Active Users:448 Time:24/02/2025 03:35:59 AM
Why did I pick that one? Because you completely ignore men's part in a culture that sexually - Edit 1

Before modification by Helene at 14/06/2011 07:55:39 AM

represses women. That's a ridiculous point of view. How can you not be part of that interaction?

I did qualify my statement that claimed it was a trait particular to American girls, did I not? I even said that there are American girls that lack those traits in the same post.

Qualifying your statements with exceptions doesn't not undo the misogynistic nature of your attitude.

Combining those two qualifications, it's a pretty reasonable statement.

Not really, because your experiences are qualified by the fact that you were always part of the equation. A simple fact that you choose to ignore.

Where do I say that I am god's gift, or that all women are horrible, or even all American women? I also qualified that guys have their own share of problems above, and this even prior to reading your absurd response.

Your statement was extremely absurd (and bitter), so it warranted a similar response. No, women who are prudish are not prudish out of a sense of entitlement, but out of a sense of repression. Women who are manipulative out of a sense of entitlement are another category. The fact that you equate the two in some kind of bitter diatribe against women...

What's with the hyperbole tonight, Helene? We're voicing legitimate complaints, properly couched, and I'm a misogynist and Tom a potential date-rapist?

It's not hyperbole. It's not a legitimate complaint to call all American women (with a few exceptions) prudish self entitled manipulators, nor is it properly couched. The very fact that you seem to think that it is doesn't do much to undo the appearance of misogyny on your part.

As far as Tom goes, no, I don't think he's a potential date rapist. But he argued such a silly point that I felt the need to point out to him what exactly he was arguing.

You sound shrill and tiresome. Best just respect the complaints rather than rail against them. You're not American, am I right? So why are you in such a rush to defend American women? Further, why do you feel qualified to?

Ah, the famous words to use when arguing with women. I'm impressed you didn't use hysterical.

Why should I respect complaints that are unfounded by anything other than very vague anecdotal evidence, which is surrounded by a level of bitterness that can only be attained by an inability to even understand your own contribution to a situation, let alone take responsibility for it.

So my not being American means that I should not feel the need to argue against a stupid attitude when I see it? I feel qualified to partake in this debate because I am fully capable of understanding what is being said and know quite a few things about what it takes to create a positive mature relationship.

How are you qualified to make gross generalizations against all American women (with a few exceptions here and there)? I doubt you have that much experience.

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