Active Users:230 Time:26/06/2024 10:02:53 PM
Actually, I believe the polls regularly showing Romney ahead of Obama now. - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 14/07/2011 09:45:13 PM

I don't think it'll last; getting nominated will force him to shore up deep vulnerabilities on his right and embrace things like the Ryan budget, and his insulation from such insanity is why he's eking out a lead over Obama now.
So do you accept the wisdom of the masses when it doesn't meet your own little particular view of the world? Another way to read this is unlike the spineless dems who check a poll before they give an opinion republicans stand by their values. That is a little unfair I admit since "do what makes me feel good" is the only value dems they actually do stand by it.

The Republicans supposed values are irreconcilably conflicted here: They can reduce the deficit or avoid tax increases, but they CANNOT do both. Refusing to realize or at least admit that isn't principled, it's dangerously irrational. Oh, and what commitment to principle does McConnell handing Obama Congress' Constitutional power of the purse represent? It's not exactly "the buck stops here" but then, the President who had that on his desk was a Democrat. Another line of his may apply here: "I don't give 'em hell, I give 'em the truth and they THINK it's hell. "

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