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Some other income data for historical perspective, again CBO - Edit 1

Before modification by Isaac at 14/04/2011 07:47:53 PM

This one's data, adjusted to 2007, showing the household incomes broken up into fifths, but again also with top 10%, 5%, and 1%, these are quintiles, feel free to name 'poor', 'working poor', middle, etc but I'm sticking with quintile - and goes from '79 to '07, I'm just sort of guessing arguments will be revolving around everyone's take on figures for next month or so I'm just putting these out without commentary or analysis, two quick obvious points, this is income per household adjusted for inflation, not a measure of wealth or the prosperity of those household, [edit: they actually do have some adjustments for household size, explained on sheet]
Minimum Adjusted Income (2007 dollars)

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