Active Users:3082 Time:23/01/2025 12:46:33 AM
NP, happens. Joel Send a noteboard - 12/05/2011 01:09:18 AM
Couldn't resist. Long lurk, no see; how's tricks? Thoughts on the British referendum? How badly does the US need instant runoffs if Obama can't get an approval rating of 50% and the Republican House is lucky to get half that? Oh, and comments on my use of inexact polling in this thread are welcome if you want to avoid an outright threadjack. :P

What we need to institute is something condorcet complete like Borda. Borda's good.

Wikipedias example illustrates that: Fifty voters rank a right, center and left candidate. Thirty right voters rank them R-2, C-1, L-0. Twenty center left voters rank them C-2, L-1, R-0. The final tally is C-70, R-60, L-20. The center candidate wins despite a right majority, and despite the fact the right candidate would win a two candidate race against either of the others, so Borda isn't Condorcet complete either.

Further, tactical voting could (and, I suspect, often would) make a consensus second choice NO ONE chose first defeat a majority first choice. A simple example would be 50 people choosing 4 candidates. Thirty right voters rank them FR-4, CR-3, CL-2, FL-1. Twenty left voters vote tactically and rank them FL-4, CR-3, CL-2, FR-1. The final tally is FR-140, CR-150, CL-100, FL-110. The center right candidate wins despite a far right majority, and even though the far right candidate would win a two candidate election against any other, so once again, not Condorcet complete. If the minority doesn't vote tactically, the result is the same as an ideal FPtP system. Ironically, tactical FPtP voting means America already elects the least objectionable candidate in practice, so the only difference I see is that Borda is designed to produce PTtPs accidental result, and wouldn't really change much in the US.

In this list, monotonicity is the only thing I want that Borda has and Instant Runoff doesn't, but I prefer the IR guarantee of a majority and mutual majority winner Borda lacks. Without a mutual majority guarantee minorities voting the party to prevent the other side winning can reduce elections to moderate and far minority candidates (not that that ever happens in the US. :whistle: ) I realize chances a system WILL violate a criterion if it CAN are debateable, but that could go around in circles all day so I'm not going there. ;)

IRV bugs me inherently because it's possible for a candidate moving his stances in the direction of the majority of opinion to actually cause him to lose. See the link below.

In each one of those grids, consider each point to be a simulated "average opinion." If each person on the grid voted for the candidate which was closest to them on the grid in accordance with the candidates' positions (ranking, approval, etc) then the color of the grid at that point is who would end up winning. Now, yes, this assumes that every person has complete knowledge of all candidates and votes logically, which doesn't happen, but for the purpose of visualizing outcomes, it's useful.

Plurality and Hare (IRV) are both awful. Plurality squeezes out moderate candidates, while Hare is all over the place. Approval and Condorcet are basically identical in most cases, while Borda is very similar to both, but emphasizes the moderate candidates more.

I think it's just an interesting way of visually depicting who would win in each.

Put in those terms, I can see your point, but because I prefer the varies ranking systems to FPtP I'm (perhaps unduly) attached to later no harm, because without a guarantee people giving ANY vote to a less preferred candidate won't cause your most preferred one to lose it'll be hard to sell people on it and we'll be stuck with FPtP forever. If I could pick any one of the systems I've seen proposed I'd probably go with Ranked Pairs, but it seems too complex to get popular approval (a smart chimp could follow IR and a lot of people STILL have trouble with it. :rolleyes: ) Perhaps worse, it also doesn't guarantee you giving a lesser vote to someone you like less won't cost your favorite candidate the election. I can handle weird results as long as there's SOME logic to them, and if I'm following the graphs it seems like even in the most bizarre looking IR simulations IR a logic can be found.

For example, in the last (and weirdest looking) case there's a yellow triangle pretty much dead center of the red victory region. Since red has a greater y value and x value, if public opinion shifts from right of the triangle to the left it moves toward both while maintaining reds greater vertical distance; past a point yellows vertical advantage outweighs reds horizontal one and makes it the winner until public opinion is nearly even with red horizontally and red is again the winner. Effects of a vertical opinion shift are more pronounced because it increases the relative size of reds greater vertical distance, so less horizontal shift is generally necessary to make yellow the winner. The exception is that if the vertical position was always close to both red and yellow a horizontal shift left is more significant than an upward one and a win for yellow becomes a win for red. In all cases once public opinion gets VERY close to both vertical positions OR reds horizontal position red wins. The effect is a region of voters horizontally closer to red but occasionaly more concerned about reds greater vertical distance from yellow (despite being fairly distant from both themselves).

It's significant, I think, that in that simulation yellow has the LOWEST y value of the four AND is the closest candidate to red over all. It's a case where a single issue with strong public opinion can yield a surprising outcome, because if voters generally approve reds platform but are very extreme on that one issue red may not be close enough to their views, and they'll choose the most extreme candidate who's otherwise most like red. Red can only win if public opinion is VERY close to him on all other issues. In effect, it's a case where being moderate on EVERYTHING gets red beaten by a yellow candidate who's moderate on everything except the one issue on which the public is also extreme.

Maybe I'm fitting the data to my curve here; I can't be entirely sure, but that's my take: Just because the graph looks funny doesn't mean it's not representative, because electorates often look funny, too. Regardless, it looks like my choice ultimate choice is between systems that can penalize a candidate for shifting his position toward the majority or those that can penalize a voter for ranking candidates. Neither of those is ideal, obviously, but the former is less objectionable to me than the latter, particularly since it will take major public approval to implement either, and the general public will always be more concerned about hurting themselves than hurting their candidates.

After all that, I'm still very attached to mutual majority guarantees as well, because I still believe America's a center left country (at least in global terms) that's nonetheless had mostly center right and right Presidents since the war. To give you an idea of how strongly I feel about mutual majority, in 2000 I would've been happy with either Bradley or Gore (the Dem primary candidates), Nader (the Green nominee) or McCain (the GOP primary loser), but after six years of George Bush as my Governor the prospect of his presidency horrified me, yet the reality exceeded my worst nightmares. In my book, the Condorcet loser won, when a mutual majority system would've guaranteed me Nader, Gore or Bradely, all of whom would have eminently satisfied me. Given a choice between Condorcet completion or a mutual majority and later no harm guarantee, I'll miss monotonicity, but not as much as I'd miss the other two. ;)
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
Reply to message
Wishlist - 09/05/2011 08:26:23 AM 5842 Views
Chat. - 09/05/2011 08:41:32 AM 1667 Views
seconded (the message content) *NM* - 09/05/2011 08:57:31 AM 830 Views
Hmm. - 09/05/2011 10:22:27 AM 1735 Views
I wondered if you remembered that. - 10/05/2011 12:04:31 AM 5286 Views
I thought we already had one - 09/05/2011 11:45:34 AM 1533 Views
That is essentially Goodreads. *NM* - 09/05/2011 02:42:06 PM 798 Views
Organisation - 09/05/2011 12:52:25 PM 1453 Views
Sort of. - 09/05/2011 01:09:12 PM 1227 Views
Excellent - 09/05/2011 02:57:35 PM 1329 Views
Also - 09/05/2011 01:59:35 PM 1434 Views
Re: Also - 09/05/2011 04:29:33 PM 1471 Views
Wotmania content (FAQ, Theory post, personality test, etc.) and Chat *NM* - 09/05/2011 02:53:08 PM 866 Views
Also agree here, at least where intellectual property isn't an issue. - 09/05/2011 06:41:27 PM 1456 Views
Nobody votes in those polls anyway. *NM* - 09/05/2011 07:09:23 PM 762 Views
149 people would disagree with you. - 09/05/2011 08:10:24 PM 1593 Views
Re: Wotmania content (FAQ, Theory post, personality test, etc.) and Chat - 22/07/2011 05:35:32 AM 1365 Views
Rules, Help, and Statistics? *NM* - 09/05/2011 05:50:25 PM 820 Views
+∞ - 09/05/2011 06:14:23 PM 1460 Views
Indeed. *NM* - 09/05/2011 08:00:06 PM 719 Views
+1 to statistics. I miss those, oddly enough. - 10/05/2011 05:14:26 PM 1455 Views
writer's board!!! pleeeese *NM* - 09/05/2011 06:26:28 PM 800 Views
A new messageboard style - 09/05/2011 06:49:10 PM 1710 Views
I hate other bulletin board styles. Hate. - 09/05/2011 06:55:31 PM 1618 Views
- 09/05/2011 07:14:56 PM 1499 Views
Well. I half agree with that. - 09/05/2011 08:35:41 PM 1540 Views
Help thing? - 09/05/2011 09:55:18 PM 1463 Views
Yes. The Help link on every page which currently goes nowhere. *NM* - 09/05/2011 10:21:09 PM 843 Views
Agreed. So very, very agreed. *NM* - 09/05/2011 07:59:18 PM 783 Views
phpBB has an "ignore" option - 09/05/2011 10:50:39 PM 2578 Views
The thing is its the fun awesome people who do the tangents - 09/05/2011 10:58:42 PM 1513 Views
1996 is over - 09/05/2011 11:52:48 PM 1374 Views
THe option to show posts with newest replies first allows for that - 09/05/2011 11:57:57 PM 1399 Views
a few things - 10/05/2011 12:05:50 AM 1357 Views
I'm surprised to have gotten this strong of a reaction - 10/05/2011 12:30:21 AM 1395 Views
For what it's worth - 10/05/2011 12:45:45 AM 1604 Views
Re: For what it's worth - 10/05/2011 08:29:08 AM 1420 Views
It's possible - 10/05/2011 11:45:26 AM 1509 Views
Re: It's possible - 10/05/2011 12:02:51 PM 1440 Views
No, I got it - 10/05/2011 01:03:59 PM 1398 Views
Re: No, I got it - 10/05/2011 01:14:01 PM 1527 Views
Re: No, I got it - 10/05/2011 04:42:57 PM 1399 Views
Re: No, I got it - 10/05/2011 04:52:06 PM 1393 Views
Yes - 10/05/2011 05:10:07 PM 1429 Views
This site has what, 10% or so percent of wotmania's activity in its heyday? - 10/05/2011 10:45:51 PM 1598 Views
Tell me, why are you still here? - 10/05/2011 10:48:44 PM 1381 Views
I don't know, sometimes - 10/05/2011 11:19:14 PM 1304 Views
I used to spend quite a lot of time on other sites. - 10/05/2011 12:14:09 PM 1410 Views
Which type of sites? - 10/05/2011 01:06:32 PM 1287 Views
Re: Which type of sites? - 12/05/2011 06:22:32 AM 1425 Views
My experience has been different - 12/05/2011 09:28:28 PM 1409 Views
The style is why this place is like it is - 10/05/2011 08:27:46 AM 1409 Views
Re: 1996 is over - 12/05/2011 06:15:57 AM 1411 Views
*NM* - 11/05/2011 06:36:55 AM 746 Views
I actually had no idea to whom this response was directed. - 11/05/2011 07:10:32 PM 1346 Views
A trick - 11/05/2011 08:20:31 PM 1492 Views
That does work, yeah; just forgot about it. *NM* - 11/05/2011 08:54:32 PM 732 Views
I very much agree. *NM* - 13/05/2011 10:33:28 PM 754 Views
I disagree here - 09/05/2011 06:58:40 PM 1366 Views
No. Just no. *NM* - 09/05/2011 08:02:16 PM 932 Views
I think forcing either style on anyone tends to discourage membership from those who want the other. - 09/05/2011 08:23:13 PM 1509 Views
This is a good alternative, - 09/05/2011 08:39:07 PM 1523 Views
Not really. It would have to be idiot proof. - 09/05/2011 08:53:50 PM 1296 Views
Thanks; you can't please everyone, but this seems like the closest we'll get. - 09/05/2011 10:25:00 PM 1779 Views
Nice assumption - 09/05/2011 10:32:35 PM 1394 Views
If it became a habit it would be annoying, yeah, but is there reason to think it would? - 10/05/2011 01:33:50 AM 1456 Views
Human nature - 10/05/2011 11:21:05 AM 1498 Views
If RAFO wants to attract new members.... - 09/05/2011 10:55:36 PM 1497 Views
You can guarantee a large amount of people will leave if that vile phpBB type board is introduced - 09/05/2011 11:01:43 PM 1505 Views
Yes - 09/05/2011 11:08:42 PM 1407 Views
I see it the opposite way - 10/05/2011 12:04:42 AM 1559 Views
Re: I see it the opposite way - 10/05/2011 12:31:19 AM 1320 Views
Valid points. - 10/05/2011 03:10:45 AM 1317 Views
I agree. - 27/05/2011 01:37:50 PM 1381 Views
While I agree with everyone who hates BB boards... - 16/05/2011 06:26:04 AM 1564 Views
I like the slider from nested to pages, yeah, thanks. - 16/05/2011 06:54:02 AM 1485 Views
Oh, my - 16/05/2011 07:10:17 AM 1581 Views
They're dumping the blue jerseys for home games. - 16/05/2011 07:49:04 AM 1479 Views
Re: They're dumping the blue jerseys for home games. - 16/05/2011 07:58:55 AM 1404 Views
Re: They're dumping the blue jerseys for home games. - 16/05/2011 09:22:44 PM 1530 Views
Re: They're dumping the blue jerseys for home games. - 18/05/2011 09:21:13 AM 1408 Views
I'd probably like it better if I weren't such an awful hitter. - 18/05/2011 11:20:06 PM 1438 Views
I can't throw, hit, or run - 21/05/2011 07:03:53 PM 1527 Views
I was sure I'd responded to this; sorry for the delay. - 22/07/2011 04:14:11 PM 1427 Views
I adore our set up. - 09/05/2011 11:05:34 PM 1466 Views
I feel a little less adoration =P - 10/05/2011 12:11:37 AM 1593 Views
see, and I think it enhances my appreciation of the posts. - 10/05/2011 12:15:21 AM 1348 Views
Explanation, please. - 10/05/2011 05:50:20 PM 1469 Views
This is my experience as well. *NM* - 10/05/2011 10:31:49 PM 646 Views
I love that there are many examples of why this board style is a good thing in this thread. - 10/05/2011 10:59:03 PM 1418 Views
it's a bug, not a feature - 11/05/2011 06:45:29 PM 1453 Views
More than 3 reasons. - 12/05/2011 06:37:59 AM 1391 Views
I hate weighing in on these arguments. But fine. - 12/05/2011 07:08:46 AM 1526 Views
Well put - 12/05/2011 08:20:18 AM 1556 Views
My filter is broken then. - 11/05/2011 09:02:07 AM 1375 Views
One comment that hasn't been raised yet. - 11/05/2011 10:41:25 PM 1445 Views
I agree, I hate this old MBstyle. Its time to leave the dark ages. *NM* - 13/05/2011 03:01:50 PM 780 Views
Your brain is just addled by hormones. - 13/05/2011 03:14:27 PM 1392 Views
Hva addled hjernen min? - 13/05/2011 04:36:14 PM 1410 Views
Re: Hva addled hjernen min? - 13/05/2011 05:03:19 PM 1417 Views
Jeg tenkte så. - 13/05/2011 05:55:08 PM 1487 Views
Du er amerikaner - 13/05/2011 06:21:39 PM 1406 Views
Du er slem. - 13/05/2011 08:50:37 PM 1512 Views
You must be new here. - 29/05/2011 06:57:19 AM 1474 Views
Acknowledgement of me as your ruler *NM* - 09/05/2011 07:12:31 PM 736 Views
I'd be happy to carve equally spaced lines into you. - 09/05/2011 07:16:37 PM 1419 Views
I actually did laugh out loud at that one - 10/05/2011 04:00:24 PM 1520 Views
"JESUS is our only ruler!" - 10/05/2011 03:00:01 AM 1237 Views
Are you suggesting Ben is the second coming? *NM* - 10/05/2011 01:16:17 PM 793 Views
He's the harbinger. - 11/05/2011 05:32:19 PM 1424 Views
IRV is terrible, and is the worst option other than FPTP - 10/05/2011 06:07:27 PM 1347 Views
But Borda isn't Condorcet complete either. - 11/05/2011 08:45:05 AM 1486 Views
Hm. Coulda sworn it was. My mistake. - 11/05/2011 11:43:43 PM 1439 Views
NP, happens. - 12/05/2011 01:09:18 AM 1407 Views
Smiley Reduction/Alteration? - 09/05/2011 07:30:25 PM 1188 Views
Also with quotes and close brackets. <---- This is WEIRD. - 09/05/2011 07:34:13 PM 1354 Views
That is quite possibly my biggest annoyance with the whole site. - 09/05/2011 07:40:48 PM 1311 Views
complete agreement - 09/05/2011 10:58:32 PM 1250 Views
Re: Also with quotes and close brackets. <---- This is WEIRD. - 10/05/2011 02:53:50 AM 1394 Views
My name is Tom and I approve these suggestions. - 10/05/2011 02:14:33 PM 1390 Views
How about a music MB? - 09/05/2011 08:00:33 PM 1447 Views
I think it wouldn't be used much. - 09/05/2011 08:08:52 PM 1391 Views
Yeah a post on the Com MB every other week works just fine. *NM* - 09/05/2011 08:16:49 PM 784 Views
Or turn the TV & Movie board into a pop culture board we'd just need to get rid of the rubbish admin - 09/05/2011 09:13:41 PM 1493 Views
Stop being a brat! - 09/05/2011 09:57:35 PM 1509 Views
But it is Jens! - 09/05/2011 10:16:23 PM 1456 Views
aka Best admin ever. - 09/05/2011 10:28:40 PM 1366 Views
aka Best admin ever. - 09/05/2011 10:28:40 PM 1329 Views
No, just the most double posting one - 09/05/2011 10:29:54 PM 1493 Views
Yup, sorry other admins. - 10/05/2011 01:42:45 AM 1486 Views
"Oh. my. fucking. god." - 09/05/2011 10:29:17 PM 1504 Views
Re: I think it wouldn't be used much. - 09/05/2011 08:36:05 PM 1422 Views
i agree - 10/05/2011 02:58:52 PM 1341 Views
Re: i agree - 10/05/2011 03:56:36 PM 1147 Views
Also - 10/05/2011 03:58:56 PM 1435 Views
collapsing of extended thread nests - 09/05/2011 11:09:23 PM 1388 Views
^This. *NM* - 12/05/2011 07:45:46 PM 778 Views
Thirded *NM* - 27/05/2011 01:39:44 PM 732 Views
Quick question, how many users are registered here? *NM* - 10/05/2011 01:38:37 AM 1577 Views
I think the search page User List gives a good estimate (~725 total, counts/MB inside). - 10/05/2011 02:44:50 AM 1494 Views
It doesn't - 13/05/2011 10:29:32 AM 1493 Views
PINK!! - 10/05/2011 03:27:35 AM 1410 Views
Anyone else notice that everyone replying participates on the book, tv + movies and comm boards - 10/05/2011 02:18:08 PM 1435 Views
Indeed. *NM* - 10/05/2011 03:53:23 PM 705 Views
It doesn't help that we make them feel like a blemish on the RAFO scene. - 10/05/2011 04:45:33 PM 1417 Views
But they are - 10/05/2011 04:53:26 PM 1373 Views
I agree. - 10/05/2011 11:10:03 PM 1486 Views
I've seen most people who've replied post on the WoTMB at least occasionally. - 11/05/2011 11:26:44 PM 1426 Views
You are clearly wrong. - 12/05/2011 04:58:34 PM 1212 Views
Its prime ended before the split? Bah, you old geezers always hassle us kids for livin' our life! - 12/05/2011 07:32:02 PM 1416 Views
Nah. - 16/05/2011 08:32:39 PM 1382 Views
Hard to imagine what that must've been like. - 18/05/2011 11:04:57 PM 1450 Views
Report post, moderation powers to all boards, spoiler tags, NM bug, bug submitter's name displayed. - 10/05/2011 05:59:58 PM 1211 Views
I disagree - 10/05/2011 10:34:54 PM 1457 Views
Re: your suggestions - 10/05/2011 11:03:00 PM 1277 Views
Re: your suggestions - 11/05/2011 01:37:34 AM 1455 Views
Re: your suggestions - 11/05/2011 08:24:38 AM 1244 Views
It's just that... - 11/05/2011 06:04:46 PM 1368 Views
Agreed on all points *NM* - 11/05/2011 05:54:52 PM 745 Views
Whoa. You can change quote styles? News to me. *NM* - 11/05/2011 10:02:10 PM 726 Views
It's all there, in the help section at the top of the board. - 12/05/2011 04:50:44 PM 1314 Views
Shush, you. *NM* - 13/05/2011 08:56:05 AM 750 Views
The next time we meet up - 13/05/2011 09:19:01 AM 1366 Views
Anything would be better than nothing. - 13/05/2011 05:48:03 PM 1392 Views
Regarding the forum style - 10/05/2011 11:17:50 PM 1735 Views
+3 *NM* - 10/05/2011 11:35:10 PM 762 Views
Look here! - 11/05/2011 01:25:25 AM 1347 Views
+100 *NM* - 11/05/2011 01:59:30 AM 662 Views
I think that sounds like an excellent middle ground! *NM* - 11/05/2011 04:22:12 AM 737 Views
I agree with the agreement. - 11/05/2011 05:02:44 AM 4472 Views
That sounds an acceptable compromise to me - 11/05/2011 05:32:43 PM 1311 Views
Just an observation/question about post-clicking - 11/05/2011 05:42:30 PM 1424 Views
Re: Just an observation/question about post-clicking - 11/05/2011 06:06:24 PM 1468 Views
Yes. Though it's not just laziness. - 11/05/2011 06:20:50 PM 1272 Views
It's more than laziness, yes. - 11/05/2011 07:53:52 PM 1394 Views
Try laying off the refresh button if you can help it. *NM* - 11/05/2011 08:52:56 PM 783 Views
It's a high - 11/05/2011 10:28:02 PM 1199 Views
Sorry, internet keeps disconnecting when I hit "submit". - 11/05/2011 11:31:52 PM 1442 Views
I was mostly being a smart-ass about the laziness thing. - 12/05/2011 05:16:40 PM 1345 Views
Cool. - 12/05/2011 07:20:49 PM 1368 Views
I used to have to do that - 16/05/2011 08:26:47 AM 2018 Views
Yeah, that sounds familiar. - 16/05/2011 09:15:56 PM 1454 Views
Active Users: 51 - 11/05/2011 01:19:25 AM 1415 Views
Also - 11/05/2011 04:36:17 AM 1454 Views
OoOoo... I like this. *NM* - 11/05/2011 06:25:20 AM 756 Views
Re: Active Users: 51 - 14/06/2011 12:11:43 AM 1319 Views
I wonder if there is a way to make the Search function work... - 11/05/2011 09:56:54 AM 1310 Views
There is an easy fix for that. - 11/05/2011 06:09:10 PM 1415 Views
It's less about mistakes... - 12/05/2011 08:31:59 AM 1365 Views
- 12/05/2011 10:27:57 AM 1389 Views
Yusssss!!1! *NM* - 12/05/2011 09:58:53 PM 719 Views
An option to not have to see those damn smileys - 11/05/2011 02:24:47 PM 1471 Views
Another thing! - 11/05/2011 05:35:10 PM 1392 Views
For the Quickpolls - 11/05/2011 10:22:23 PM 1385 Views
Good idea. - 11/05/2011 11:30:41 PM 1421 Views
Writing page Writing page WRITING PAGE! *NM* - 12/05/2011 01:15:32 AM 802 Views
Links in posts - can they not take us to a new page but to a new tab/window, please? - 12/05/2011 05:49:23 PM 1435 Views
Happens in Chrome and Firefox, too. *NM* - 12/05/2011 06:13:20 PM 747 Views
It's not, but a simple right-click and select "Open in new tab" does the job in FF, at least. - 12/05/2011 10:40:27 PM 1426 Views
Clicking links with your scroll wheel opens them in a new tab. *NM* - 12/05/2011 11:32:29 PM 775 Views
As does CTRL-click. *NM* - 13/05/2011 07:14:56 AM 994 Views
I'd like to know when the last post in a thread was. - 13/05/2011 01:14:02 AM 1417 Views
Like back on wotmania? - 13/05/2011 09:02:33 AM 1361 Views
More references of MGB being the badass he is. *NM* - 13/05/2011 04:57:59 AM 796 Views
some kind of "reply all" feature? - 13/05/2011 06:35:15 AM 1414 Views
Two things: facebook and searching within a post - 13/05/2011 03:07:37 PM 1413 Views
I agree. Not the facebook nonsense, but... - 13/05/2011 03:15:24 PM 1435 Views
+1, especially the FB part. - 13/05/2011 04:46:05 PM 1255 Views
I can add a comment for Facebook liking. - 13/05/2011 06:48:16 PM 1646 Views
Maybe it's another IE vs. Firefox thing. - 13/05/2011 08:52:53 PM 1507 Views
I use chrome - 13/05/2011 09:47:06 PM 1324 Views
Also, re: quickpoll - 15/05/2011 04:18:04 PM 1352 Views
and I'd love to be able to "like" it to facebook *NM* - 15/05/2011 04:55:46 PM 702 Views
Ick... you said the f-word. *NM* - 15/05/2011 08:23:16 PM 736 Views
We have to. - 15/05/2011 08:37:01 PM 1403 Views
Make me an Admin! - 13/05/2011 04:17:59 PM 1445 Views
Of what, exactly? You have no discernible skills beside account corruption. *NM* - 13/05/2011 06:27:51 PM 822 Views
I demand silence from the peanut gallery! *NM* - 15/05/2011 02:25:52 AM 719 Views
~silence granted, throws peanuts~ *NM* - 15/05/2011 07:39:50 PM 687 Views
OFF with your HEAD! *NM* - 16/05/2011 08:06:27 PM 681 Views
Since I don't think anyone else has mentioned it here - HTML - 15/05/2011 09:00:39 PM 1528 Views
Mapthis made something like this. - 15/05/2011 09:25:59 PM 1283 Views
He did. I'd forgotten that - 15/05/2011 09:27:39 PM 1383 Views
WYSIWYG! *NM* - 27/05/2011 02:25:49 PM 760 Views
is inherently evil. *NM* - 27/05/2011 02:40:51 PM 668 Views
...and yet inherently accessible to the non-geek masses - 30/05/2011 02:34:58 AM 1372 Views
As I said... - 30/05/2011 08:55:32 AM 1388 Views
A redesigned home page! - 22/05/2011 04:26:27 AM 1408 Views
This isn't particularly helpful. - 30/05/2011 11:28:46 PM 1470 Views
I'm helpful - 04/07/2011 12:40:08 PM 1482 Views
Mobile version *NM* - 02/06/2011 12:42:25 AM 784 Views
Make quote options more prominent - 13/06/2011 02:21:36 PM 1296 Views
The ability to block someone on a certain board? - 17/06/2011 06:48:41 PM 1378 Views
I would like notification when a premium account downgrades - 18/06/2011 10:42:56 AM 1454 Views
We've already got the Facebook "Like" button, however - 26/06/2011 12:06:51 AM 1403 Views
Unhh... Privacy statement? - 19/07/2011 06:14:49 PM 1285 Views
"Rules" would be a better place, IMHO; we're told at least one of those links should soon work. - 22/07/2011 04:08:54 PM 1319 Views
Thanks for the response / comment, Josh - 23/07/2011 08:59:02 AM 1249 Views
I assume it just means people are too busy working on the site to answer immediately. - 23/07/2011 02:06:48 PM 1292 Views
or at all? - 02/08/2011 12:44:15 PM 1398 Views
Hey, you're preaching to the choir on that one. - 02/08/2011 01:40:43 PM 1513 Views
Admins should be able to move Posts into an already existing thread - 20/07/2011 02:52:05 PM 1336 Views
+1. *NM* - 20/07/2011 03:29:57 PM 682 Views
the ability to empty your outbox - 30/07/2011 04:19:17 PM 1391 Views

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