I can't prove it, but believe the reptilian brain too primitive to comprehend concepts like "love". - Edit 1
Before modification by Joel at 16/06/2011 10:14:11 PM
Most likely an adorable little corn snake.
Anyone have/had a pet snake? Advice? Suggestions?
Any reasons why we shouldn't get one?
Any reasons why we should?
I like snakes.
Well. I like our friend's pet snake. She is lovely.
Anyone have/had a pet snake? Advice? Suggestions?
Any reasons why we shouldn't get one?
Any reasons why we should?
I like snakes.
Well. I like our friend's pet snake. She is lovely.
If so, that basically means a snake relates to every other creature as a source of either fear or food, which seems a poor basis for a relationship, let alone with a live-in pet. Multiply by at least a factor of two for constrictors, (primitive even for snakes, hence they frequently exhibit vestigial leg buds). Also, few things are more disturbing than the sight/sound of a roommates seven foot constrictor repeatedly pounding its head against the top of a terrarium in an escape attempt, while you sit hoping the weights atop of the screen prevent success. Other RAFOlk undoubtedly see the matter differently, but should bear in mind that I opposed sharing a home with the snake when it was 16" long, and was thus unlikely to warm to it once it grew to five times that length; naming it after Norman Bates only made things worse. IF you do it, bear in mind that they're practically blind going into a molt, so care should be exercised during feeding lest they mistake your hand for the mouse (I once heard a story of a guy with a huge boa that latched onto his arm when fed and began wrapping up, leaving him no choice but to saw its head off with a Bowie knife. )