Active Users:3324 Time:22/01/2025 08:27:15 PM
Re: Don't be foolish... - Edit 1

Before modification by Joel at 14/03/2011 10:49:54 PM

First off...I'm not a Tea Partier. Not my thing...besides the fact that its a political fad that will die out.

Secondly, since when does electing someone to office automatically equate me agreeing with everything that they say, do, or believe in? I think that may be where you are loosing many people. I've voted for people many times based upon the fact that I either don't like the alternative (which I believe is why many voted Obama) or I don't like the other person.

I realized I had no way of knowing whether you're a Tea Partier, but IIRC you do identify with the Republican Party, which elected the officials in question. That doesn't make you responsible for their every action, nor fully responsible for their every public action, but it does mean you helped put them in power and thus denies you the option of defending their reprehenible and dangerous behavior on the grounds that the other side is worse. I voted for Obama because I thought he was significantly better than McCain; that doesn't obligate me to defend his every action, not even all his acts as President, I've frequently and forcefully stated disagreement with various of those Presidential acts and I don't recall ever resorting to unequal hypothetical comparisons to defend any such acts I knew to be wrong.
So here we are foaming at the mouth (as evidenced by it being spread all over this post) and I am sitting here wondering why you're so upset. You don't live here. Why are you getting so concerned about something/someone for which you will never interact with? Tend your own house. The foolish ravings of some minor elected officials with right itself with the next election cycle....something of which you have even less control over, since you can't even vote here.


I don't even live in America any more, but that probably won't always be the case, my family still lives there and even if both of those things weren't true I wouldn't be pleased to see ignorant xenophobia becoming so widespread that democratic majorities elect political officials who publicly celebrate the idea of the US military murdering its own citizens over religion. Tend my own house? I'm trying to end my own House, and moving to Norway didn't make me any less a US citizen nor less entitled to a say in who sits in my Congress. No, I can't vote in CA (though moondog can, thank God) but that doesn't mean I have to remain mute when those elected by people who do publicly engage in dangerous and inflammatory behavior. Since we're playing the "tit for tat" game again, you might want to let random thoughts know that he can't talk about William Jefferson keeping dirty money in his fridge anymore: He doesn't live in LA so it's none of his business. Just like all them thar Yankee librals need to leave Governor Wallace alone; lessin' they moves to Alabama they ain't got no right to argue with "segregation now, segregation forever!" (they's all commies anyhow).

I agree that the Tea Party is a flash in the pan, but it's a product of a far more disturbing American sentiment that goes back at least as far as the equally xenophobic and ignorant "American" Party. Actually, "the Kow Nothing Party" remains a good name for that philosophy, IMHO. The irony is that the Tea Party only exists because Bushs attempts to satisfy the most extreme elements in the uneasy GOP marriage between godless graft, gunboat mercantilism and intolerant fundamentalism fractured it beyond repair. The Tea Party is blessed by the fact the lack of any coherency or national unity has precluded the need to write a platform, but that won't be the case much longer. When the folks who want to build a wall around the country are forced to break bread with the ones who want to invade the world and the folks who want to ban gay marriage have to sit down with the ones who want to sell rainbow flags at a 50% markup the whole thing's going to implode all over again. The only thing we can be sure of is that it will be the fault of godless liberal commie terrorists.

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