Getting dyslexic in your old age, eh?
I was trying to be a gentleman... and what do I get? An age insult!
I'm not working.
I'm driving north with two yowling cats to get a second check-up for their quarantine. I know who I'm blaming!

your sister? Very selfish of her living so far away!

Had wine yesterday, check. Had chocolate yesterday, check. ... Maybe I better just not pick up my phone today.

Robert Graves "There is no money in poetry, but then there is no poetry in money, either."
Henning Mankell "We must defend the open society, because if we start locking our doors, if we let fear decide, the person who committed the act of terror will win"
Robert Graves "There is no money in poetry, but then there is no poetry in money, either."
Henning Mankell "We must defend the open society, because if we start locking our doors, if we let fear decide, the person who committed the act of terror will win"
Happy Birthday Nossy!!
10/12/2010 10:27:07 AM
Happy Birthday!
10/12/2010 12:01:07 PM

"Many Happy Returns!"
10/12/2010 05:48:56 PM