good at all. - 03/09/2011 12:26:21 AM 706 Views
That's hopefully it fixed. - 03/09/2011 11:10:08 AM 733 Views
It works! Thanks *NM* - 03/09/2011 07:54:19 PM 362 Views

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