I do worry some about financial stuff now that I have more than a nickel in my checking account at any given time, but I don't worry about personal things. Well, I have put some thought into deleting old livejournal accounts that talk about mental illness and things which might frighten an employer. None of them are linked to my name or personal data, though, so I'm not even too worried about that.
I am aware that there are risks, and I fully support people who care fighting to protect internet privacy. I always check how politicians stand on net neutrality and related issues when deciding who to vote for. But it's really, really not something I concern myself with on a daily basis. Like many aspects of modern life (driving, for example, or letting a child pet your dog), there are a thousand ways to get screwed over, but we find a way to calmly ignore them and go on with our lives. Every person can't worry about every thing. I feel no innate worry about privacy, so I'm not going to go out of my way to scare myself about it.
In short, I support you caring, but I resent the implication that I should too.
I am aware that there are risks, and I fully support people who care fighting to protect internet privacy. I always check how politicians stand on net neutrality and related issues when deciding who to vote for. But it's really, really not something I concern myself with on a daily basis. Like many aspects of modern life (driving, for example, or letting a child pet your dog), there are a thousand ways to get screwed over, but we find a way to calmly ignore them and go on with our lives. Every person can't worry about every thing. I feel no innate worry about privacy, so I'm not going to go out of my way to scare myself about it.
In short, I support you caring, but I resent the implication that I should too.
29/04/2011 09:55:35 AM
Privacy, or, why I don't get to have fun on the web.
29/04/2011 11:05:55 AM
I'm not particularly good at thinking up all the ways to abuse private information
29/04/2011 02:56:03 PM
I am probably the least paranoid person on the web
29/04/2011 11:23:45 AM
What does paranoia have to do with privacy concerns?
29/04/2011 03:04:06 PM
Because I don't think anyone's after me
29/04/2011 03:17:01 PM
I'm going to back Jens up on this...
29/04/2011 08:14:44 PM
I always feel like... somebody's watching me... </end uncredited Michael Jackson loop>
30/04/2011 12:19:34 AM