You threadjacked me to take a potshot, so I don't want to hear it. - Edit 1
Before modification by Joel at 07/05/2011 04:18:39 AM
Some people won't consider your ultimate admission it was just BS reason to not call the cops. Here's hoping your dads entrepreneur of the year friend helped you find some clients and you haven't just increased your overhead to no purpose.
I hired a new account executive this week and am looking to hire three more this month.
Stop being a pussy and get a job
Your continued interest in my sex life, job prospects, future and general well being is touching, in a "why is he so interested?" way.
Have a couple leads to follow up, but nothing solid yet. How's the world of debt collection?
I hired a new account executive this week and am looking to hire three more this month.
Stop being a pussy and get a job
Your continued interest in my sex life, job prospects, future and general well being is touching, in a "why is he so interested?" way.
I knew where you were going but responded in good faith; as usual, I needn't have bothered. If you don't want death threats taken seriously don't repeatedly and explicitly say they ARE serious (or, y'know, don't make them at all). There's a reason I got perm banned after LEAVING, but if reporting the last of more death threats than any of us can count, from two different sources, justifies a ban that's fine by me. Comments like that are definitely well within the definition of vicious and malicious chat that I didn't sign on for but ya'll are welcome to it. From where I sit it's just more evidence the people who told me I also needn't have bothered with a universal Skype chat were right, not to mention vindication of Bens reluctance to create a RAFO chat.