Active Users:553 Time:11/03/2025 04:26:57 AM
be sure to post if it does happen *NM* random thoughts Send a noteboard - 12/04/2011 11:56:17 PM
I had an incredibly vivid dream of dying when the mini-van flips off a bridge or a raised highway. I keep waiting for it, but it hasn't happened yet.
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Questions about souls... - 12/04/2011 03:06:54 AM 2129 Views
Re: Questions about souls... - 12/04/2011 03:23:00 AM 1172 Views
All right. - 12/04/2011 05:50:08 AM 1151 Views
Re: Questions about souls... - 12/04/2011 06:27:14 AM 1129 Views
It would really depend on the mechanism - 12/04/2011 06:28:24 AM 1006 Views
You assume we all know, and agree on, what "soul" means. - 12/04/2011 08:42:47 AM 1051 Views
It is what hope, which is a thing with feathers, perches on. - 12/04/2011 07:32:07 PM 1105 Views
But seriously, what does it do? - 12/04/2011 11:01:58 PM 1106 Views
It makes poems pretty. - 13/04/2011 07:00:03 PM 1129 Views
Re: Yeah, exactly. - 15/04/2011 02:43:24 AM 1099 Views
Just going off the 'reborn' thing.. - 12/04/2011 08:53:28 AM 1030 Views
Hm. - 12/04/2011 03:22:01 PM 1151 Views
Agreed. - 12/04/2011 05:49:11 PM 996 Views
it wouldn't change much for me, but I'm pretty flexible in my spiritual beliefs - 12/04/2011 04:23:34 PM 1138 Views
This. *NM* - 13/04/2011 04:15:11 PM 606 Views
Re: Questions about souls... - 12/04/2011 05:44:53 PM 1192 Views
What a fantasy. - 12/04/2011 07:57:38 PM 1056 Views
What happened to two? *NM* - 12/04/2011 08:20:41 PM 610 Views
Thanks, I fixed it. *NM* - 12/04/2011 08:29:20 PM 623 Views
Your comments, or mine? - 13/04/2011 01:24:53 AM 1537 Views
You get one guess. - 13/04/2011 07:09:01 PM 1258 Views
One dismissive answer deserves another. - 24/04/2011 12:54:44 AM 1154 Views
I'm a Christian who is partial to reincarnation, so I do not think much would change. - 12/04/2011 06:21:36 PM 1098 Views
*is disappointed* *NM* - 12/04/2011 08:01:05 PM 548 Views
You'd be surprised how frequently I get that from both sides. - 12/04/2011 08:22:24 PM 1083 Views
I bet you do! - 12/04/2011 08:47:59 PM 1046 Views
Re: I bet you do! - 13/04/2011 04:02:07 AM 1058 Views
Does it really? - 24/04/2011 01:09:34 AM 971 Views
OMG! - 14/04/2011 06:19:50 PM 1076 Views
Go expand his worldview. *NM* - 14/04/2011 06:56:03 PM 572 Views
I think we are similar in some respects philosophically. - 13/04/2011 05:59:38 AM 1037 Views
Who says.... - 13/04/2011 07:11:24 PM 989 Views
So then my question is.... - 13/04/2011 07:08:42 PM 990 Views
Because I believe that Jesus was an incarnation of the λόγος. - 14/04/2011 12:36:36 AM 1019 Views
*heh* - 14/04/2011 04:12:32 PM 1137 Views
I think I answered it pretty clearly in my post title. *NM* - 14/04/2011 06:59:47 PM 627 Views
Actually, you didn't. - 15/04/2011 12:12:42 AM 1086 Views
Re: Actually, you didn't. - 24/04/2011 09:04:04 AM 1064 Views
I think that, like a lot of other people responding, I would want and need more information. - 12/04/2011 07:13:14 PM 1023 Views
Speaking of the agnostic/atheist thing - 12/04/2011 07:40:04 PM 1069 Views
99% that there is no God... - 12/04/2011 08:08:42 PM 1129 Views
Technically, no, atheists simply lack belief in a God. - 12/04/2011 08:19:15 PM 1054 Views
Whoah there, - 12/04/2011 08:26:43 PM 1044 Views
Okay, I have to admit I wasn't expecting to get called out on that. - 13/04/2011 04:03:08 AM 1131 Views
no I think that's just the literal definition... - 12/04/2011 11:19:18 PM 987 Views
Isn't that what "technically" would imply? - 13/04/2011 04:04:42 AM 1179 Views
It certainly doesn't mean you can't make conclusions. - 12/04/2011 08:09:41 PM 1145 Views
Re: Campbell: - 12/04/2011 08:42:09 PM 1137 Views
Self-identification is an interesting point here. - 12/04/2011 09:00:46 PM 1035 Views
Re: Agree - 12/04/2011 09:22:22 PM 1075 Views
Answers. - 12/04/2011 09:05:38 PM 1035 Views
That's not a compelling counter-argument for me. - 12/04/2011 11:22:21 PM 1209 Views
Never mind. - 12/04/2011 11:34:46 PM 1003 Views
be sure to post if it does happen *NM* - 12/04/2011 11:56:17 PM 561 Views
Have you had any vivid dreams that came true? - 13/04/2011 01:16:59 AM 977 Views
My mom used to have dreams like that, usually about relatives. - 13/04/2011 02:25:45 AM 1116 Views
I can easily believe that. - 13/04/2011 06:14:51 AM 977 Views
Minivans can fit lots of useful stuffs, like furniture. *NM* - 13/04/2011 03:47:04 PM 621 Views
So can gas-guzzling SUVs, and full trucks. *NM* - 13/04/2011 05:13:20 PM 578 Views
for that matter, you can fit a surprising amount even in a baby truck! *NM* - 13/04/2011 06:36:58 PM 556 Views
I'd find it quite comforting - 12/04/2011 07:40:09 PM 1009 Views
Well, as I said in my census form on Sunday - 12/04/2011 08:36:05 PM 1172 Views
Pythagoras was a total nut. - 12/04/2011 10:05:42 PM 1127 Views
True - 12/04/2011 10:13:43 PM 1026 Views
It would upset my belief in science - 12/04/2011 09:39:39 PM 1171 Views
There's so much wrong with that statement. - 12/04/2011 09:55:45 PM 1149 Views
If science proved there really was an Easter Bunny would it affect your believe in science? *NM* - 12/04/2011 10:30:09 PM 665 Views
*is both bored and annoyed* - 12/04/2011 11:03:10 PM 1042 Views
right. - 12/04/2011 11:18:31 PM 1235 Views
and what if science proved that science was false? - 12/04/2011 11:48:32 PM 1115 Views
I think that's kind of the point; it can't. - 13/04/2011 01:33:44 AM 986 Views
Did you read my original post? - 13/04/2011 03:13:34 AM 953 Views
I did, yes. - 13/04/2011 03:32:18 AM 996 Views
Yes it would upset my belief in science, why is that so hard to accept - 13/04/2011 01:56:59 PM 1104 Views
What's a soul? - 12/04/2011 10:51:39 PM 1010 Views
I can only give you my personal take. - 13/04/2011 01:47:39 AM 1151 Views
so did this guy took a railroad spike through the head - 13/04/2011 01:58:52 PM 1168 Views
Nah, he just got someone else's added to him. But now Ruin can influence him. *NM* - 13/04/2011 06:38:31 PM 630 Views
Thanks a lot - 13/04/2011 07:02:29 PM 1033 Views
No. - 23/04/2011 09:15:16 PM 1049 Views
but we know personality can be draticaly altered by physical means - 24/04/2011 03:28:36 AM 1360 Views
"We" don't know that; that's the problem. - 24/04/2011 07:02:49 AM 1173 Views
Can one have an identity without memory? *NM* - 13/04/2011 03:46:16 PM 593 Views
Sure. - 23/04/2011 08:53:51 PM 879 Views
Re: My question about souls: who will save your souuuuls? *NM* - 13/04/2011 04:04:21 AM 594 Views
I would becoming interested in tracing people's souls across time/space - 13/04/2011 04:00:51 PM 1024 Views
Re: I would becoming interested in tracing people's souls across time/space - 14/04/2011 03:29:55 AM 1036 Views
Sorry :-) - 14/04/2011 10:15:30 AM 1113 Views
Interesting concept.... - 13/04/2011 07:28:42 PM 1002 Views
Heh. Loose faith. - 14/04/2011 02:32:27 AM 1006 Views
It kinda still works though....doesn't it? - 14/04/2011 04:14:19 PM 1024 Views
it does work. well in fact! *NM* - 24/04/2011 03:24:25 AM 573 Views
Oooh... - 14/04/2011 04:31:30 AM 1088 Views
Who says..... - 14/04/2011 04:26:31 PM 1145 Views
Wow, thanks for all the responses!! - 14/04/2011 03:42:38 AM 1087 Views

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