Riddle me fake left, riddle me fake right.... - Edit 1
Before modification by Joel at 23/08/2011 05:43:37 PM
Hey, I bailed, and I don't often do that. But I think he's aware I read both his last responses, and anything I say will only continue the "my greedy corrupt big brother can beat up your greedy corrupt big brother" debate. I have no interest in that since I refuse to own either and consider the whole pointless argument a deliberate distraction from the irredeemable flaws of both. I do wish I'd stopped responding sooner rather than letting it derail a thread about the crony capitalism dominating BOTH major parties, but that IS the purpose of that distraction, after all. While rts dismissal of our governor suggesting Texans would "do" (NOT "say" ) things to the Fed Chairman underscores my continuing concerns about whether I or my mother am safe in our own home, I wasn't trying to restart that discussion here and am unsure how it happened anyway. rt's still way better than db in his prime though (that said, Rod's never faulted my leaving the country to marry, probably because he doesn't want to have to explain a crack like that to my wife) and the dubious "honor" of making the most insultingly belligerent response to me still belongs to a fellow liberal.