But am very happy about the graceful, elegant ring that now adorns one of them.
It's pretty strange to think that I started coming here (or rather to wotmania) when I was just twelve years old, and now I'm engaged! In the time between, I have met at least a couple dozen Rafonauts, traveled to Europe because of them, dated one for three and a half years, grown and matured into a just-about adult.
I now live 2100 miles away from my sprouting ground, have two amazing dogs, and yesterday my fiance and I received the keys to our very first house.
It's strange to think how these separate lives and friendships influence each other. Sometimes I'll go on hiatus here for months at a time, and return unsure about how I fit in - but all the while, the things that I'm trying and doing are possible largely because of my RAFO-related experiences. Legolas in particular taught me how to be a better, more understanding and mature person. And if I think way back to 13-year-old Clover, who relied on wotmania for a sense of family, I know she'd want there to be an announcement here.
So, here's to you, RAFOwotmania! I wouldn't be where I am without you.
It's pretty strange to think that I started coming here (or rather to wotmania) when I was just twelve years old, and now I'm engaged! In the time between, I have met at least a couple dozen Rafonauts, traveled to Europe because of them, dated one for three and a half years, grown and matured into a just-about adult.
I now live 2100 miles away from my sprouting ground, have two amazing dogs, and yesterday my fiance and I received the keys to our very first house.
It's strange to think how these separate lives and friendships influence each other. Sometimes I'll go on hiatus here for months at a time, and return unsure about how I fit in - but all the while, the things that I'm trying and doing are possible largely because of my RAFO-related experiences. Legolas in particular taught me how to be a better, more understanding and mature person. And if I think way back to 13-year-old Clover, who relied on wotmania for a sense of family, I know she'd want there to be an announcement here.
So, here's to you, RAFOwotmania! I wouldn't be where I am without you.
Also known as kazetaran
"The Daleks on the bus say exter-min-ate" Taran 9-3-2012
Also known as kazetaran

"The Daleks on the bus say exter-min-ate" Taran 9-3-2012
I have stubby hobbit fingers.
15/01/2011 09:28:27 PM
Quite beautiful, as is the ring.
15/01/2011 10:21:39 PM

One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all...
16/01/2011 12:02:31 AM
Congrats, Angie! I hope you and your fiance have many happy years together! *NM*
16/01/2011 02:17:11 AM
Very pretty!
Congrats Angie! *NM*
16/01/2011 06:26:21 AM

It's kind of blurry in the photo, but I'm glad you approve.
Thank you. *NM*
16/01/2011 06:28:35 AM

big congratulations on both the engagement and the new home! how wonderful!!
16/01/2011 10:18:00 PM

So, the gay thing's done? Or is this one of those pretend-wedding engagements they do?
17/01/2011 04:13:10 PM