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What a lovely story ironclad Send a noteboard - 17/08/2011 01:02:14 PM
It is number 1 that times out, while the rest lies between 5ms and 31ms, with one unexpected 104ms under 7.

If only I knew what any of this means! XD

Pretend you are my postman on my section of a make-believe network of roads we'll call The Internet. Just for laughs, I want to see how long it takes for mail to get to Snoopcester, even though we have no idea where he is (the beauty of The Internet).

I give you three test envelopes with these instructions and you pass them to a man on a horse - Man #1. Man #1 has no idea how to get to Snoopcester, but he knows someone he can go ask (Man #2) who in turn knows another person who knows a bit more than he does (Man #3) and so on and so forth...

You give instructions to Man #1 that each time he passes the envelopes on to another man, each man is to report back on how long it took (in milliseconds 'ms' ) for the envelopes to pass between them. Yes, they are really fast horses! Each man has a similar length of road to travel, so we expect the times to be similar for each envelope, on each section of road.

That was the Tracert Saga, featuring:

Paula as Firefox

Snoopcester as Google

Ironclad as Wireless Internet Connection

ISP as Man #1

Random Internet Servers as Man #2, Man #3 and so on..

Internet Packets as Envelopes Containing Snail Mail

From what you describe above, your #1 is asleep in a bar somewhere, while #7 stopped for a leak and a cup of tea. Doesn't necessarily mean an issue, but if they are doing it every time then you'd start to get annoyed. That you are having issues at home and work with your #1 and #2 could indicate something wrong with your network card - if possible I would test it out by using another network connection. Can you plug in, or borrow someone's Network card?

Thank you so much for your time. I moved the little box that's boosting the router signal (because it is 3 rooms away) half a meter closer to my desk and things are rather okay for now. I still don't get why it didn't need that meter last week or last month, but at least I am not growing grey hair while pages load. For now.


You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
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Internet slow although connection's fast? - 15/08/2011 11:08:04 AM 471 Views
Too much running? - 15/08/2011 11:44:25 AM 241 Views
Nope, only got the browser open *NM* - 15/08/2011 11:50:35 AM 142 Views
How many tabs open? - 15/08/2011 12:46:39 PM 312 Views
It was three at that time - 15/08/2011 01:53:29 PM 261 Views
Google are oddly silent - 15/08/2011 07:49:58 PM 381 Views
It seems to be the same with Firefox - 16/08/2011 08:17:11 AM 230 Views
Could be anything, really, or infinite combinations of anythings - 16/08/2011 10:03:21 AM 287 Views
Could it be a Windows update? - 16/08/2011 08:39:04 AM 251 Views
could be because it's such a wide shared connection - 16/08/2011 08:44:48 AM 253 Views
Speed meter stats - 16/08/2011 09:59:23 AM 322 Views
Could try running a cleanup utility - 16/08/2011 10:17:41 AM 469 Views
I use CCleaner regularly, and have this morning - 16/08/2011 11:37:15 AM 316 Views
Similar enough for our purposes - scratch that idea - 16/08/2011 11:51:13 AM 302 Views
hmm - 16/08/2011 12:12:59 PM 253 Views
Now I moved to the room closer to the router - 16/08/2011 12:20:20 PM 282 Views
Yeah, that #2 is an issue - 16/08/2011 12:31:33 PM 276 Views
At home, where wireless internet's fast in every room fast... - 16/08/2011 04:48:11 PM 270 Views
Re: At home, where wireless internet's fast in every room fast... - 17/08/2011 12:20:59 AM 319 Views
What a lovely story - 17/08/2011 01:02:14 PM 378 Views
What a lovely way to say I talk too much - 17/08/2011 01:21:34 PM 233 Views
Awesome. - 17/08/2011 02:25:36 PM 234 Views

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