Active Users:421 Time:12/03/2025 06:18:46 PM
Also on the buying drugs from Canada idea Isaac Send a noteboard - 16/04/2011 08:17:26 PM
Canada produces drugs at the same cost we do, they just have price controls, we'd get the same buy implementing those ourselves and not create a massive trade deficit. However, price controls are a weird bug where intellectual property and future R&D makes up most of the cost. If I spend a billion dollars on something that costs $1 to make but expect to only sell 100,000,000 of them, I must charge $11 a pill to break even. If I have another available market, say a country willing to buy 10,000,000, but they have a price cap of $6, it is still logical for me to sell to them at $6, if everyone suddenly buys from there instead though, I will only make $550,000,000 in revenue, or a loss of $555,000,000 instead of the profit of 1.1 bil plus 60 mill minus 1.110 bil, or $50,000,000 I would otherwise have made. Different can of worms then when production is mostly price of labor and materials, and that itself is a monstrous issue where import/export is concerned.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
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Several basics facts about US Debt and Spending..... - 16/04/2011 04:41:55 AM 1184 Views
Well ... at least we've been here before ... ? - 16/04/2011 06:41:00 AM 711 Views
Guess we should have okay'd those death panels for old people then. Big money saver. *NM* - 16/04/2011 03:38:00 PM 360 Views
Yeah, those old people are draining the system..... - 16/04/2011 06:57:59 PM 692 Views
You're already worse off than much of Europe, honestly. - 16/04/2011 04:08:37 PM 835 Views
Re: You're already worse off than much of Europe, honestly. - 17/04/2011 01:33:31 AM 812 Views
Balancing our budget would be easy. - 16/04/2011 06:46:32 PM 653 Views
Also on the buying drugs from Canada idea - 16/04/2011 08:17:26 PM 760 Views
Re: Also on the buying drugs from Canada idea - 18/04/2011 01:59:44 PM 800 Views
Re: Also on the buying drugs from Canada idea - 18/04/2011 05:16:14 PM 970 Views
Funny you mentioned WWII and 1968. Can you put tax rates at these times as well? - 16/04/2011 07:50:09 PM 1139 Views
Not really. Even if you can substantially raise tax revenue, the entitlement problem remains. *NM* - 16/04/2011 08:25:26 PM 318 Views
Re: Not really. Even if you can substantially raise tax revenue, the entitlement problem remains. - 16/04/2011 09:19:40 PM 800 Views
Have you ever looked at those projections for a decade or two hence? - 16/04/2011 10:13:12 PM 745 Views
Yes I have - 16/04/2011 10:44:50 PM 875 Views
Erm, and you think total health care spending is not getting out of control? I'm a little confused. - 16/04/2011 11:02:52 PM 805 Views
Yes it's going out of control - 16/04/2011 11:17:59 PM 742 Views
Good, we agree on that much then. - 17/04/2011 09:59:17 AM 728 Views
Sorry, but that is a stupid opinion..... - 16/04/2011 08:38:35 PM 688 Views
Sounds like another bull. - 16/04/2011 09:31:05 PM 978 Views
Dude, the data is the revenue increased all three times. - 16/04/2011 09:47:37 PM 923 Views
As I suspected, it's a bull. - 16/04/2011 10:02:05 PM 846 Views
Stop being a fool - read and react to the data provided, posting something..... - 16/04/2011 10:14:11 PM 615 Views
Response is - 16/04/2011 10:19:00 PM 834 Views
Good's like talking to a brick. I really hope you are 12 or 13. - 16/04/2011 10:28:44 PM 822 Views
Re: Good's like talking to a brick. I really hope you are 12 or 13. - 16/04/2011 10:47:24 PM 793 Views
I take it you mean "rate of revenue growth decreases". - 16/04/2011 11:11:19 PM 682 Views
Re: I take it you mean "rate of revenue growth decreases". - 16/04/2011 11:26:02 PM 835 Views
Additional point - 16/04/2011 11:37:17 PM 845 Views
I've just noticed that you've provided charts from Heritage Foundation! Are you f.. kidding me? - 16/04/2011 10:13:46 PM 705 Views
All the data is via CBO - do you know that the CBO is? - 16/04/2011 10:16:08 PM 717 Views
Re: All the data is via CBO - do you know that the CBO is? - 16/04/2011 10:27:01 PM 836 Views
Nice to explain why the same exact thing happened..... - 16/04/2011 10:35:44 PM 650 Views
Re: Nice to explain why the same exact thing happened..... - 16/04/2011 10:49:33 PM 781 Views
Krugman is a shill for the Obama administration. - 17/04/2011 02:34:50 AM 658 Views
Re: Krugman is a shill for the Obama administration. - 17/04/2011 03:50:24 AM 890 Views
Some obesrvations by Republican economists - 18/04/2011 12:27:04 AM 1024 Views
You mean the Keynesian economist who wrote The Failure of Reaganomics - 18/04/2011 04:00:52 PM 660 Views
Re: You mean the Keynesian economist who wrote The Failure of Reaganomics - 18/04/2011 05:36:44 PM 650 Views
Useless fact about our presidents since 1945. - 17/04/2011 09:20:16 PM 906 Views
Re: Several basics facts about US Debt and Spending..... - 20/04/2011 03:51:19 PM 1081 Views

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