Active Users:505 Time:28/09/2024 03:47:41 AM
Bad analogy. Tom Send a noteboard - 09/07/2011 03:21:23 AM
While baseball is perhaps geographically as limited as rugby in terms of interest (to be precise for Rebekah's sake), the methodical and relentless projection of American culture to the rest of the world has created a situation where I would think it more likely that a foreigner has heard of the New York Yankees than that someone in the US, Russia, China, or a whole host of other countries has heard of the All Blacks.

As for "The King and I", perhaps it is getting dated, but it is a major classic movie that people have watched the world over. I wouldn't call Yul Brynner a "Russian actor", though. He never starred in a Russian movie in his entire life and was just barely born in Russia since his family was fleeing the Bolsheviks. He was the King in "The King and I", Rameses in "The Ten Commandments" and starred in plenty of Westerns, including "The Magnificent Seven".
Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

Yul Brynner
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General knowledge! - 08/07/2011 02:04:51 PM 794 Views
Re: General knowledge! - 08/07/2011 02:08:13 PM 533 Views
I prefer pot luck - 08/07/2011 02:25:22 PM 364 Views
I'm docking you for spelling! - 08/07/2011 02:34:25 PM 606 Views
Bad joke, very bad joke! - 08/07/2011 02:36:09 PM 362 Views
Ugh - 08/07/2011 02:42:11 PM 381 Views
You dropped the ball there - 08/07/2011 02:51:59 PM 494 Views
Re: Ugh - 08/07/2011 03:06:03 PM 538 Views
I was referring to me! - 08/07/2011 03:23:38 PM 530 Views
He also misspelled Walesa. *NM* - 08/07/2011 03:14:10 PM 289 Views
He misspelled everything, hence the entire conversation. *NM* - 08/07/2011 03:19:11 PM 285 Views
I missed Question 4. I think that's hardly general knowledge. - 08/07/2011 03:13:22 PM 509 Views
I knew it. - 08/07/2011 03:18:20 PM 531 Views
I agree with Nossy - 08/07/2011 03:43:09 PM 503 Views
Let's not get ridiculous here. - 08/07/2011 11:04:14 PM 401 Views
Me? Get ridiculous? - 08/07/2011 11:43:16 PM 550 Views
Intelligent people. - 09/07/2011 03:12:58 AM 648 Views
Heh - 09/07/2011 04:52:27 AM 377 Views
Or it's 94 of the world's countries. - 08/07/2011 05:52:54 PM 479 Views
I don't know about Italy, but it's interesting in France... - 08/07/2011 07:07:16 PM 488 Views
not exactly - 08/07/2011 07:20:58 PM 552 Views
Oh. Oh well, close enough. *NM* - 08/07/2011 07:51:47 PM 263 Views
Don't make me laugh at your silly sport even more. - 08/07/2011 11:11:55 PM 471 Views
Your choice of words, not mine. - 08/07/2011 11:33:42 PM 471 Views
Casuistry. Sheer casuistry. - 09/07/2011 03:05:48 AM 380 Views
Not quite - 08/07/2011 11:45:08 PM 521 Views
I've never heard of Russia's professional league. - 09/07/2011 03:07:07 AM 365 Views
I imagine most people haven't - 09/07/2011 03:18:11 PM 602 Views
You're wrong about Georgia, at least. - 08/07/2011 11:46:13 PM 539 Views
That will change when Russia re-invades. - 09/07/2011 03:23:13 AM 472 Views
Or asking Americans about the metric system *NM* - 08/07/2011 10:28:59 PM 288 Views
Dude, it's the All Blacks. - 08/07/2011 11:59:21 PM 687 Views
The all whats? The what blacks? The what what? *NM* - 09/07/2011 03:21:48 AM 254 Views
Asking a non-Rugby fan about the All Blacks ... - 09/07/2011 12:15:24 AM 395 Views
Bad analogy. - 09/07/2011 03:21:23 AM 611 Views
Actually, it's a pretty good analogy... - 09/07/2011 09:44:50 AM 494 Views
Missed 4 and 7 *NM* - 08/07/2011 03:39:32 PM 211 Views
9 and 2/5 - 08/07/2011 03:54:34 PM 489 Views
I missed two, so you can only have Colonel Knowledge of me. - 08/07/2011 04:45:49 PM 480 Views
8/10 – answers typed before looking. - 08/07/2011 11:57:17 PM 446 Views
Only missed Number 6 *NM* - 09/07/2011 09:50:59 AM 290 Views
Missed 4 and 7 *NM* - 09/07/2011 08:54:07 PM 289 Views

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