Active Users:870 Time:12/03/2025 12:39:43 AM
I freaking love you. *NM* Amyrlin Send a noteboard - 07/07/2011 07:25:28 PM
I don't even know why I'm bothering to explain myself, but it's like a guy can't even devise a trebuchet to fire electric lobsters without you people making a fuss, so fine, whatever. And it's not like I even punched the panda cub that hard. What was I supposed to do, let him eat all the bamboo? Yeah, then the plant-fueled Eco Reaper 5000 would have worked just dandy, wouldn't it? This is green frigging energy, people. And that panda was a wuss.

But you know what, I don't even care. Seriously. You can send me all the angry noteboards you want about about the morality of training fleas to kill, but it doesn't change the fact that they are goddamn effective. This is science. Science. All right? Nobody got on Edison's case when he blew up an elephant. He stole that from me, by the way.

And I guess your delicate lacy sensitivities were somehow damaged when I baked that cake made entirely of spiders, and sure, I know not everyone is okay with spiders, but look at the big picture here. The big picture is that there is a cake. And it's made of spiders. Are we clear now?

A guy starts to feel unappreciated. Do you know how much work it took to build a cyborg bear? It was a whole bloody weekend, and you don't even care. It's not even my fault that it hates all life and has a taste for the flesh of man. I mean, I told mapthis not to stand so close. There was a sign. I was never convicted of anything.

But whatever. Just, whatever, okay? You don't want me to program babies to fly and shoot lasers from their eyes, then I guess you can just live in a world where babies are chained to the ground like animals, unable to defend themselves. Is that really a world you want to live in?

I'm not recalling the giant two-headed tiger though. It's the principle of the thing. Plus I don't know how to kill it, stop it, or even teach it the meaning of fear. So I guess that's your problem now, and don't come begging me for help because you won't get it.

Come on, rocket powered moon dog. Let's blow this popsicle stand.

(Seriously, you guys should stand back. Ice shrapnel is a bitch.)

By the way, I miss you too.~KB
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Look, I thought the badger was drunk, okay? - 07/07/2011 06:58:36 PM 886 Views
I freaking love you. *NM* - 07/07/2011 07:25:28 PM 309 Views
Ma'am, I'd like to make you an offer. - 07/07/2011 08:32:17 PM 563 Views
But I like ice schrapnel - 07/07/2011 07:40:18 PM 526 Views
That's my kind of talk. - 07/07/2011 08:34:14 PM 537 Views
Amy needs to get in line - 07/07/2011 09:36:58 PM 529 Views
I can fix that, you know. - 07/07/2011 09:54:53 PM 578 Views
Re: I can fix that, you know. - 07/07/2011 10:02:31 PM 528 Views
Re: I can fix that, you know. - 07/07/2011 10:10:34 PM 519 Views
Re: I can fix that, you know. - 07/07/2011 10:14:03 PM 515 Views
You word write good. - 07/07/2011 10:36:39 PM 486 Views
Sounds like you need my Degabbledizer. - 07/07/2011 10:48:03 PM 530 Views
There was a discussion at work about buying a personal one-man helicopter for funsies. - 08/07/2011 01:47:26 AM 515 Views
~takes notes~ - 08/07/2011 01:53:09 AM 506 Views
Re: ~takes notes~ - 08/07/2011 01:57:23 AM 490 Views
Re: ~takes notes~ - 08/07/2011 02:00:03 AM 446 Views
Re: Best post in fifteen years. - 08/07/2011 06:04:31 AM 570 Views
I spent days perfecting the leg to abdomen ratio. - 08/07/2011 08:16:42 PM 520 Views
How can one tell? - 08/07/2011 01:59:49 PM 552 Views
Badgers are mean drunks. - 08/07/2011 08:20:31 PM 532 Views
Wait, moondog is rocket powered now? - 08/07/2011 03:28:33 PM 507 Views
Another satisfied customer! - 08/07/2011 08:26:12 PM 515 Views
I have read this a few times and I don't buy it! - 08/07/2011 08:36:15 PM 507 Views
Tsk. A whole weekend to build a cybearg. - 08/07/2011 10:17:54 PM 583 Views
Who ... who let this fraud in my post? - 08/07/2011 10:48:04 PM 578 Views
I've been telling you for years that morality and science are separate things. - 08/07/2011 10:52:32 PM 514 Views
You might be interested in my Bionic Cream. - 08/07/2011 11:06:46 PM 542 Views
What use do we have for natural ingredients? We're scientists. - 08/07/2011 11:13:39 PM 561 Views
Is it tasty? Can it be fed to Fudgies? *NM* - 09/07/2011 08:33:34 PM 345 Views
Bionic Cream is delicious. - 11/07/2011 03:56:41 PM 475 Views
Things they don't teach you in school: Badger Impairment - 11/07/2011 02:25:28 AM 526 Views
Some days you eat the badger. Some days the badger eats you. - 11/07/2011 03:53:58 PM 540 Views

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