hispanics/asians/native Americans should start yelling "Go back to Europe!" to all you white folk
First it was the Germans and the Irish, then it was the Italians, then Chinese, then the Hispanics and Muslims. Every new immigrant group is seen as about ready to dismantle the American system, particularly to those who feel that they're slipping into poverty. The sad thing is that the people who are slipping into poverty are also often the less educated, which leads to sick displays like that.
Isnt it funny though? You see movies that are set in like the 1900's and the Italians are treated like second class citizens and not accepted as "American" and now people with last names like Romano and Cruisculo are yelling at Hispanics and Muslims to go back to where they came from. So im kinda wondering...when its our turn to act like assholes who will our victims be? hmmmmm
The crude and abrasive language was definitely not directed at controversial people and doctrines that support violence. It was a full-scale assault on an entire religion.
Perhaps worst of all, many of the Muslims who move to America do so because they want to get away from radicals and hypocrites in their own countries. What message is that sending to them?
Yeah no kidding. Most muslims in this country come from such fucked up countries that even being yelled at like that by assholes is not gonna scare us off. Sure it makes you sad, and I honestly felt hurt and personally attacked that video but at the end of the day im sure for every redneck asshole yelling int he crowd, the Muslims have 5 really great (white/black) American friends to cancel out their voices of hatred.
Isnt it funny though? You see movies that are set in like the 1900's and the Italians are treated like second class citizens and not accepted as "American" and now people with last names like Romano and Cruisculo are yelling at Hispanics and Muslims to go back to where they came from. So im kinda wondering...when its our turn to act like assholes who will our victims be? hmmmmm
The crude and abrasive language was definitely not directed at controversial people and doctrines that support violence. It was a full-scale assault on an entire religion.
Perhaps worst of all, many of the Muslims who move to America do so because they want to get away from radicals and hypocrites in their own countries. What message is that sending to them?
Yeah no kidding. Most muslims in this country come from such fucked up countries that even being yelled at like that by assholes is not gonna scare us off. Sure it makes you sad, and I honestly felt hurt and personally attacked that video but at the end of the day im sure for every redneck asshole yelling int he crowd, the Muslims have 5 really great (white/black) American friends to cancel out their voices of hatred.
Aisha - formerly known as randschicka
This makes me feel sick, and very angry.
12/03/2011 11:00:10 PM
At first I thought it was just really dark humor, which I admittedly have a taste for.
12/03/2011 11:31:51 PM
Re: At first I thought it was just really dark humor, which I admittedly have a taste for.
12/03/2011 11:51:36 PM
this does as well, and it's also related to people's ignorance
13/03/2011 01:26:29 AM
That video disturbed me enough that I tried to figure out why anyone would do that.
13/03/2011 05:39:20 AM
I agree with you
13/03/2011 06:07:18 AM
It's the hypocrisy of people who don't recognize their ancestors also moved here.
13/03/2011 06:21:41 AM
except that they had a town supervisor and two congressmen, that's hardly uneducated
13/03/2011 06:55:49 AM
I think all us brownish minorities
13/03/2011 08:39:16 AM
Re: That video disturbed me enough that I tried to figure out why anyone would do that.
13/03/2011 06:59:22 AM
I guess if you consider supporting suicide bombing as moderate then they nust be moderate
13/03/2011 05:16:10 PM
I posted that I donated $10.. and was AMBUSHED by one of my fb friends.
13/03/2011 05:23:14 AM
I have a "friend" who is always posting religious quotes...
13/03/2011 07:59:21 PM
I have a friend who posted something like that after the Haiti Quake
14/03/2011 03:33:34 AM
If God's that pissed off about Pearl Harbor (mind you 70 years is a long time for vengeance..)
13/03/2011 11:21:56 AM
Re: Any society.
14/03/2011 02:48:03 AM
Atheists don't ever have twisted senses of justice? I must know quite a few believers in denial.
14/03/2011 07:35:13 AM
I think the point was that atheists don't tend to believe in divine retribution. *NM*
14/03/2011 08:22:00 AM
This is true.
14/03/2011 05:50:11 PM
Re: Counting
15/03/2011 01:26:37 AM
Religion throwdown? In this thread? Was not expecting it, but okay.
15/03/2011 06:33:32 AM