I think I might want to make a bucket list, although I'm a little impatient so I don't know if I would follow through with it. Maybe I'll make a list of things I want to accomplish in a year. Hmm...
Well do any of you have bucket lists? What's on them? Which have you already accomplished? What achievements are you most proud of? Which ones do you think will be the most difficult to accomplish? If you don't have one, why not?
Guess I shoulda made this a survey, ah well
Well do any of you have bucket lists? What's on them? Which have you already accomplished? What achievements are you most proud of? Which ones do you think will be the most difficult to accomplish? If you don't have one, why not?
Guess I shoulda made this a survey, ah well
Do you have a bucket list?
10/01/2011 07:14:58 PM